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Ipamorelin dosage... 250mg/per too much?


New member
May 10, 2010
Just a quick question guys... bout to recon and wondering whether i should dose my Ipamorelin at 167mg/inj or 250mg? Inj at 2-3x per day. Dosing is based upon allowing my reconstituition to coenicide with either 4mg or 6mg of mod-1-29..

4mg ghrh i would recon to equal 250mg Ipamorelin/ 6mg i would recon to equal 167mg.

Just wondering.. I'm leaning more towards the 250...
Need an opinion before I recon!!

Vein5 the only reason I am going for the higher dosage is due to the fact that I have a 10mg vial... If I reconed that and only used 100mcg per shot then it would sit reconed for a LONG time.. I'm worried about losing potency over a long period of time..
Oh well... to late! My research will continue with a dose of 250... 2-3x day... ;)
The saturation dose for a male at about 215lbs is about 100mcg's. You can go over this amount but there is a point of diminishing returns. If you feel you have to do you more to use up the peptide before is goes bad (which I don't agree with) your best method would be 100-125 mcg's every 2 hrs with CJC-1295.
I completely agree with Iron Gator

I believe Iron Gator said it best, you can only take in so much before you reach saturation and then the level of diminished returns. With Bac/Water it should be ok for about 18-21 days as long it is refrigerated.
My thinking here is that:
1. I have a 10mg bottle (that would last forever at low doses), hence I can use alil more..
2. Ipamorelin being the least potent of the secretagogues can allow for a higher dosing..
3. Supposed zero stimulation on pituitary ACTH/prolactin secretion. Hence a higher dose can be used more safely than others..

I had decided to dose at 250mg/inj of the Ipamorelin at 2-3x/day and so far in the last couple of days I've been doing this I'm highly surprised and happy. If this continues I will be ecstastic. I have been harder, denser, tighter and overall look much better (ie this must be partially due to a drop in water from d/cing the ghrp-6 and starting the Ipa)

I'm actually adding in a low dose of prami but believe I will probably continue with my current dosing of the Ipa and probably for the longer running..
Just a quick question guys... bout to recon and wondering whether i should dose my Ipamorelin at 167mg/inj or 250mg? Inj at 2-3x per day. Dosing is based upon allowing my reconstituition to coenicide with either 4mg or 6mg of mod-1-29..

4mg ghrh i would recon to equal 250mg Ipamorelin/ 6mg i would recon to equal 167mg.

Just wondering.. I'm leaning more towards the 250...

You should not exceed 300 mg of IPA. It is best to reserve taking IPA with a GHRH analog such as GRF 1-29 aka CJC 1295 withOUT DAC before bed. Your other GHRP should be either GHRP2 or 6 or hexareling. DATBtrue advised that GHRP-2 is the most diverse of them all. However, IPA is best taken prior to bed time.
Remember the once you start exceeding the saturation dose of 1mg/kg, you do have diminishing returns. This is usually after 300 mg.
You should not exceed 300 mg of IPA. It is best to reserve taking IPA with a GHRH analog such as GRF 1-29 aka CJC 1295 withOUT DAC before bed. Your other GHRP should be either GHRP2 or 6 or hexareling. DATBtrue advised that GHRP-2 is the most diverse of them all. However, IPA is best taken prior to bed time.
Remember the once you start exceeding the saturation dose of 1mg/kg, you do have diminishing returns. This is usually after 300 mg.

Sily me. I just noticed I stated mg and not mcg. Please change my dosage that I recommend 300mcg of IPA and/or 100 mcg.
Sily me. I just noticed I stated mg and not mcg. Please change my dosage that I recommend 300mcg of IPA and/or 100 mcg.

Its cool, we all knew where you were going with it.

IMO, I have done 150mcg and felt that it worked great. Using Bac Water, stored cold and dark, you should be good for about 25days. Several sponsors sell their IPA in smaller mg so that might be an option for the future...

Good luck with it bro, let us know how 250 treats you.
When is it to much??

I think we habitually speaking have these tendencies to fall into the "more is better routine", while in certain circumstances that rule of thumb applies, but not necessarily so with peps. Never lose sight of the fact that we all have a saturation level and after a certainn amount all you are doing is wasting it. There is a an art to taking this where you know and understand your levels of saturation and know that once you breach those levels you have hit the point of no return. If we max out at 150mcgs and anything after that is a pure waste of product.................why do more......why??? It certainly will not make a difference if you do 150 250 or 1500. Your body can't absorb more than 150, so I pose the question to our audience tonite......... Is it psychological why we take more than necessary, or we have actually fooled ourselves into believing that no matter the amount it will work and work well???
I know Ipamorelin is a bit little less powerfull than GHRP6 and not cortisol and prolactine effect.
has it any other differences too ?
you are wasting your peptides at that dosage. why risk the sides for very little return after the saturation dosage?
I wouldn't worry about it degrading, my peps sat in customs for over a month one time and they were still potent! Also I wouldn't be pinning 250mgs at a time, hell I wouldn't even pin 1mg at a time. I would pin at the saturation dose of 100mcgs for yourself maybe go 150mcgs max. Anything more is a waste.

This stuff isn't like IGF1, it can handle being around for awhile until you use it up.
Anyone have a good dosing protocol for Ipamorelin? Should it be used with GHRP6 in the same pin?
Anyone have a good dosing protocol for Ipamorelin? Should it be used with GHRP6 in the same pin?

No GHRP6 and Ipam will do the same thing. Ideally you would use it will mod 1-29. 100mcg/each 2-3x/day

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