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Iphone vs. Droid


Dec 11, 2006
OK guys.. there is rumor that verizon is possibly getting the iphone... i dont know how true the rumor is...However, i wanted to know from everyones experiences that have a droid or iphone, what do you think about it? likes? dislikes? comparisons?
droid all the way. open source technology means anyone can write an app for it. you dont have to wait for apple to approve someone elses app. also if and when they crack the teathering you will be able to do it for free.
droid all the way. open source technology means anyone can write an app for it. you dont have to wait for apple to approve someone elses app. also if and when they crack the teathering you will be able to do it for free.

hasn't there been a crack for tethering yet?
I text a lot and I like the Droid because it has an actual keyboard, my cousin has an iphone and I tried texting on the virtual keyboard and it drove me crazy.
I can't speak on the droid but I have an iPhone for personal and a BB Tour for work. iPhone is the best phone I've ever had thus far. I am an OG iPhone user and am on the 3GS presently. I don't text a lot however when I do I don't have any problems with the virtual keyboard.
I text a lot and I like the Droid because it has an actual keyboard, my cousin has an iphone and I tried texting on the virtual keyboard and it drove me crazy.

I had difficulty with the virtual keyboard for about 2 days when I got my iPhone - after that it was as easy as using a "real" keyboard. On landscape mode I can type pretty damn fast.

I've played around with the Droid - I don't know the model, but the girl who owned it hated it and I found it counter-intuitive. But honestly I used it for 1/2 an hour -- she wanted an iPhone, but had verizon.

I've read some pre-reviews of the Windows 7 phones -- they are getting a lot of praise from traditional iPhone fanboys.. so even if the iPhone never comes over to verizon, Win7 may be the way to go this fall.
i phone all the way bro!! a few friends have the droid and it suck compared its slower then the i phone it lags a lot, the app screen looks all cheesy compared to the i phone. ive had mine for 1.5 years and its still as fast as the day i got it without any probs ever frezzing or slowing down unlike the driod my freinds have that is slow already and its brand new. the driods not bad but if you have a choice the i phone is king!!!!!!!!!
Had both but Iphone is my fav. Just sucks with all the drop calls and signal sometime sux
My 2 cents

I had a bb up to 1 month ago. Loved the email and key board. Have a droid x now for a month. I'm still on the learning curve and frustrated. My wife got a iPhone 3 through work about the same time as I got my droid. I'm already significantly more proficient on her apple. I'm a technical dunderhead and I'm struggling with my droid. Although I believe in the right hands it would be a great phone.
I have a 16GB iphone for work but use it for everything. I love how user friendly it is and like how the screens are organized. I have 6 different email accounts set up that I access at a touch of a symbol so intertwining work/personal has never been easier for me. Throw in a nice user face for the ipod portion and it's ready to rock music at work or at home. I also have a personal use LG Dare through Verizon and I'm not impressed at all. Quite lame actually. Not sure about the Droid since I haven't used it but I have nothing but great things to say about the iphone.
Evo 4g ftw!!! 1ghz processor, 512mb ram.
4.3inch screen. Android froyo 2.2. 8mp cam/720p hd videos. Never slow, also has speech to text.
iPhone for me, currently got the 4.
I've tried android phones but they can't entice me away from the iPhone.
Iphone 4 all the way, Jailbroken ofcourse..lets you install any 3rd party app you want..

I have the tethering hack installed and it's great, I don't pay for internet, and I can take the laptop on the go and have internet running right into it from the phone, its nice!

A jailbroken Iphone is way better than any droid based OS phone
Evo 4g ftw!!! 1ghz processor, 512mb ram.
4.3inch screen. Android froyo 2.2. 8mp cam/720p hd videos. Never slow, also has speech to text.

my problem with that phone is that it is made by htc, and from my experience they are the least reliable phone makers there are. ive had 8 htc fuze's and 3 tilt 2s, as well as 2 tilts. they all constantly froze, or broke in some manner or another. htc has some serious quality problems, so im willing to bet the evo will have all of these problems as well. since my current tilt 2 broke i ordered the iphone 4, which will arrive monday
Yes the crack for tethering has been out for a while now for Droid.
my problem with that phone is that it is made by htc, and from my experience they are the least reliable phone makers there are.
they all constantly froze, or broke in some manner or another. htc has some serious quality problems, so im willing to bet the evo will have all of these problems as well. since my current tilt 2 broke i ordered the iphone 4, which will arrive monday

My wife had 2 HTC's and they both routinely froze. If the quality of life suffers with them then what's the point?
Apple censors stuff. No nudie pic apps on your Iphone. Good enough reason for me not to get it. If I wanted that, I'd move to Saudi Arabia.
My wife and I love our Droids. The integrated calendar and google voice alone makes it gold for us (hint: free text messaging so we could drop text message fees altogether, texted/emailed voicemail, online calendar sync for multiple calendars across multiple platforms all shown together, etc). We've also found that any app that we would want has a free version. Lastly, we have a free program we've installed that GPS tracks the phones in real time so you can log in from any phone or computer and find out where the other person is (or where your lost or stolen phone is).

It doesn't hurt that these phones are some seriously tough phones ... I've abused mine thoroughly and it just has a couple scuffs on it. The only downside is I'm not a fan of the hardware keyboard (which ironically is what drew me to this rather than the google phone) and I now use Swype exclusively.

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