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Is porn cheating?


Featured Member / Kilo Klub
Featured Member
Kilo Klub Member
Aug 22, 2002
If a guy looks every once in awhile at porn online, do gf's have a right to be PISSED?

Mine seems to think so. She says that if I am looking at porn, it means I am not satisfied at home (which I am). I looked at Dr. Goodbody's thread on porn and she looked in the history. Now she is ticked off. Bros, I have never cheated nor would I ever. I looked at porn and now I am branded as a cheater of sorts.

If any of you bros have gf's or wives that do not have a problem with this, perhaps they could write a little something on this issue. I cannot explain it.
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my wife has no problem with it. She was bothered a little at first, but now she's fine with it. I'm not exactly a porn freak though watching it 24/7, as long as you're not infatuated with it, she should be fine. She shouldn't have a problem with it.

If porn is cheating, there would be a 100% divorce rate...lol
some girls just think that way man, one even went as far as saying i would be cheating if i was jerking off and thinking of someone else. i dont think its cheating if you look at porn every once in awhile but if thats all you do and you have a GF, i tink you just have problems. she should just drop it and know you wont do anyting like that to her.
mines watches them with me.
if they say its cheating, she is insecure and needs
to deal with low self-esteem issues.
You know I am as much of a pig...

...as most guys but, if I saw my wife watching some dudes Schlong I would prolly kill her. That could be halo though kicking in.hahaha

porn is only cheating if you are making it.... not watching it.
She looked at your browser history, went to the thread, and saw that the post contained porn... and then said that was cheating?

Dump her! BTW, if you want a woman's opinion, go post it in the sex love and dating forum at beyondmass.com - lot's of women posting in that forum, and you could get some opinions, and pretty sure none would think it was cheating.
Ivan I'm so sorry that my porn thread caused any problems between you and your GF.

Personally, I don't think porn is cheating, and neither does my wife, basically we view it as a warm-up to sex. My wife doesn't mind me looking at porn, because she knows who's gonna get the goods at the end. And I don't mind her looking, because I love it when she's hot and ready to go. I guess I'm just one of the lucky ones who's wife doesn't think porn is gross or dirty.

My only advice is to reassure your GF that you still are only interested in her and that any porn viewing is only recreational preparation for getting with her.

Oh, and clean out your browser history after each session!!! :D

good luck,

ivan i feel yeah bro, my girl was pulling some of the same shit on me,, but might i add, my girl isnt giving me any, shes waiting until we get married, THAT FUCKING SUCKS!!! LOL

but she gives good head and we fuck around a lot just no sex, im used to sex like twice a day, plus shes away at school so porn is my savior..


Yes I agree thats some underhanded shit for her to check behind you. Ask her what she was looking for or expecting? Its not even like you were on a porn site! She should be reileved-Id bet she
was expecting to find you on some internet dating, considering she was suspious enough to look.
Men are so visual, girls are emotional. She is confusing your amusing yourself visually, with what she considers emotional involvment (with a damn picture). My wife knows I like to look at Victoria Secrets/Frerericks Of Hollywood. I told her if you put that book down in front of any man and he doesnt look-he is gay or neutered. Yes, my wife would get pissed if she saw me looking at porn online-but only because women are controlling bitches. But she wouldnt check my history to see about it either. There is a big problem there.
no way its cheating, some girls ive been with hated it other liked it?
look, she is going to have to realize that guys look at porn.. it is that simple.. period.. it does not mean that we are going to cheat or that we are not satisfied at home..we just like tits and ass and they more of it we see the better.. my wife actually watches it with me.. we never quite make it through the previews but, she is there nonetheless..now, that being said, i would be pretty pissed if my wife was browsing the internet looking at other guys units.. a double standard?? hell yes.. but, true.. we are wired completely different than girls and are very visual animals..hell, i love to ass watch at resturants but, if ya ask me what the girls face looked like, i would have a hard time telling ya..it means nothing.. hopefully she will understand that..if not, you are in for a long road ahead of you..
no way is it cheating, my girl watches it with me, i'll admit tho, when we first got together, it made her feel bad, she's half asian and has a small bone structure and she was insecure because all my ex's had big thick cheeks...(i love a thick booty, baby got back mmmm) so at first she felt a lil bad cuz she thought i wasn't happy with her booty size, but we had a talk and she knows i love her and all that mushy stuff... i just like to check out thick booties too... heck sometimes when its just me and her at the mall she'll point out a nice booty to me and say suttin nasty in my ear...then we go and do the nasty hehehe.

p.s. but i did used to date a girl that was 100% against porn, and she would tell me how disgusting it is and all that, needless to say we didn't last long, it wasn't mainly for the porno being disgusting, everyone has their own taste, but she would tell me how i needed to change blah blah blah, so i dropped her.
Ivan , be careful.Your chick obviously has some seroius self esteam issues.Which can end up down the line building up your frustration and end up getting you into trouble, because of the cumulation of all of that dumb bullshit. If she is searching your computer, your phone, or your room [car] then bro she has some major issues.I know you are a great guy and you Love Nikki to death, but you need to lay it on the line with her Asap.Tell her to get some help and to work on these issues or to move on.I dated a chick just like this, when I was your age and I kept thinking it would get better.Instead it got worse and more frustraiting .When I finally got tired of the fighting and asked her to move out, because I knew I was real close to losing it ,possibly smacking her ,I knew I just couldn't take it antmore.It was hard ,because I loved her , but that was no way to live.Constantly being accused of shit you aren't doing and listning to stupid remarks all of the time.When you are doing nothing wrong what so ever.By the way Ivan ,this chick her family ended up robbing out 200 hundread grand and this was just 6 months following my arrest.[so not very good timing]I know Nikki is a great chick , but she needs to get over her this bullshit.If not do yourself a favor and get rid of her.Otherwise you will be the one that pays the price my friend.She needs to get over this crap or move on period.
Shit is porn cheating ? Of course it is phuking not.......Porn is a beautiful thing .....I used to like it quite it quite a bit.LOL!But now my time is so limited and I have found this place ,my porn time has all but disapeared.Even guys in the NBA love porn!Kevin Garnett and Jerry Stackhouse bought over 1000 dollars each in porn at the adult store that we have inside my club.They weren't even embarassed.Shit , I would be doing that ,but my job comes with lots of benifits.LOL!Half the porn stars you guys jerk off to, have at least sucked my dick....LOL! I am not lying either kids.....I feature a major porn star every other week at the club, so I know most of those crazy ass girls......pretty well!LOL!
Goodluck bro you have a tough rode ahead.....
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Just asked my wife her thoughts. She's very cool with it and doesn't think of it as cheating at all. She pretty much agreed with what Dr. Goodbody said. At first I wasn't sure how she'd respond so I showed her. The next thing you know, I was catching her watching it all the time.

Didn't bother me a bit, cause it just got her warmed up. Come to think of it, I need to get her watching it again.
Ivan...I just asked my girlfriend.

Here is what she said......'What?' We have sex watching porn!
I explained what happened and why your girl accused you of cheating..........and then she said.."why is she checking his history?" "That's none of her business". She's watching tv in the next room and saw the Dr. Goodbody thread........I didn't even know she saw it. I posted some comment on there....evidently it didn't piss her off. I am not so foolish to think she's not going to run across other good looking guys out there in life.....some even better looking than me! <now I know you are thinking, "yeah, right, Jethro, you are beautiful" hahaha.......anyway I have seen the pics you posted of your hot looking little honey. Tell her I say they don't come much better looking than her and she should stop worrying. Did you get bent out of shape when she took the pic with Jay? My girl told me she thought he was really good looking. She likes big dudes. I even emailed Niki once..........she seems really nice. It might be a lot of things besides the porn. I read on here that you work in a club....when I used to do that, I met a lot of women. Is that happening to you? Maybe she's jealous about that too. On a more personal note........When I have gone through periods of time when I was alone and if I watched porn...it would mess me up for days. Sex was all I could think about........makes it hard to be a good Christian and think those good thoughts!! She's probably just insecure. It's probably something you are gonna have to straighten out. She's got to pick her battles.......I mean is this a deal breaker for her? Hope not. When is she gonna put her 'foot' down about your other behaviors? I hope it all works for the best. I wouldn't be too pleased about someone checking/snooping around on me all the time. That's not good.
Yup some women are just controlling bitches. My wife had a bigger porn collection that I did when we first met, now she gets pissed when I check out Hustler? I'm with MikeS, that fact that she checked up on you is the real problem, that shit's not healthy.

NIPPLY just needs to sit back and think about what she has. I know for a fact you would not cheat...she is not like the other women out there. She is a bit jealous at times, but that will all change as she gets older...she is a heck of a girl.


Ivan is your girl Latino? I date Latin girls religiously and they are always trying to catch you doing something, My ex girlfriend went as far as checking my emails, my web browser, and voice mail. I had to get rid of her, is there any reason why she is checking up on you, have you given her a reason to belive you are unfaithful. ANother thing : Explain to her that you were jerking off years and years before you met and if she doesnt act right you will be doing for years and years after she is gone.

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