I haven't seen these studies, but they are, generally, flawed. "A compound exercise followed by an isolation exercise is optimum for growth" - optimal for who? For someone who has never exercised, for an advanced trainer? and how is "optimal" measured - against what? Being that everyone responds to different stimuli differently for many many different reasons (eg slow/fast twitch, body comp etc) this isn't taken into account either.
I think most of these studies show that, should a normal person apply challenging resistance to their muscles, they will illicit growth. I think that's about as far as they are useful.
Plenty have shown that pre-exhaust is a very useful technique (and I subscribe) and this would be the opposite of these studies.
On the whole, I try to base my workouts around compound movements and eliminate as many isolations as possible. Where done, they are done as one or two movements at the end of a workout.