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it should be a requirement . . . .


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Jul 29, 2006
In my opinion, it should be a requirement for anybody, especially
beginners asking for steroid dosage advice to include some good
quality, full body photographs; front, rear and side views.

You can lie about how strong you are, about how long you have
been lifting, your measurements, your percentage of body fat,
your cycle history, etc., but you can't lie about how you look
and that is what bodybuilding is all about; how you look.

I for one would just love to have a peek at some of these folks who
are asking for AAS advice, those posting these outrageous cycles
all the while bragging about how big and strong they are (or want
to be).

This just might go a long way towards cutting down the number of
senseless, redundant, and sometimes insane cycle questions that
some of our "cherished" members ask.
In my opinion, it should be a requirement for anybody, especially
beginners asking for steroid dosage advice to include some good
quality, full body photographs; front, rear and side views.

You can lie about how strong you are, about how long you have
been lifting, your measurements, your percentage of body fat,
your cycle history, etc., but you can't lie about how you look
and that is what bodybuilding is all about; how you look.

I for one would just love to have a peek at some of these folks who
are asking for AAS advice, those posting these outrageous cycles
all the while bragging about how big and strong they are (or want
to be).

This just might go a long way towards cutting down the number of
senseless, redundant, and sometimes insane cycle questions that
some of our "cherished" members ask

You know it wouldn't. The people that ask (I've been guilty) have been told to do some research because guys don't want to answer the same question over and over and over. But they post the same question in a different thread. The people don't want to do the research. They want other people to do the leg work. I believe many of them would prefer that someone else lift the weight for them too
No doubt most of them would steal pics and post those. Then you'd ask for something in the pic stating their handle name, but one could photoshop something in there as well. It's a good idea, just too many ways around it.
most would just post a pic of someone else if they had something to hide......
I'm probably going to get bashed for this but here goes anyway...................
Most of the guys asking for advice on first cycles are too young, too skinny, too inexperienced and have no business embarking down this path anyway. You will not get them to post pics because they know they are in the wrong. All I want to say is put in the years, spend some dosh on good training advice from a reputable trainer, spend some more dosh on some groceries and then come back and ask what you want, yes with a pic would be priceless and you gain some serious respect around here. Otherwise sit behind the screen and dream your little dreams and maybe the sandman will visit you!!

I say what I say because I am older, wiser and have too many years experience in training and training others. Or in short I just don't give a F#@K what anyone thinks about me. I do my thing, I have been there and done that. Yes I too get tired of seeing the same questions day after friggin day.............that's why I took a Hiatus from here for a while........!!!
I'm probably going to get bashed for this but here goes anyway...................
Most of the guys asking for advice on first cycles are too young, too skinny, too inexperienced and have no business embarking down this path anyway. You will not get them to post pics because they know they are in the wrong. All I want to say is put in the years, spend some dosh on good training advice from a reputable trainer, spend some more dosh on some groceries and then come back and ask what you want, yes with a pic would be priceless and you gain some serious respect around here. Otherwise sit behind the screen and dream your little dreams and maybe the sandman will visit you!!

I say what I say because I am older, wiser and have too many years experience in training and training others. Or in short I just don't give a F#@K what anyone thinks about me. I do my thing, I have been there and done that. Yes I too get tired of seeing the same questions day after friggin day.............that's why I took a Hiatus from here for a while........!!!

Welcome back oldfella,i have always enjoyed your posts
In my opinion, it should be a requirement for anybody, especially
beginners asking for steroid dosage advice to include some good
quality, full body photographs; front, rear and side views.

You can lie about how strong you are, about how long you have
been lifting, your measurements, your percentage of body fat,
your cycle history, etc., but you can't lie about how you look
and that is what bodybuilding is all about; how you look.

I for one would just love to have a peek at some of these folks who
are asking for AAS advice, those posting these outrageous cycles
all the while bragging about how big and strong they are (or want
to be).

This just might go a long way towards cutting down the number of
senseless, redundant, and sometimes insane cycle questions that
some of our "cherished" members ask.

I'm probably going to get bashed for this but here goes anyway...................
Most of the guys asking for advice on first cycles are too young, too skinny, too inexperienced and have no business embarking down this path anyway. You will not get them to post pics because they know they are in the wrong. All I want to say is put in the years, spend some dosh on good training advice from a reputable trainer, spend some more dosh on some groceries and then come back and ask what you want, yes with a pic would be priceless and you gain some serious respect around here. Otherwise sit behind the screen and dream your little dreams and maybe the sandman will visit you!!

I say what I say because I am older, wiser and have too many years experience in training and training others. Or in short I just don't give a F#@K what anyone thinks about me. I do my thing, I have been there and done that. Yes I too get tired of seeing the same questions day after friggin day.............that's why I took a Hiatus from here for a while........!!!

Excellent post! I think it's more of a Bodybuilding Ego. They pick up the magazine and looked at Jay Cutler and say to themselves, if I took steroids I would look like Jay Cutler but they are wrong. Even going on mega-dose and it wont get you big! Train smart and learn from the experience and wise. If you want to be successful, hang around with those who are successful.

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