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Ive been off cycle for 4-5months n feel like a brittle old man.


Sep 16, 2006
I dont know what to do i feel like an old man and im only 31. My body dosnt recover right since off. I hurt my ankle light sprain and its been like 5-6months and it still not right i cant even run. Everyday all my joints legs ankle an toes feel brittle. Even my sex drive hasnt came all the way back to normal.Im taking joint supps and test boosters. Have any of u guys been threw this and what did yall do to. I almost feel like i need to jump on a trt dose test to feel normal. Everytime i jump on test alot of my back and joint pains go away. Any help would be appreciated thanks.
Did it during and after im real big on pct. I even ran a otc pct afterwards.
Yea that would probably help a little. I just dont know why everything is so brittle feeling.
You're probably shut down.
if your test levels are back in check I dont see what the problem is
get some blood work done see whee your at, may be trt time , maybe not, im 44 and on 200mg enth self dosed and 4ius 5/2 and aside from some bouts of anxiousness i feel like a fin kid

but dont jump on trt till youve checked your bloodwork, if you were older id say f it
Get some cabergoline and try that. If you've been using any deca or tren with your test, then even though you are on test boosters you may still be relatively suppressed from prolactin...
if you dont want to order pct ..........try alot of tribulus.....it helped me quit a bit when i came off ....i had used some clomid and hcg though which made the transition much smoother....probably mostly those two items actually just thought id offer some help with this it sucks to feel like this and it can actually be dangerous....could lead to a bout of depression hope you feel better bro...:)
Just like real estate

There are 3 important factors to consider when taking gear.

Blood work (before). Know your base.
Blood work (during). Catch issues early (liver etc).
Blood work (after). Get back to normal.
What was your last cycle (length and drugs)? What was your pct? Glucosamine and B12 wouldn't hurt
Thanks guys my last cycle was
1-20wks test e 800mgs-1000mgs tapered down at the end
1-18wks eq 400-600mgs
4-18wks deca 200mgs for joints
14-20wks winstrol then switched to masterone prop easier on the joints

hcg 500ius all the way through then about 3000ius a week the 2 weeks after last test shot
pct extremetane for 2 weeks
nolva for like 5weeks

Then after all that about another 6 weeks later felt like crap so ran otc pct with tribulis
Thanks guys my last cycle was
1-20wks test e 800mgs-1000mgs tapered down at the end
1-18wks eq 400-600mgs
4-18wks deca 200mgs for joints
14-20wks winstrol then switched to masterone prop easier on the joints

hcg 500ius all the way through then about 3000ius a week the 2 weeks after last test shot
pct extremetane for 2 weeks
nolva for like 5weeks

Then after all that about another 6 weeks later felt like crap so ran otc pct with tribulis


With those test e levels, I don't think you got down to a baseline hormone level until about 4-5 weeks after your cycle. That could be the reason why you couldn't recover with your original PCT. I am telling this from experience as a similar situation happened to me and I had to run a second round of PCT. Like others said, definitely see a urologist and get your test levels checked.

Also, when all the external test is withdrawn and you are left with very little (and messed up) natural hormones in your system, that could affect your bone density as well. That might explain why your bones are feeling brittle. When seeing the urologist, ask for a bone density test too. Once you get all your test results, then reassess and take the proper action. If your levels come low, I still suggest you try another round of PCT (with HCG, HMG, Clomid, and Nolva) before jumping onto HRT and get tested a few weeks after your PCT ends. If your levels are still low, then you might consider HRT. Good luck, bro. PM me if you want to know the PCT protocol I used.

With those test e levels, I don't think you got down to a baseline hormone level until about 4-5 weeks after your cycle. That could be the reason why you couldn't recover with your original PCT. I am telling this from experience as a similar situation happened to me and I had to run a second round of PCT. Like others said, definitely see a urologist and get your test levels checked.

Also, when all the external test is withdrawn and you are left with very little (and messed up) natural hormones in your system, that could affect your bone density as well. That might explain why your bones are feeling brittle. When seeing the urologist, ask for a bone density test too. Once you get all your test results, then reassess and take the proper action. If your levels come low, I still suggest you try another round of PCT (with HCG, HMG, Clomid, and Nolva) before jumping onto HRT and get tested a few weeks after your PCT ends. If your levels are still low, then you might consider HRT. Good luck, bro. PM me if you want to know the PCT protocol I used.

Why see a urologist? Its not their field.
Just because I love to stir shit.............PCT is overated. You are shut down, plain and simple. Your levels may never recover to normal. Better start thinking about HRT to correct this situation. THE ONLY WAY YOU WILL KNOW FOR SURE IS BLOOD WORK. GO AND SEE YOUR DOCTOR AND GET IT DONE. DO NOT LISTEN TO ALL THE ARM CHAIR QUARTER BACKS HERE, MYSELF INCLUDED!!!
I use to work a GNC about 8 years aog. Don't take test booster, some of them are trash and will shut you down some or a lot.
Anyone know a good online blood test my doc tells me im to young to check my test levels. Ive never told him about the juice. Also what all should I test for.

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