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Jay Cutler finally reveals his past steroid cycles

This picture is photoshopped.
If that image photoshopped (I have no opinion) then it unavoidably must cast doubt on the much circulated foto when Lee Priest ‘looked’ big and fat. Can’t have it both ways in my opinion.
280 lbs clean? Maybe Greg Slovaks who is dead. Unless you’re talking somebody who’s 6 feet tall Orr taller, has a high BF for an IFBB guy and been “clean” a short time. You can cycle off and have normal labs in weeks but you’re not “clean”. I think dude was lying to you, I’m not trying to be an Ass joke here I just have been at this 2 decades 5 of those years were in Arlington n, Tx with Branch, Johnny, Ronnie, and Gus along with guys who r top NPC come to think of it Stephen Frazier was in our gym a lot and he may have been 280 cycled off but cycled off for a short time and he’s well over 6 feet tall. Natty like hormone levels only occur after say 6-8 months off, more like a year and even then you’re not natty. When on fertility I stayed over 250, I’m 5’7 but my BF doubled had I been around 10% I would’ve been closer to 200 and no I’m not an IFBB pro but I’m a big guy who really never goes over 1,00mg combined- Now where you were spot on is after 3 years off I got on a trt dose to start back up and I gained 30lbs in about 5 weeks, yes I know much of that was simply cellular volume but I do agree if you r a hyper responder TRT will work if youre levels are low but if you have normal levels and you’re under 30 say, going on trt would likely hurt you bc your body is better at maintaining perfect pulse dosing until you take exogenous test or get older then try matters to nattys. I totally agree most prods once established can take less, I’m running 500 right now and getting from it what I used to get from a gram but I also don’t need to get much bigger at this point I just lean out and work on symmetry and fullness. I say this bc a lot of guys put too much emphasis on drugs be it assuming high doses or hyper sensitivity where in the end diet and training (lifestyle) is the primary indicator of success it’s why guys like Jay, Dorian, Ronnie and Phil made it whereas Chris, , Shawn, Flex, Dillett, McQuay to name the ones I know of first hand never reached potential bc they partied too much.
He was 6’ tall and a 40+ yr old guy who was a pro but took an extended time off to have kids(2+yes) He still has a full head of thick hair too so I doubt he was ever a high dose kind of guy. I know it was hard for me to believe how big and strong he was while not being on an steroids for multiple years. We both started a tren/test enathate at 250mg’sceach per week and his results were nothing short of phenomenal.
His name rhythms with bicacello. He is an amazing guy and was a great mentor to me for the time I spent with him. Completely changed my mentality of training and taught me the mind muscle connection.
If that image photoshopped (I have no opinion) then it unavoidably must cast doubt on the much circulated foto when Lee Priest ‘looked’ big and fat. Can’t have it both ways in my opinion.
I read an article that said that picture wasn’t real. I can’t verify it 100% but It doesn’t look like Cutler. I never saw him sloppy fat in the off-season. Just because Lee got fat doesn’t mean Jay also got fat. If I’m wrong, then I apologize.

My doc wants my hematocrit around 40. I told him me too but I told no fucking (my exact words) that is not going to happen.

It is usually 50 to 53.

He said to drop the test. Again I said no fucking way as my body after I have been on TRT for over 15 years, no way I am capable of producing testosterone on its own. He agreed.

So there we stand, we agree to disagree.

I’m am still on TRT.

There is more to the story but I will leave leave it at that for the time being.

Otherwise, as of now, I am healthy as a horse to use an old saying.
Your doc wants you bordering anemic! Bizarre.
Your doc wants you bordering anemic! Bizarre.

My Hemotologist (sp) wanted the same numbers. I dumped him. Endocrinologist same thing. Dumped him too. What is wrong with these people?

See my post on peer review journals, cheery picking to support my wants of course 😲
So much of what some pros say is pretty cryptic. Kind of like a magician giving their secrets away. Saw an interview with Ronnie and he said he never pushed it. Just a little test and Dbol. Yea buddy! Perhaps the quality of the gear was that much better, back then. Most I've ever ran was 500 test, 250 deca and 50 mg dbol. My weight went up, but I never got that body builder look. Genetics are king. Can't polish a turd.

Imagine though, What if Ronnie, Jay and Lee are being honest. Hyper responders who don't have to push the numbers to get a desired look. What a blow to a lot of peoples egos that would be.
He was 6’ tall and a 40+ yr old guy who was a pro but took an extended time off to have kids(2+yes) He still has a full head of thick hair too so I doubt he was ever a high dose kind of guy. I know it was hard for me to believe how big and strong he was while not being on an steroids for multiple years. We both started a tren/test enathate at 250mg’sceach per week and his results were nothing short of phenomenal.
His name rhythms with bicacello. He is an amazing guy and was a great mentor to me for the time I spent with him. Completely changed my mentality of training and taught me the mind muscle connection.
Lol that’s exactly what my situation is I got off at 40 and my test dropped to actual 0 and after a few years just had my first son extremely recently and I’m getting back at it though slowly new babies are harder on training than no test, though I’m 5’7 and not a Pro I have sponsorships like a lot of back of the pack pros and may grab my card as a masters so yes that sounds legit. I wasn’t trying to argue but what you mentioned is rare bc other than myself he’s the only one I’ve heard of to do that though he is much better bodybuilder than me but I also did a few years for possession which did not help my career bc it was smack between 25 and 35 for me but no regrets. Good post bro thanks for reacting to my reply as I intended it and not thinking I was trying to argue. Cheers
With Jay I think you have to factor in the ex wife. She seems like the type who catalogued every cc in the back of her mind.
just in general people with Genetics for doing something at the highest of high levels will not need to go so above and beyond to excel at things.

having Genetics does not mean someone is lazy nor does it mean they don't work hard either. It just means when they practice/or lift, drastic positive changes happen: strength increases, more muscle, and skill set improvements..

I think, he stated in a interview after his first, he went from 200-250 and by his 19-21 years of age, he already had high level pro legs for the era.. (think about this) A 6'8 guy will have to do far less squats than a 5'8 guy to be able to dunk a basketball.
With Jay I think you have to factor in the ex wife. She seems like the type who catalogued every cc in the back of her mind.
You think she’d release that info or does Jays $ keep her quiet, I don’t think their split was all that friendly

My doc wants my hematocrit around 40. I told him me too but I told no fucking (my exact words) that is not going to happen.

It is usually 50 to 53.

He said to drop the test. Again I said no fucking way as my body after I have been on TRT for over 15 years, no way I am capable of producing testosterone on its own. He agreed.

So there we stand, we agree to disagree.

I’m am still on TRT.

There is more to the story but I will leave leave it at that for the time being.

Otherwise, as of now, I am healthy as a horse to use an old saying.
Definitely a clear indication that he isn't fit to give medical advice to men on TRT. Time to drop his ass.
Here is an interveiw by Tom Platz of some of the top pros from the 90s. They talk cycles. They have their voiced disguised and faces blurred but you can tell who they are.
Well.. we have to remember the size explosion with guys chasing ronnie wasn't from jacking up gear necessarily.. but the inclusivity of gh and insulin.. those two compounds were a big factor in the added size increases.. adding more and more test will eventually have diminishing returns.. but having a great supply of gh and humalog ( and knowing how to use it) has taken many to great levels..
Here is an interveiw by Tom Platz of some of the top pros from the 90s. They talk cycles. They have their voiced disguised and faces blurred but you can tell who they are.

Ronnie's southern drawl is strong enough to nullify any voice obfuscation device
I read an article that said that picture wasn’t real. I can’t verify it 100% but It doesn’t look like Cutler. I never saw him sloppy fat in the off-season. Just because Lee got fat doesn’t mean Jay also got fat. If I’m wrong, then I apologize.
If I remember the pic is from around 2001 or 2002 and it was either in a magazine or his website. Pretty sure it is real
Definitely a clear indication that he isn't fit to give medical advice to men on TRT. Time to drop his ass.
I am getting what I want and need but it is not easy.

If things turn south to me I think I have an option with a local ‘longevity’ clinic. We will see. My docs are being conservative and CYA, I get that. I am good to go for now thanks.
I am getting what I want and need but it is not easy.

If things turn south to me I think I have an option with a local ‘longevity’ clinic. We will see. My docs are being conservative and CYA, I get that. I am good to go for now thanks.
I get 100 mg/w from my doc. That gets me to 240 ng/dL by the end of the week. It sucks.. so I "supplement".
I get 100 mg/w from my doc. That gets me to 240 ng/dL by the end of the week. It sucks.. so I "supplement".

I know this is a Jay Cutler thread and we are already off track so I will do my best to button this up my end.

Doc prescribes .3 to .5cc. every 4 days. And I requested a multi dose vial because the math is too close on a single use vial. I am ‘told’ to throw away after 28 days (like sure) and start a new prescription. So I can pretty much do what I want. I tried his dosage scheme and it was okay, not great but not as good as 1cc, 200mg a week which puts me at the top of the scale and where I feel the best so I just put up with the backlash from him a couple of times a year. Yea it elevates my hematocrit to 50 to 52 which is in range at my lab but he wants it lower so there starts the rub. We get along, put up with each other, is a firm believer in TRT but he is a buy the numbers guy and takes nothing else into consideration, like how I feel, family history, exercise, bla bla bla (all good, we all live well into our 90’s) so short story long I get way more than I need of testosterone, enough to do a so called ‘cycle’ but I don’t. I play it safe for me and take all the precautions and when he retires (soon) I will see what the future brings. At the moment I have about 10 multi-use vials, enough to buy me some time.
Jay did a guest posing in Utah shortly after retaking the title in 2009, like weeks after, October 2009 or so.

Astonishing. He didn't look real. Almost like he was wearing a mascot suit he was so muscular. His shoulders were so wildly round, like two giant bowling balls. A real life Beast from the Marvel Comics comes to mind. I watched him walk into the arena from the parking lot and the veins running down his back calves were visible 50 yards away. After the show he did autographs and photos and the whole crowd was jawdropped. "How the hell is this even real!?" seemed to be the question on everyone's mind.

I got to see him quite often from 2006 to 2011 - but he never looked as wild as he did in 2009. Surely the doses and cycles changed.
Well.. we have to remember the size explosion with guys chasing ronnie wasn't from jacking up gear necessarily.. but the inclusivity of gh and insulin.. those two compounds were a big factor in the added size increases.. adding more and more test will eventually have diminishing returns.. but having a great supply of gh and humalog ( and knowing how to use it) has taken many to great levels..
agreed GH and less so imo but important is slin which both allow more food to be utilized which results in growth bc test definitely has diminishing returns around 1500-2000 per week

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