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Kevin English - recent guest posing (HUGE)

not a huge fan of his physique big but nothing beautiful about it. henry and correra got the total package size,shape,symmetry
not a huge fan of his physique big but nothing beautiful about it. henry and correra got the total package size,shape,symmetry

Agreed, but he's still extremely impressive.
no arguement there. i feel he needs to compete with the open guys and leave the 202 class for the guys with smaller frames and stature
I saw these pictures late last night and nearly shat myself! They really show how hard he is sucking down to make the 202s. Incredibly freaky.
For his frame, he has Coleman density....He is one thick dude!
YES.. but uinfortuately he will continue to take the easy way out and not progress and compete in the 202's forever.. why? who knows.. the prize money is crap and he is not living up to his full potential..
I thinks he looks fantastic. I know people like Henry but he blows him away imo.
His vascularity in his arms looks like a freakin road map
YES.. but uinfortuately he will continue to take the easy way out and not progress and compete in the 202's forever.. why? who knows.. the prize money is crap and he is not living up to his full potential..


I disagree 100%. There is no easy way about dropping all that weight. He has a contract because of being a 202 champ. If he was competing in the open, which he did several years back, he may not have anything he has today. Staying where he is he stands to make more money. Just my opinion.
The Man is stacked like a brick sh1t house, but as others have said i'm more of a henry fan it's just to much bulk without enough symmetry imo. none the less you got to give it up for the man he deserves everything he gets.
Ill say it straight out....Im impressed as all hell.

And Ive discussed this with Dave and Scott....Dave is going after English at English's game

Get insanely huge and suck down to 202 and carb up to 213

stay tuned
good show

Went to the show myself, only for pre-judging. My first show hung in newyork the rest of the day. Its a good time
Ill say it straight out....Im impressed as all hell.

And Ive discussed this with Dave and Scott....Dave is going after English at English's game

Get insanely huge and suck down to 202 and carb up to 213

stay tuned

The suspense builds for the upcoming year:D

Both those guys are flat-out gifted, right now though, I think English has Dave's number. But if there is anybody who can get Dave to where he needs to be, it will be Homon!

I think in terms of what DC stated, Dave has nothing to lose with trying that plan of action out. If has to do something, that is for sure.

Ill say it straight out....Im impressed as all hell.

And Ive discussed this with Dave and Scott....Dave is going after English at English's game

Get insanely huge and suck down to 202 and carb up to 213

stay tuned

i thought thats what they all do?
sounds like common sense...

Dave has better seperation and looks drier when he nails it but English does have the size and VERY round muscle bellies.
i prefer Daves look but his legs are always lacking in comparision to his upper body. English is very symmetrical in that regard.
Kevin is a really cool guy, as well as extremely knowledgeable. I see him all the time and he is an inspiration to me, I see the effort and focus he has and I aim for that.

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