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Recent GQ Article “er body’s on steroids”


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Kilo Klub Member
Verified Customer
Feb 8, 2012
No opinion myself I’m just throwing this out like a piece of meat to hungry lions! Lol

Can honestly say I’ve NEVER heard of AAS being used as some sort of pick me up. Like they’ll fix everything in your life. Guess I must be really fucked up cause I use em all day, every day!

Another article framing AAS users to be mindless idiots with a lifetime of regrets… I don’t doubt there are plenty of them out there, but ……….

Does anybody remember the MTV True Life "I'm on steroids"? lol

This article sucks. They show a guy who is claiming testosterone made everything better and yet he is built like someone took a sack of wet bagels and slammed it against a tree? I could not fathom starting TRT without already having maxed out natty muscle potential then getting shredded, and having my diet and training wire tight. Why not exploit and milk all of the benefits it is capable of rather than just add it to a shit life and see moderate improvements?

There are a bunch of young(18-20) douchers at my current gym who train with no intensity, no form, no direction, and know fuck all about nutrition, and they are bouncing between sarms, clen and tren, but why?
Does anybody remember the MTV True Life "I'm on steroids"? lol

This article sucks. They show a guy who is claiming testosterone made everything better and yet he is built like someone took a sack of wet bagels and slammed it against a tree? I could not fathom starting TRT without already having maxed out natty muscle potential then getting shredded, and having my diet and training wire tight. Why not exploit and milk all of the benefits it is capable of rather than just add it to a shit life and see moderate improvements?

There are a bunch of young(18-20) douchers at my current gym who train with no intensity, no form, no direction, and know fuck all about nutrition, and they are bouncing between sarms, clen and tren, but why?
Because they're stupid and have no true passion for training. All they want is attention on social media like a large majority of people do. If you take away the internet, gym memberships drop by more than half.
Oh GQ, the wise oracle of the new Delphi. I read 1/2 of it and scanned the last 1/2. Nowhere was it even mentioned that testosterone levels have plummeted in the general population over the past 30 years probably from all the meds and plastics and other environmental toxins our regulatory agencies are suppose to protect us from. But let's blame the populous full of these toxins to the point they are fat, sick and half dead. With the added social pressure to look good what's the shock that men are looking to do something to regain their manhood or at least get it going after being hypo for life. And the women.. they have always be easily manipulated to the next look good fad. It's a shit show thsee days. Half the population is fat, sick and half dead. I'd rather have a squirt of test and another squirt of GH than a hand full of pills for depression, diabetes, high blood pressure and another hand full for heart burn, etc. Fuck GQ.They completely missed the target again.
Because they're stupid and have no true passion for training. All they want is attention on social media like a large majority of people do. If you take away the internet, gym memberships drop by more than half.
Ehh they’re not going to last long anyways. Wonder if those guys will still be training in 5 years lol
Here is the "author" excuse me if I COULD NOT CARE LESS what this cuntbag thinks. lol

1718392391000.png This guy looks like the genetic blueprint for cachexia.
Question, isn’t GQ “supposed” to be a mens’ magazine after all? Why on earth are they using a tranny in the article as an example of what a man wants???

Like that’s just a chick who cut off her chi chi’s! Shame on her by the way for slapping the creator in the face like that! SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!!!!! 🤦🏼‍♂️

Tits, Pussy, & Ass are phenomenal!!!!! Just my opinion of course…. And have the ability to cause the downfall of a lot of men!

it usually seems that the main stream stuff is all about giving any drug a bad wrap, even when they hold legitimate beneffits.
they also seem to find the worst most idiotic drug user they can while being written by someone with the least possible amount of experience on the subject.

that said. lots of people to take steroids. like lots.
lots of people do other drugs too.
might be better we if we started to see real or honest or high functioning examples of it written by semi knowledgeable people. but im sure that asking too much.
Ugly guys shame hot guys for being hot. What else is new?
Question, isn’t GQ “supposed” to be a mens’ magazine after all? Why on earth are they using a tranny in the article as an example of what a man wants???

Like that’s just a chick who cut off her chi chi’s! Shame on her by the way for slapping the creator in the face like that! SHAME, SHAME, SHAME!!!!! 🤦🏼‍♂️

Tits, Pussy, & Ass are phenomenal!!!!! Just my opinion of course…. And have the ability to cause the downfall of a lot of men!

And they said “the body building community supports trans in competitive bodybuilding”


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