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Kidney function tests

there are some studies out there done on marathon runners regarding blood and protein in urine.
almost All had microalbuminuria and microhaematuria..
i can check if i find them
Good info. I have had times when I had protein in mine it was usually after going to get a shot to knock out something I caught from a girl I should have wrapped up lol, doctor's chalked it up to that . One time was when running high var. Haven't had protein in urine in a while and I don't think it's usually found when people post their bloods on forums so I don't think a regular lifting schedule should cause it in normal circumstances. But maybe a long marathon is a different story.
there are some studies out there done on marathon runners regarding blood and protein in urine.
almost All had microalbuminuria and microhaematuria..
i can check if i find them
That'd be very appreciated.
That'd be very appreciated.
To the best of my knowledge, exercise-induced albuminuria is definitely real, but all returns to baseline within 24hrs.
How many days to abstain from weight lifting to have a more accurate creatinine indication?

48 hours would be nice.

36 hours might be ok.

There is no exact science here other than the take-home message being that training (even intense cardio or HIIT) can influence these assays and should be considered in tempering concerns when adequate time post-workout is not observed or practical for the patient.
I was told to take a week off from working out because that can also raise your numbers.
Any truth to this?

Just my opinion …

That would be great but I think a week is a little extreme and probably unnecessary TBH; unless an adverse result came back and the patient really wants to be certain in ruling out the effect of training as it’s etiology.
What was your GFR? Just get a Cystatin C test and take your guesswork out.
I took this test because my doc was concerned about my eGFR as well, and he needlessly sent me to a specialist. My kidneys were actually fine and no CKD present and that cystatin test and another specialized test that I had to pay for out of pocket showed no issues and a true eGFR around 64 or so when the number on the standard test was 49. My creatine use was moderate as I am active and train.

Come to think of it it was my mistake as I just completed a cycle when I had my physical then so that would have skewed some values on the bloodwork.
Ive checked all my bloods dating back to 2014 and my creatinine bounces usually between 85-100 - only a few times above 105

there doesnt seem to be a trend of it getting worse - if i had CKD i would imagine it wouldnt fluctuate up and down
Get your Cystatin C checked
got bloods back after week off training and looser diet

BUN of 17.6 and creatinine of 1.16

both within range - doctors here dont understand Cystatin C - i asked for it but was very hard to get done

should i get it done privately or the above should suffice?
I assume this is also the case for OP.
creatinine will not be thrown of completely by training a day prior but it will be influenced.
ALT/AST/Creatinine kinase and blood/protein and urine WILL be massively influenced by training hard prior to Bloodwork.
I used to stop on the way home from the gym to get my blood drawn. Certainly effects some of the results, kidneys for example. And I was never really fully hydrated 🙁 my bad.

We retested after a few days off and not on my way home from the gym, hydrated and rested and the numbers improved. Still not the best, don’t know why.

Just had them imaged today, should know more in a few days. Fingers crossed.
got bloods back after week off training and looser diet

BUN of 17.6 and creatinine of 1.16

both within range - doctors here dont understand Cystatin C - i asked for it but was very hard to get done

should i get it done privately or the above should suffice?
I've been told we should never have protein spilling in urine though. Training day, day after training, urine should not have protein. This was by a doctor who are regularly pumping people full of meds that damage kidneys so take it with a grain of salt lol
no don't take it with a grain of salt, it damages kidneys lol, jk.
This. It's the most important kidney test.
Glomerular, always glomerular.

There's an increasingly shared view that there can be advanced renal tubular damage, and even extended glomerular damage, without any overt downward changes in glomerular filtration measurements (compensatory filtration by remaining glomeruli = only minor changes in glomerular filtration markers in blood tests, serum creatiniene and Cystatin C,...).

One could have some tubular damage, fibrosis,etc,..., and wouldn't even know it from GFR or Cystatin C tests alone.
Under normal conditions there should be zero protein in our urine. It doesn't fit through a healthy glomerular membrane, meaning it doesn't get filtered and then recaptured like elecrolytes, etc.. do
Marathon runners are an extreme sample population for pretty much any physical parameter. I have read that they can suffer hemolysis from the repetitive impact of their feet on the pavement, needle biopsies have shown damage to the myocardium (in a living person, obviously) after completing a marathon. IMO, marathons (and for sure ultra-marathons) are one of those things that just because we are physically capable of doing it doesn't mean we should be doing it. (Coming from a meathead who likes to lift heavy objects haha) there is like a bell curve w regard to health benefits from running. There's too little to get significant benefit and then there's too much on the other end where it can compromise some health parameters
No offense (and trust me...I mean it because I've been there with Kidney scares due to faulty readings). You have no protein in your urine and your creatinine in perfectly normal and not trending up. Everything is perfectly normal. That BUN number fluctuates and my guess is if you dropped your protein to 100 grams a day for three days and didn't train for three days it would be fine. That isn't even really high. But I mean overall...everything looks perfectly normal.
Glomerular, always glomerular.

There's an increasingly shared view that there can be advanced renal tubular damage, and even extended glomerular damage, without any overt downward changes in glomerular filtration measurements (compensatory filtration by remaining glomeruli = only minor changes in glomerular filtration markers in blood tests, serum creatiniene and Cystatin C,...).

One could have some tubular damage, fibrosis,etc,..., and wouldn't even know it from GFR or Cystatin C tests alone.
How do we get this checked?
Btw, since this is a kidney thread. I can't stress enough how effective Empagliflozin is on kidney health (and heart health).

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