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Lack of AAS for female info


Well-known member
Sep 14, 2019
Why is there such a lack of information for females? There are compounds my wife,not pressured by me at all, is interested in trying at microdoses but there isn't any info or experience on many boards. Is it because it's frowned on or taboo for ladies to use them? I'm not talking 5-10mg Anavar for a bikini or figure competitor. I'm talking about the big physique or bodybuilding competitors. You can't tell me they're all natural or running 30mg test p and anavar. I'm not saying she wants to get as big as Nataliya Kuznetsova but she wants to pack on some size.
Well, it's definitely more taboo but it's also far more murky of a topic given that there's not many honest anecdotes from those women who have done what it takes, and there's resistance on both sides of each sex: men aren't too interested in learning about AAS-specific female topics, and women aren't too interested in listening to men on the topic of AAS, even if they do put some effort into competence on the subject. There's probably more science showing safety of nandrolone and testosterone in women than honest anecdotes from women using either, as it's mostly claimed that one or the other of those is toxic to femininity, depending on which camp the female AAS user falls into (anti-nandrolone vs. anti-test). In any event, I have learned a LITTLE BIT about female AAS use, but there's really not much out there to learn from.
theres info.....gotta look.

and probably because 99% of members have a cock

The info is out there it's just hard to find, years ago there was a good number of hardcore women posting information, also there are lots of new studies because of gender reassignment.

What you are going to be surprised to find is that there are more similarities than you would think in what the top men and women are using.

The reason high-level female competitors don't like talking about it is because of the incredible level of sexism and hypocrisy that appears every time they do. Literally, men with mini boobs (or who have had them removed) talking about the virilizing side effects in women when they have zero personal experience with women.
Well, it's definitely more taboo but it's also far more murky of a topic given that there's not many honest anecdotes from those women who have done what it takes, and there's resistance on both sides of each sex: men aren't too interested in learning about AAS-specific female topics, and women aren't too interested in listening to men on the topic of AAS, even if they do put some effort into competence on the subject. There's probably more science showing safety of nandrolone and testosterone in women than honest anecdotes from women using either, as it's mostly claimed that one or the other of those is toxic to femininity, depending on which camp the female AAS user falls into (anti-nandrolone vs. anti-test). In any event, I have learned a LITTLE BIT about female AAS use, but there's really not much out there to learn from.
There is not alot out there. I'm on multiple boards always looking. But I get what you said about men learning about women aas use and women listen to men about it.
The info is out there it's just hard to find, years ago there was a good number of hardcore women posting information, also there are lots of new studies because of gender reassignment.

What you are going to be surprised to find is that there are more similarities than you would think in what the top men and women are using.

The reason high-level female competitors don't like talking about it is because of the incredible level of sexism and hypocrisy that appears every time they do. Literally, men with mini boobs (or who have had them removed) talking about the virilizing side effects in women when they have zero personal experience with women.
Do you mean similarities in compounds or dosages? Also see where there would be alot of hypocrisy. It sucks that it's that way though.
Do you mean similarities in compounds or dosages? Also see where there would be alot of hypocrisy. It sucks that it's that way though.
They are using a lot of the same compounds and dosages aren't crazy high but they are often similar to what you'd think "low dose men" would use. Of course, like with men, I'm sure there are those using way less and those using way more.

This is at the highest level, on the more moderate side women are often using 1/10th the dose men do and only using mild compounds and getting great results.
Here are some notes of mine on AAS for women:

Drugs of choice:
anavar (2.5 - 10 mg daily commonplace)
primo (25 - 150 mg [10-50mg E3D for 12-16 weeks] weekly commonplace)
winstrol (2.5 - 10 mg daily commonplace) (bro-science)
- see also: Boldenone, Dan Duchaine's USH II for female protocols

Primary concerns:
- vocal pitch
- clitomegaly (rapid actions)

Functional voice testing
"Voice Pitch Analyzer" app (bro-science)
[79] Huang, G., Pencina, K. M., Coady, J. A., Beleva, Y. M., Bhasin, S., & Basaria, S. (2015). Functional Voice Testing Detects Early Changes in Vocal Pitch in Women During Testosterone Administration. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 100(6), 2254–2260. doi:10.1210/jc.2015-1669

Total test Estradiol DHEA - DHEAS LH & FSH (19 days after the first day of your menstrual cycle) (bro-science)

T for women:
[80] no signficant cardiovascular risks
Huang, G., Tang, E., Aakil, A., Anderson, S., Jara, H., Davda, M., … Basaria, S. (2014). Testosterone Dose-Response Relationships With Cardiovascular Risk Markers in Androgen-Deficient Women: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 99(7), E1287–E1293. doi:10.1210/jc.2013-4160

[82] dose-response, muscle strength/power outcomes
Huang, G., Basaria, S., Travison, T. G., Ho, M. H., Davda, M., Mazer, N. A., … B hasin, S. (2014). Testosterone dose-response relationships in hysterectomized women with or without oophorectomy. Menopause, 21(6), 612–623. doi:10.1097/gme.0000000000000093
[83] no effect on cognitive function
Huang, G., Wharton, W., Travison, T. G., Ho, M. H., Gleason, C., Asthana, S., … Basaria, S. (2014). Effects of testosterone administration on cognitive function in hysterectomized women with low testosterone levels: a dose–response randomized trial. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 38(4), 455–461. doi:10.1007/s40618-014-0213-3

Other AAS for women:
[81] Deca in women, well tolerated
Mulligan, K. (2005). Effect of Nandrolne Decanoate Therapy on Weight and Lean Body Mass in HIV-Infected Women With Weight Loss. Archives of Internal Medicine, 165(5), 578. doi:10.1001/archinte.165.5.578
Here are some notes of mine on AAS for women:

Drugs of choice:
anavar (2.5 - 10 mg daily commonplace)
primo (25 - 150 mg [10-50mg E3D for 12-16 weeks] weekly commonplace)
winstrol (2.5 - 10 mg daily commonplace) (bro-science)
- see also: Boldenone, Dan Duchaine's USH II for female protocols

Primary concerns:
- vocal pitch
- clitomegaly (rapid actions)

Functional voice testing
"Voice Pitch Analyzer" app (bro-science)
[79] Huang, G., Pencina, K. M., Coady, J. A., Beleva, Y. M., Bhasin, S., & Basaria, S. (2015). Functional Voice Testing Detects Early Changes in Vocal Pitch in Women During Testosterone Administration. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 100(6), 2254–2260. doi:10.1210/jc.2015-1669

Total test Estradiol DHEA - DHEAS LH & FSH (19 days after the first day of your menstrual cycle) (bro-science)

T for women:
[80] no signficant cardiovascular risks
Huang, G., Tang, E., Aakil, A., Anderson, S., Jara, H., Davda, M., … Basaria, S. (2014). Testosterone Dose-Response Relationships With Cardiovascular Risk Markers in Androgen-Deficient Women: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 99(7), E1287–E1293. doi:10.1210/jc.2013-4160

[82] dose-response, muscle strength/power outcomes
Huang, G., Basaria, S., Travison, T. G., Ho, M. H., Davda, M., Mazer, N. A., … B hasin, S. (2014). Testosterone dose-response relationships in hysterectomized women with or without oophorectomy. Menopause, 21(6), 612–623. doi:10.1097/gme.0000000000000093
[83] no effect on cognitive function
Huang, G., Wharton, W., Travison, T. G., Ho, M. H., Gleason, C., Asthana, S., … Basaria, S. (2014). Effects of testosterone administration on cognitive function in hysterectomized women with low testosterone levels: a dose–response randomized trial. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 38(4), 455–461. doi:10.1007/s40618-014-0213-3

Other AAS for women:
[81] Deca in women, well tolerated
Mulligan, K. (2005). Effect of Nandrolne Decanoate Therapy on Weight and Lean Body Mass in HIV-Infected Women With Weight Loss. Archives of Internal Medicine, 165(5), 578. doi:10.1001/archinte.165.5.578
Thank you
My lady is now retired from completion.
She continues to use a small amount of Primo 40- 50 mg/wk, DHB 30 - 40 mg/wk and NPP 30-40 mg/wk and 30 mg Cyp once every 3 weeks . She has never had a deep voice no matter what she took in the past. a bit of facial hair requires Laser treatment occasionally to control . Clitomegaly is significant because she had a rather large knob naturally before ever using gear, no issue there, she and I like it!
Var, Eq and Deca, Prop, OT and Win was used more during her competition yrs. Ever Tren ace 10 mg day for 10 days leading up tp a show once or twice.
He doctor knows and supports her for the last 20 years now.
It was hard to find out what the bigger girls used she we used the low and slow approach.
My lady is now retired from completion.
She continues to use a small amount of Primo 40- 50 mg/wk, DHB 30 - 40 mg/wk and NPP 30-40 mg/wk and 30 mg Cyp once every 3 weeks . She has never had a deep voice no matter what she took in the past. a bit of facial hair requires Laser treatment occasionally to control . Clitomegaly is significant because she had a rather large knob naturally before ever using gear, no issue there, she and I like it!
Var, Eq and Deca, Prop, OT and Win was used more during her competition yrs. Ever Tren ace 10 mg day for 10 days leading up tp a show once or twice.
He doctor knows and supports her for the last 20 years now.
It was hard to find out what the bigger girls used she we used the low and slow approach.
Have a feeling it'll be low dose trial and error for us too
It seems most threads about women's use degenerates within just a few posts to childish, repetitive jokes about clit sizes, or uninformed "advice" about "be careful", "don't do that". Honestly it's a shit show.
My wife has done about 7-8 cycles, primarily around the wellness class of look. Favourite is 75mg primo ace tablets for 10-12 weeks. Slow lean gains, low side effects.
Have also tried var, tbol, npp, dnp, clen, t3, superdrol.
Seems that similar to men, fast and furious cycles pump up glycogen and intramuscular water, and not surprisingly the gainzzzz disappear shortly after cycle.
Thus, much better results on 12 weeks 75mg primo ace than 4 weeks 3.3mg sdrol.
Wise choice Db!
When asked for advice, and we do occasionally interact with women who ask such questions in private , we always suggest low and the slow approach and monitor any noted observations which are unwelcome. Neither one of us cycles on the reckless side but we have witnessed it and at the end of the day shake our heads by the impatient ones.
No two females react identically to a compound, hence, a low dose trial is likely your best sensible approach.

To add, my wife has never regretted her choices and in the second half of her life and enjoys feeling strong and looking fit. She is no spring chicken but her body looks like a fit 20 something female athlete.
A hard woman is good to find;)
Here are some notes of mine on AAS for women:

Drugs of choice:
anavar (2.5 - 10 mg daily commonplace)
primo (25 - 150 mg [10-50mg E3D for 12-16 weeks] weekly commonplace)
winstrol (2.5 - 10 mg daily commonplace) (bro-science)
- see also: Boldenone, Dan Duchaine's USH II for female protocols

Primary concerns:
- vocal pitch
- clitomegaly (rapid actions)

Functional voice testing
"Voice Pitch Analyzer" app (bro-science)
[79] Huang, G., Pencina, K. M., Coady, J. A., Beleva, Y. M., Bhasin, S., & Basaria, S. (2015). Functional Voice Testing Detects Early Changes in Vocal Pitch in Women During Testosterone Administration. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 100(6), 2254–2260. doi:10.1210/jc.2015-1669

Total test Estradiol DHEA - DHEAS LH & FSH (19 days after the first day of your menstrual cycle) (bro-science)

T for women:
[80] no signficant cardiovascular risks
Huang, G., Tang, E., Aakil, A., Anderson, S., Jara, H., Davda, M., … Basaria, S. (2014). Testosterone Dose-Response Relationships With Cardiovascular Risk Markers in Androgen-Deficient Women: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Trial. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 99(7), E1287–E1293. doi:10.1210/jc.2013-4160

[82] dose-response, muscle strength/power outcomes
Huang, G., Basaria, S., Travison, T. G., Ho, M. H., Davda, M., Mazer, N. A., … B hasin, S. (2014). Testosterone dose-response relationships in hysterectomized women with or without oophorectomy. Menopause, 21(6), 612–623. doi:10.1097/gme.0000000000000093
[83] no effect on cognitive function
Huang, G., Wharton, W., Travison, T. G., Ho, M. H., Gleason, C., Asthana, S., … Basaria, S. (2014). Effects of testosterone administration on cognitive function in hysterectomized women with low testosterone levels: a dose–response randomized trial. Journal of Endocrinological Investigation, 38(4), 455–461. doi:10.1007/s40618-014-0213-3

Other AAS for women:
[81] Deca in women, well tolerated
Mulligan, K. (2005). Effect of Nandrolne Decanoate Therapy on Weight and Lean Body Mass in HIV-Infected Women With Weight Loss. Archives of Internal Medicine, 165(5), 578. doi:10.1001/archinte.165.5.578
the next cut and paste GURU


shit will never end sadly
the next cut and paste GURU


shit will never end sadly
Oh shit buddy, I forgot, you win arguments by posting flexing pics on cycle. Yeah, the OP probably actually appreciated that info... did you have anything to contribute on the topic? Good point though, I'll be sure to split the publication profits from my lucrative guru career with those I "copy and pasted" that info from. FYI: citations/references are sort of the hallmark of intellectual honesty and sort of how it's usually done. I know, not everyone graduates from secondary education where citations are taught.
Mine doesn't regret hers either. She'll be almost 39 by her next show. We have 4 kids and she's tied so no more on the way. She wants to take advantage of what youth and muscle building she has left in her. We talked about laser for the hair, clitoral enlargement is a plus, and voice hasn't changed too much. Acne is her biggest gripe.
Back in the day when my wife was the same age as yours acne was probably most the most problematic side. We would load in Mexico every travel season and spent a shitload of cash on legit Pharma SHERING Primo 50mg/amp and 5 mg SHERING Primo tabs 5 mg. She looks absolutely fantastic on it however the acne was bad on her back and shoulders for some darn reason. Never could figure out why the best performing compound cause he sebaceous gland to go nuts in oil.

Anyway, moving forward we use a single UG source for her over the last 3 years and she may have a pimple or two on he back per year which is welcome. One (or more ) of your wife's compounds is likely culprit the way i see it.

Trust me, there is a whole lot more youth and fitness left in her. I cannot get my wife to miss a day in the gym and she is between 50 and 60 .
A thread like this was necessary, I always wondered why with so many women in the pageant industry, there is so little information about their use of AAS. That doesn't help women because they don't know what others are doing.

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