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Leaving for Vegas


New member
Jan 24, 2009
Leaving for vegas in a couple hrs. Tell me what things i have to do and where i have to go :)
Leaving for vegas in a couple hrs. Tell me what things i have to do and where i have to go :)

the booty club, the craps table, and the gym that jay cutler trains at. Am I missing anything? Are you in cali, bro?
Yes I am, and i'm never moving :)
the golds that Cutler use to train at shut down (I think) ..

But if it wasnt it was a kick ass gym !!!

Everything you do in vegas is FUN, FUN, FUN and could get you into trouble to...So dont do anything to crazy...Although I Sarah I would !!!:D
He trains at Buffalo/Lake Meade now sometimes.
Flamingo/Sandhill is the only good golds left that isn't a night club....er i mean health club :D

I don't really have any suggestions for tourist, only locals lol
Tourist like different flashy things than we folks that live here.
You're doing to Vegas bro!!!

Sunday night at The Bank at Bellagio. Amazing, but dress up and bring a hot lady, or spend the night waiting!
I donno bro..but lemme know how your trip turns out. I will be going for the first time later this year too

I donno bro..but lemme know how your trip turns out. I will be going for the first time later this year too


Unbelievable :D

Did i mention that work picked up the tab, including all my boozing :p
the golds that Cutler use to train at shut down (I think) ..

But if it wasnt it was a kick ass gym !!!

Everything you do in vegas is FUN, FUN, FUN and could get you into trouble to...So dont do anything to crazy...Although I Sarah I would !!!:D

the old golds did shut down, but their were two others around. not the same from what i hear, what a shame.
Just please spend some money here for fu#ks sake.
havent been in 2 years but I'm sure these are still some of the best things to do:

thurs - tao
fri- tryst/pure
sat - tryst/pure
sun - hard rock hotel - rehab pool party during day, body english at night
mon- jet
tues - pure
wed - meh, worst night

food -
pick any, eating in the MGM is very fun with all the restaurants there
buffets are a must: bellagio, wynn, rio are the 3 best

one of my favorite schedules for a day in vegas is:
roll out of bed; go eat somewhere and talk about the night before; walk around the casinos (forum shops at caesars is really fun) gamble very little; lunch/snack; go to a pool; go get ready for dinner at a nice restaurant and start drinking (i'll pass out if i try to drink before); go gamble at the casino that has the club we are going to; WIN MONEY; go to the club... nothing is better than winning a lot of money right before you go to a club, the buzz you get from winning + vegas atmosphere then going to one of the sickest clubs in the nation is amazing

I'm going to Vegas in July and if you can't tell I cannot fucking wait!
He trains at Buffalo/Lake Meade now sometimes.
Flamingo/Sandhill is the only good golds left that isn't a night club....er i mean health club :D

I don't really have any suggestions for tourist, only locals lol
Tourist like different flashy things than we folks that live here.

Doesn't he ever train at Flamingo Golds anymore? I'm heading down there in a couple of months, and would love to see him train.

Where;s a good place to buy supps cheap in Vegas? thanks
Lex i'll be there Memorial day weekend, i'll do my best to spend my hard earned cash :p

I'm staying at the Venetian and hittin up the event at Rain on Sunday, supposed to be a ton of dj's there!
I will be in Vegas, thursday night. We are coming in for the Laughlin River Run on our Harleys.
Anyone gonna be in Vegas may 1st - the 8th?
Lex i'll be there Memorial day weekend, i'll do my best to spend my hard earned cash :p

I'm staying at the Venetian and hittin up the event at Rain on Sunday, supposed to be a ton of dj's there!

Perfect bro you spending some money at Venetian will help me directly.

Yea rain, mgm, Tao beach, are all awesome! I like those better than rehab.
Doesn't he ever train at Flamingo Golds anymore? I'm heading down there in a couple of months, and would love to see him train.

Where;s a good place to buy supps cheap in Vegas? thanks

i stopped training at golds a couple months ago, lvac is closer to my house and my son likes the daycare better, so if he's happy, i get to have a full worry free workout :)

I only saw him at Flamingo a hand full of times over the years. Word is he trains up at the Buffalo/Lake Meade gym which is where many of the Decatur guys ended up.

Supplements in vegas, i usually hit J & J Health foods if i need to buy something, better than gnc and ive never been a fan of the other places. They carry just about everything you could want, including ephedrine hcl tabs.
havent been in 2 years but I'm sure these are still some of the best things to do:

thurs - tao
fri- tryst/pure
sat - tryst/pure
sun - hard rock hotel - rehab pool party during day, body english at night
mon- jet
tues - pure
wed - meh, worst night

food -
pick any, eating in the MGM is very fun with all the restaurants there
buffets are a must: bellagio, wynn, rio are the 3 best

one of my favorite schedules for a day in vegas is:
roll out of bed; go eat somewhere and talk about the night before; walk around the casinos (forum shops at caesars is really fun) gamble very little; lunch/snack; go to a pool; go get ready for dinner at a nice restaurant and start drinking (i'll pass out if i try to drink before); go gamble at the casino that has the club we are going to; WIN MONEY; go to the club... nothing is better than winning a lot of money right before you go to a club, the buzz you get from winning + vegas atmosphere then going to one of the sickest clubs in the nation is amazing

I'm going to Vegas in July and if you can't tell I cannot fucking wait!

I too will be there in July as well....................:D

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