question is: I am into the first week of test,eq. d-bol. I got some home brew test and eq. from a friends source. What is the best and quickest way to tell if the stuff is legit and not bogus. Taste, smell etc.
How sure do you need to be? Unless you actually witnessed the person make it, bottle it, etc. there is no way to know for sure whether or not it is real. I know a pro bb that used to buy legit gear, empty out each bottle for himself and refill/recrimp the bottles w/ sterile oil. Then he'd sell the oil to guys at the gym for full price. Wait another week or two-if you start getting boners for no reason your gear is probably legit.
ok, I remember when I done Galanikas and iranian test I was getting a hard one after a few weeks, not trying to sound gay in any way but would just like to know. That is a good way of kinda knowing. thanks.