I feel ya bro. In 2007, I had to have a bone spur removed from the bottom of my acromion. I was all set in 6 weeks. If you go to a good surgeon and follow exactly what they tell you during your rehab, you'll be back at it in no time.
My surgery was Jan 3, I was back to full tilt training by the first week in May. Now later in 2007, I felt a sharp pain in my right shoulder. Come to find out, I had a partial thickness tear of the surpaspinatus. I didn't want to go under the knife, but opted for 2 rounds of therapy. It helped, but I still have some pain. Nothing like I used to. What I do now is make sure I warm up both shoulders properly and also use a topical analgesic I got at my gym for Jockeys. It contains MSM and Glucosmine and works great. Go through your surgery, and make sure you do exactly what they say during rehab.
I was off 6 weeks. I relaxed and didn't worry about training. Take the time and enjoy. Keep your diet in check. What I did was do a ton of reading. I visited a few of the old hardcore forums that used to be around. I watched movies that I had been wanting to see. And I made sure to watch Pumping Iron and Blood and Guts at least once per week. This also gave me time to draw up my DVD chapters and kept a journal. Make sure you do your exercises at home. When you do finally get back to the swing of it, TAKE YOUR TIME!!!! Restrengthen the shoulder and before you know it, it'll feel like nothing was ever wrong. Stay strong bro, and good luck in your surgery!!!!