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Living in California


Jun 6, 2002
I live in Belgium (europe) and i hate it here.
Bodybuilding isn't a popular sport here, so there are almost no personal trainers, no hardcore gyms...

It's always bad weather, shit man.
I always dreamed to move to california.
I don't want to be a copycat and imitate other bodybuilders.

But is my dream realistic?
How can i find a job there?
I heard the life for example at venice beach is very, very expensive and a job is hard to fine.

Do you think it's possible to move to california, start a new life, and still have money and time for bodybuilding?

Need some advice...
I have always heard it is VERY expensive in California.

Maybe you would be better off moving to some place like Florida. It seems as if it would be less expensive. It is also nice weather and a good number of body builders in the larger cities like Miami.

U could move to the armpit of America here in Jersey....cheap to live & alot of bodybuilders come out of it & alot of hardcore gyms
Iam from cali bro next year I will be living one beach down from the place in question. i dont realy care either way i train hard regardless of where iam. I now train in a damned family fitness center where a nobody olympic lifter thinks hes god or something. As for work and money god its freaking pricey here iam paying 1700 a month for a small place. Work does pay well here but i have to warn u wearning a suite every day realy sucks.
Body building is all what u make of it, sometimes u gotta wake up at 5am and train because thats the only time u have to train. U jsut gotta want it enough
opportunity vs. risk

there's opportunity to make LOOT in Cali..... it's JUST what you make of it. Wages are higher, but HOUSING is much higher. I pay $1500/mo for a one-br loft in San Fran. I am down in LA often and to be honest: Venice Beach is kinda a shithole. Santa Monica is decent if you want to be close.

good luck on your decision---> zilla
I live in Ne there are about 30 gyms in the city ranging from family center to a gym were the owner will include a cycle with your membership! There are 4 seasons and 1500 dollars a month would be a nice mortgage on a 4000 sq ft house! The employment rate is one of the lowest in the country and 1 in 29 people are millionares! The cost of living is one of the cheapest in the country! Also the testoterone and other goodies flow like fine wine!! There are more and cheaper places than cali! Not saying that you should move here but look around! Also juice is illegal here so Arizona might be a good move! Its illegal there too but I hear it just easy to get!
stackdizzy said:
I live in Ne there are about 30 gyms in the city ranging from family center to a gym were the owner will include a cycle with your membership! There are 4 seasons and 1500 dollars a month would be a nice mortgage on a 4000 sq ft house! The employment rate is one of the lowest in the country and 1 in 29 people are millionares! The cost of living is one of the cheapest in the country! Also the testoterone and other goodies flow like fine wine!! There are more and cheaper places than cali! Not saying that you should move here but look around! Also juice is illegal here so Arizona might be a good move! Its illegal there too but I hear it just easy to get!

Are you referring to nebraska?

are you referring to New England...?
I live in Southern California in Orange County about an hour away from santa monica and 4 hours from the Mexican border. the weather is nice, but the nice areas are way too expensive, and the not so nice places aren't too safe. I would say that I live in an upscale neighborhood, nothing like Beverly Hills, but to rent a 3 bedroom house would cost ATLEAST $2000 per month where I live. Thank god I still live with my parents, because there is no way in hell that I would be able to afford a place to live and then car payments, insurance (car insurance here is so expensive), food, gear, girlfriend, clothes and go to college. And I work part time and make between $20-$30 an hour! I feel sorry for people making minimum wage!! I don't know how they survive!!!! Honestly the problem here, is that they are letting SOOOOO many illegal imigrants cross the border, that there are places here in southern cal, that are almost like mexico, and infested with gangs. And driving through the heart of LA at night is a pretty scary thing!!! You've got homeless people everywhere, and not to mention gangs. It's weird, because on one street, you can have beautiful multi million dollar houses, and then a block later you could have nothing but poverty. But there are so many beautiful places around here. As you can tell, I hate LA with a passion and I try to avoid it at all costs. But south orange county by the coast where I live, is just gorgeous. If any of you guys come down here, Laguna Beach, and Newport Beach are some awesome spots, the women are fucking unbelivably beautiful, mmmm, so fucking hot! (and very stuck up:-/) I've never seen so many ferrari's and lambourgini's in my life. I love going to the gym at around 9:30AM because that's when all of the the milfs are there not to mention young hotties, LOL.(It get's the testosterone flowing), then eat, and off to the beach to tan and surf!!!(on non working days):D
I live in San Diego, but any where there are good places and bad. Venice Beach isn't that great like zilla said. As far as good places and bad it's all what you make of it. It's about respect in the bad areas, if they see your scared it could be a ruff road.

I will say it always amazes my when I talk to people from the mid-west or some where else. They talk about how great it is back home, but they don't go back. Which tells me it's not what they say it is or they'd be there.

Bro go for your dream, do some investigating see if what you do is available.

its not that easy to move to usa actually , u have to get a work permit to start with , and for that , u need to be selected by a usa based company before u enter usa i think , and they are not handing out visas very easy . u have to see how u'll make a living , what u will do to afford the personal trainers , the gyms , the steroids (which is a risk after just entering usa ) , so many things to consider bro . think about it carefully .

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