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Longest run on DNP


May 4, 2011
What’s the longest you’ve ran dnp? At what dose? I think little slice mentioned 6 months ( not sure if serious). I’m at the 28 day mark right now, started with 250 week 1-2 then up to 500 since then. No cardio just at home training. Last time I hopped on the inbody at work I was 215 10.4% before the place closed to the corona. I’m down to 198. I dropped to 191 for like 3 days then I’m assuming I began holding more water and went back up to 198.

250 test

2iu gh

Calories are about ~1,500-2,000 daily. Mainly protein moderate carb low fat.

support supps
200mg glutathione m,w,f
3gm vit c
400mg magnesium
500mg tudca
5,000iu vit d
200mg mk7
1.6gm eph/dha

easy 2gal day of water
Crazy man. Once I hit 500 I can't last for more than 3-4 weeks. It's just miserable all the time. I just started on Sunday, I'm doing 250mg and then an extra 250mg every 3rd day. Keeping me sane, but 500 daily makes me pretty worthless. This is powder DNP btw.

Great progress though man. Being quarantined is a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, great time to be miserable on DNP because you aren't missing out on much. On the other, with gyms closed, I'm finding it harder to maximize my weight loss with adequate exercise. Tired of jogging on the track every day already.

My supps are 40mg Vyvanse, and I chew a few pieces of 4mg nicotine gum a day between meals to stave off carb cravings. Other than that, just multivitamins and BCAA's / electrolytes. I've found the rest of the dnp "supps" people recommend don't change anything for me, and are just added cost.
Since I can't do anything because of lock down. What can I do to lose weight with dnp
Longest I did was 200mg ed for 5 weeks, then I ran out or would've continued. I prefer "low" dose DNP for a longer time over the common tapering up to 800-1000mg over 2 weeks.
200mg with a good diet don't make me feel like crap, still have energy for decent workouts, sleep is way better, cravings are mostly in check.
Highest I personally went was 800mg for 3 days at the end of a taper and I don't think I'd do it again. It's a bit of a vicious circle, too. The leaner I get, the worse my cravings are - those are then compounded by the high dose DNP, and eventually I'll pig out, which, because of the massive influx of simple carbs, will then make me feel even worse.

Wish I had planned a little bit better, now that I don't have to worry about workouts and work (doing half days, mostly, and business is slower, so I don't interact with a lot of people face to face), I'd probably try to run 600mg until fully shredded or as long as I could bear it.
I'm running it with my wife right now. It's actually nice running it with a partner because you can keep each other in check when you feel a craving coming on. The body craves homeostasis, and the faster you drop lbs, the more the body is going to fight you to put it back on.
I ran 200mg E/D for six weeks. In hindsight I’d never do that again but doing it in the middle of summer while living/working near the SoCal desert probably wasn’t smart. I did lose weight but there’s easier ways IMO.
I’m up to week 5 at 500mg. Nicotine gum really does help with cravings.
I would like to know which sides can have a person running DNP for a long time when gyms are closed, a duration of 2 months and in doses of 250-400
I see that when i run DNP my urine is more darker, could it be bad for the kidney?
Dark urine can have a number of reasons, hell, I would sometimes have dark urine on 5-6 liters of fluid (~1.5 gal) a day without DNP.
As long as you make sure you drink enough for how much you're sweating, there shouldn't be a problem in the short term. As per usual, don't do stupid shit and apply common sense. If you're unsure, do the lowest dose your caps allow for and play it by ear. 200-250mg should be well tolerated for a longer period of time as long as you're not living in extremely hot weather.

Usually I tell people "if it makes you feel like shit, it's probably a good idea to stop, evaluate what's going on, and/or have bloodwork done". Sadly this doesn't really work for DNP, since making you feel like shit is kind of its mechanism of action. 😜
Dark urine can have a number of reasons, hell, I would sometimes have dark urine on 5-6 liters of fluid (~1.5 gal) a day without DNP.
As long as you make sure you drink enough for how much you're sweating, there shouldn't be a problem in the short term. As per usual, don't do stupid shit and apply common sense. If you're unsure, do the lowest dose your caps allow for and play it by ear. 200-250mg should be well tolerated for a longer period of time as long as you're not living in extremely hot weather.

Usually I tell people "if it makes you feel like shit, it's probably a good idea to stop, evaluate what's going on, and/or have bloodwork done". Sadly this doesn't really work for DNP, since making you feel like shit is kind of its mechanism of action. 😜

Thank you, there's a smart (OK maybe just not completely retarded) and a dumb way of running the stuff. I have gotten a lot of people to not be so scared of DNP. My cousin ran it for the first time under my guidance at 250mg a day for just two weeks and was very impressed with what he saw after the water dropped off. Wasn't even running a big deficit.

Normally people who have issues are fuckin 110lb fitness chicks who eat nothing, take a gram and expect nothing bad to happen.
And now I have some on the way. They're 125mg caps, I'm thinking of running 125mg a day for a month to see what happens.
I'm 2 weeks in tomorrow alternating 250 and 500mg days. I'm eating around 2500 cals, which is more than I normally do, but I feel "better" from a not-starving all the time kind of way. I've run it every possible way you can at this point. Low dose, long term, high dose blitz, PSMF diet, normal diet, slightly above maintenance. I prefer to keep my sanity. Eating under maintenance and taking more than 300mg powder is just a recipe for binge eating. I prefer to eat just enough that I stay full so that I don't have the urge to go pound a whole chocolate cake. With DNP once you start eating junk, at least for me, I feel like a bottomless pit, and in less than no time I'm at 3K+ calories for the day and it's a loss. I hate that shit. Prefer to just steadily and slowly lose weight without changing much.

To those who can starve themselves and run big doses and lose slabs of fat quickly, my hat is off to you. But for the average person, my advice is keep yourself sane, and eat a normal isocaloric diet.
Mine gets here today, 125mg caps. Can't decide whether I want to run 125mg for a month or 250mg for two weeks. My cousin ran the stuff at 250mg a day for two weeks, about maintenance calories, and estimates that when water dropped off he'd lost eight pounds of fat.

$25 to drop 8lbs of body fat. What else can you do that with? Lol
Mine gets here today, 125mg caps. Can't decide whether I want to run 125mg for a month or 250mg for two weeks. My cousin ran the stuff at 250mg a day for two weeks, about maintenance calories, and estimates that when water dropped off he'd lost eight pounds of fat.

$25 to drop 8lbs of body fat. What else can you do that with? Lol

I'd say 250 mate. 125 to me would be pointless unless you were already in a massive deficit. Also dependent on your level of activity. Which, currently in quarantine, I have to say I'm not getting in my normal amount of exercise so I'm relying a bit more on the DNP to do it's magic than when I'm normally in the gym 7 days a week.
250 isn't that much. you could probably run that for a good amount of time with no worries. some people run 500 for a couple/several weeks.
I'm doing 125mg twice a day. It's crystal! Nice. I'm taking a more moderate approach with diet. I've done PSMF with dnp and although it's the most effective protocol, you fight with all your might to not binge.

Diet is mostly steak and eggs, no direct sources of carbs except for some cottage cheese and frozen berries as my last meal. Protein varies, can be 300-400g, carbs below 50g, fats around 80-100g. This is very sustainable for me without being too restrictive. I like keeping my fats in there, I'd rather feel 10x better on the diet than end up with an extra quarter pound of fat loss when all is said and done.
I'm doing 125mg twice a day. It's crystal! Nice. I'm taking a more moderate approach with diet. I've done PSMF with dnp and although it's the most effective protocol, you fight with all your might to not binge.

Diet is mostly steak and eggs, no direct sources of carbs except for some cottage cheese and frozen berries as my last meal. Protein varies, can be 300-400g, carbs below 50g, fats around 80-100g. This is very sustainable for me without being too restrictive. I like keeping my fats in there, I'd rather feel 10x better on the diet than end up with an extra quarter pound of fat loss when all is said and done.

I find that people who starve themselves end up binging, a lot of times not even telling the truth in their logs, and end up giving up. Or you're just miserable taking DNP and losing no weight at all OR EVEN WORSE, gaining weight. I always recommend eating what you need not to get cravings out of control. Whole, filling food. NO sugar. I remove junk food from my house on DNP. I don't even want the OPTION to fuck up. Because I've been there, done that, don't want to do it again. Honestly with DNP once I start hitting sugar, I just want more. On higher doses you can feel like a bottomless pit.
Same. I actually out-ate DNP the first time I ran it, then binged for weeks after my cycle ended. Ended up being about the same weight in the end lol. From there on out, I ran moderate dosages only (200mg a day) with a somewhat less restricted low carb approach, but still a pretty significant deficit. Much more pleasant experience, to say the least. That extra fat made all the difference. If I was really having bad cravings, I'd eat lots of protein and fat. That way I wouldn't be found dead in a puddle of sweat...
Maybe it's not crystal. It's cut with micronized creatine, so that may be why it looks the way it does.

Well, having the little bit of sugar (from creamer) in my coffee this morning sparked a reaction. It's 58 degrees with sweat on my lower back, ha. For some reason, I feel it far more in my lower back than anywhere else.

Was definitely warm last night. But the girl is cold natured, so she loves it.

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