Don't expect miracles and don't believe the hype that it's anywhere near as good as GH. At least, not in the doses that are being recommended. I took it for about 4 months last year and I was pleased with it, but it wasn't in the same league as GH. I did the 100/100 tid protocol on an empty stomach each shot (which was a royal pain in the ass to try to accomplish with the middle shot) and I would liken it to the equivalent of 2 ius, maybe 2.5 ius of GH. Far from the 10 ius of GH per day that's been mentioned as the potential amount of release from taking these peptides.
They, like most drugs, are dose dependent. Now, the Law of Diminishing Returns does seem to be in effect, here. You can take twice as much, but you won't get twice the return...maybe 50% more.
This stuff is cheap, but so is GH right now.
There's a lot of talk about GH spikes and troughs, and it is very interesting. For years, I believed that GH levels peaked rapidly within a few minutes of taking a shot of GH, then quickly subsided back to baseline within a couple of hours. However, the good people over at Lilly have done a few studies of their own and they seem to have conflicting findings.
I am going to attach the chart that is on page 13 of the prescribing information, plus the link to the actual 18 page document from the Humatrope website.
**broken link removed**