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Low Dose Test: Jumped Weight Class


Jul 28, 2010
Need some help. I'm 4 weeks into a low dose test run (250 mgs/week). I wanted to put on a little weight for looks and to get to the limit of my weight class in my sport (add 9 pounds by 8 weeks).

I'm already up 12 pounds after 4 weeks. I know a lot is water. At this rate should I keep going and get rid of the water at the end of 8 weeks or also reduce the test?

Should I also start reducing my calories?

It's all dependent on your diet.
Need some help. I'm 4 weeks into a low dose test run (250 mgs/week). I wanted to put on a little weight for looks and to get to the limit of my weight class in my sport (add 9 pounds by 8 weeks).

I'm already up 12 pounds after 4 weeks. I know a lot is water. At this rate should I keep going and get rid of the water at the end of 8 weeks or also reduce the test?

Should I also start reducing my calories?


A 250mg/wk cycle with test seems like such waste. You could have added 9lbs in 8 weeks by just eating more and taking a bunch of creatine.
Need some help. I'm 4 weeks into a low dose test run (250 mgs/week). I wanted to put on a little weight for looks and to get to the limit of my weight class in my sport (add 9 pounds by 8 weeks).

I'm already up 12 pounds after 4 weeks. I know a lot is water. At this rate should I keep going and get rid of the water at the end of 8 weeks or also reduce the test?

Should I also start reducing my calories?


leave the test at 250, anything lower is a waste for a cycle...watch your diet
To echo these guys, leave the test where it is and back off the carbs as needed. Are you on an AI? I can't imagine gaining much water from only 250mgs/wk...but if you have you certainly won't continue to gain at a high rate at so low a dose. If you do, congratulations, you're a freak!
Thanks everyone. I'll lower my calories and carbs and keep the test going.

I took .25 of adex the third week and dropped 3 pounds but it came back and more--very quickly. I've never done a test cycle and I know the amount is really low--that most guys looking for size go a minimum of 500 mgs/week; but as I said my goal is only 9 pounds in 8 weeks.
On that low a dose I would not worry about any AI. I would decrease carbs and slightly increase protein though. Watch sodium intake and drink plenty of water. Use vit c and b6. It is hard to give advice when we have no diet to look at, but this should make a difference to the overall plan.
If a lot is water, and supposing your diet is right on, drink 2 litres of dandelion tea everyday to lose the excess water!
Is this your first cycle? As a point of reference 250mg a week will put you over 1100ng / dl. Average for a 30 year old male is 400 - 500 ng / dl. If its your first cycle then you may have chosen a bad time to start. My first was 200mg a week of crap Brovel test and I gained 22lbs over 10 weeks. I kept 18 or 19lbs.
Is this your first cycle? As a point of reference 250mg a week will put you over 1100ng / dl. Average for a 30 year old male is 400 - 500 ng / dl. If its your first cycle then you may have chosen a bad time to start. My first was 200mg a week of crap Brovel test and I gained 22lbs over 10 weeks. I kept 18 or 19lbs.

Yes, first cycle. I eat clean and have maxed out on the creatine, protein shakes, etc. The problem was I am getting up in age (masters), training was being held back by injuries, recovery time, etc., and I didn't want to go down a weight class.

I underestimated how quickly it would take effect and thought I would need to eat more (clean, of course) to reach my goal.

Thanks for all the advice!
i think you should go by what you look like. who cares what u weigh; top of class or not

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