I know there aren't hardly any post on it. Believe me I researched this for over 3yrs trying to decided what I wanted to do. This was after a fellow female bb from another board suggested it as an alternative HRT. She is very knowledgeable on AS.
She suggested enanthate @ 50mgs twice a week to keep from spiking. She wrote "if you are worried, use propionate, it's in and out faster (enanthate is a ester used for HRT so it is in your system longer) but it can give you a good stinger at the injection site."
Then I asked her about Sustanon 250, because a friend already had it. She said I could do 50 - 75 mg per week, but I was still nervous about taking it, so I started at 25 mg per week. I wasn't having any negative sides, so after 8 wks I increased it to 50mgs. I went up to 100 mgs for 8 wks, but got too nervous about taking that much and cut it back. I've decided to stay with 50mg. I draw with 18 gauge and switch to 25 to inject. It's been a year now, and I'm still not having any major negative sides... unless you call increase in sex drive and very wet a bad side effect. My fiance is enjoy the sides.
I think the key here, because there isn't very much research to support it is to start out with small amounts. Just try it out to see how her body is going to react to it. Some women have very good results with the cream, and that may be all they need or want to do. I have had a total hysterectomy, so my body doesn't produce any hormones. Test helps your body naturally produce estrogen, so it give me just enough estrogen to keep the hot flashes, night sweats and other menopausal symptoms away plus a little extra to grow on.
If anyone else has any more information... it would be very helpful to add it.