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Low total test 170


New member
Jun 16, 2016
Hey guys been two months since pct Clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolva 20/20/20/20 and decided to pull bloods and it came back 170 total test, waiting on second bloods to make sure it wasn't an error but what's your thoughts? I'm 30 ran deca/test last cycle , was dumb and didn't pull bloods before. Where will my primary Dr go from here ? Specialist ? Hcg ? Trt?
Really yeah that's what I figured, holy hell 73! You know the main thing I'm noticing is fatigue so I can imagine how that felt. Pm sent I have a question. Thanks for the response bro
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My endo ran my bloods three times because he thought they were wrong, and told me nothing just that the test was flawed. Called me in and was like your at 73....we like to keep women at about 90. And he just got silent, lol
I'm ten weeks in and feel like a new man
Yeah kinda think I'm in the same boat , round 2 of tests exactly like you said, right now it's my pcp but I imagine it's off to the endo next.. I'm not familiar with any of it really. You do your injections at home ? And about how often do they pull bloods ? Sorry for all the questions, I don't mind doing my homework but I'd figure I'd ask and save some time.
if you are really wanting to see what your level will come back to, that can take many more months
Alright thanks for the input , so give it time see if it's trending upwards, I was taking some generic blue top hgh as well (not from here) I was only on it a few weeks but when I got the blood work back I stopped cause I thought maybe it was something suppressive in there and not actually hgh, didn't trust the source.. just eliminating variables.
And I know nobody here is a Dr just listening to your experiences helps me get a better idea of what is going on. So it's appreciated
Update got my second round of bloods and tested 67 lol smh going to wait a month and retest
out of curiosity, what was length of cycle? what were doses? how many cycles have you ran? did you take hcg during this cycle?
Do you know your test levels before the cycle?

Also have your endo test your luteinizing hormone (LH) and FSH levels. If LH is off then it means your body is still recovering to get natural test levels back and it may take a while. If LH is good then you may just have low test.

If you don't want to wait for Dr. This place is cheap and good:

**broken link removed**
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I ran 500mg test 500mg deca for 8 weeks 1/2 adex e3d , pct is mentioned above no hcg, I ran dbol 60mg a day split the first four weeks. This would be my third cycle all the same minus the dbol. I know I probably shouldn't even ran a 19 nor but I've had back and shoulder injuries and it made a huge difference. I'm kinda wondering if I haven't always been on the low side and just finished my production off... my free test was 0.60
Will do Big one good advice, I was looking on the lab work the pcp had drawn and it only shows free test, total test, and estro. So I'm assuming he didn't pull that, he said we will pull bloods in a month and see if it's trending upwards and at that time make a referral to an endo if they are still low. Thanks for the link bro
Yeah kinda think I'm in the same boat , round 2 of tests exactly like you said, right now it's my pcp but I imagine it's off to the endo next.. I'm not familiar with any of it really. You do your injections at home ? And about how often do they pull bloods ? Sorry for all the questions, I don't mind doing my homework but I'd figure I'd ask and save some time.

I do shots at home 200mg/wk, follow up blood tests every 20 wks
Thanks brother for the awnser I was curious , because I know it varies

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