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man, the injuries just don't stop.


New member
Jul 31, 2003
I was back at the doctors office to have my stitches taken out. They were under the skin, talk about a world of pain. He pulled it very fast and it was a burning, ripping, clanking feel.

Anyway I told him I thought that my left pec is much smaller than my right, and has been for the past few years. I had my shoulder dislovated in a high school football game. I could not figure out why that would effect my shoulder so much so I just recently started to think that I may have actually torn my pec years ago and never treated it. He took a look, and was suprised at what he found. He could pop my shoulder in and out of the capsule. He was dislocating my shoulder and I felt no pain. He had me lay back and do my usual bench press motion. Everytime my arm went back it was sliping out of socket. He told me that I have probably torn every ligament in my shoulder and he could not believe that I have been able to keep lifiting all these years. He also said my body has been compinsating with my lat muscle. So my lat has been picking up all the weight my shoulder could not support.

This is great news, because this has been a very big problem for me. I have tried everything to work it out to make it match the other but I could tell that the contraction was just not there. So he offered to scope my shoulder and later on go and replace all the tendons with new fake ones.

I went to the gym to see if I could make it up on my own. and my the left side of my chest blew up. I did only one side machine press, but kept my shoulder pushed to the front the entire time. Man it almost brought tears to my eyes becaues I have really driven myself crazy about it and was giving up hope for it ever to grow.

So now I don't know what to do, I am sure I can keep my shoulder stable at a moderate but not sure about heavy weight. If anyone has had shoulder replacement surgery please let me know how it went and what the recovery is like. I am not trying to have to sit out anymore than I have to. I am planning on winning my state title this summer and need to get back in the gym by june.

Seems like yesterday when i blew out my L-4 disc and ive tried evrything and nothing has healed it 100% but i can say now its almost 80% and im happy , dont worry bro it seems like your doc has got you in the right direction and im sure your gonna be very surprised how fast you get back hitting the weights, i also know how time away from the gym can make us a bit depressed and angry but its all part of the healing process .

Good Luck im pullin for ya
state show?? are we thinking the same state?? my training partner is gonna do it, october right. best of luck cause he's gonna be a pretty nasty heavyweight.
Man Weight ,I can so relate to your situation. And it really sucks.I know that these set backs are very hard to deal with ,but hopefully you are just getting through this now instead of later .I know that you are incredibily motivated and you will overcome any hurdle that comes your way.Get this handled now so it doesn't come back and haunt you later......Believe me .Injuries ended my football career before it really got started .Don't let that happen to you.You are young and have plenty of time to heal up .
Torn Shoulder

Man, I have a torn shoulder and I refuse to get surgery. I know of guys who have been out for 6-12 months with rehab. Fuck that. If its serious enough you are gonna be out for a while. I had the same thing as far as my should slipping out when I would lay down or hand my hands behind my head. At first the pain was rough, I could only sleep in one position, had to drive with only my left arm, etc. I tried Active Release Therapy (ART) and in the last two months my shoulder is probably at about 80% strength and 90% as far as pain. I just recently got back to the gym serious and I still shy away from certain exercises just to keep me safe. You should look in some A.R.T and shoulder rehab threrapy (rubber band exercises) and see if you can strengthen your should ligaments that way. I think I will always have an "unstable" shoulder but if I can lift hard and pain free then I'll deal with the other issues. Good luck.
edge250 said:
[B. best of luck cause he's gonna be a pretty nasty heavyweight. [/B]

did they move it back. I know the NPC stopped promoting it and ever since it has been a terrible show. Last year was a joke. I am doing it just to get my but back up on stage this year instead of sitting a whole year out. Anyway, got any pictures. He better be dead on because come show day just call me shredz. I will be in the heavies as well. :D

Also, thanks for all the kind words guys. This is not really any extra set back, been dealing with it for 4 years now pain free, but it is nice to know. It is also nice to come somewhere and be able to vent a little about this bbing shit and have others positive input.
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I had some reconstructive shoulder work done - rotator cuff.

It took a looong time to recover, longer than I expected. A lot of this was due to having it stay immoble to allow it to heal. Shoulder got locke up and took lots of physical therapy and simple movements to regain full range of motion. But, it has been much stronger post surgery than it ever was pre surgery.

damn how the hell did you keep lifting and make gains with your shoulder so torn apart? good luck man
xcelbeyond, thnaks. That is what I was looking for. I have not had much of a problem with strength, my shoulders are one of my best muscle, I have pushed 295lbs on military (smith machine) for reps. But I think it hurts me most during bench. I think that is part of the reason I tore my right pec, first my left lat picks up what the shoulder can not handle and then the right peck is forced to do the rest.
RIV said:
damn how the hell did you keep lifting and make gains with your shoulder so torn apart? good luck man


That is probably one of the most important things I learned in Military school.

man, my heart goes out to you on the injuries

every year since i was 18 (25 now) i've had some type of injury that kept me out of the gym for anywhere from a month to a year.....

1996... shoulder dislocation (football) 2 months

1997... USMC boot camp.. 185 at 7%BF to 160 lbs looking like a POW... minus 25 lbs.. 20 lbs of it was muscle loss

1998... shoulder dislocation (softball)

1999... 2 weeks training minus 20 lbs (lack of food and sleep)

1999... knee arthroscope, no legs for 6 weeks, still did upper body

1999.... broken ankle.. no legs for another 6 weeks

2000... shoulder dislocation (rugby) out one year

2001.... 2 weeks training minus 20 lbs again (no food sleep)

2002... 2 weeks training minus 20 lbs again

2003... 2 weeks training minus 20 lbs again

2003... spider bite right after 20 lbs weight loss from above.... sapped me for an additional 30 lbs.... i lost about 50 lbs in a 6 week period

2004... feeling great so far... shoulder get inflammed every now and then but i'm still here fighting...

just stick with it bro...

you'll get through it, each obstacle just make you a better person....

hell, if i never had an injury i should be about oh,..... 355 lbs right now.. LOL

get it taken care off... take all the time off you need

you'll be in the game a lot longer than if you rush you injury

this is long term... 6 months is nothing

muscle memory will take care of you.. now take care of your body and yourself

Is it FLAT bench or all benches??? I know each angle can effect the shoulder girdle differently.

I know you know FLAT is not the most important lift out there when it comes to chest.
I hear you on injuries too. I was at my peak right after college when POP...there goes my shoulder. I was doing 4 plates and a quarter on each side of the hammer behind the neck military and I felt something funny. I finished my workout, did 80lb db's for my last set of front raises. I woke up the next morning and couldn't raise my arm. I was out for 10 months+. It was the closest I had ever come to being depressed. I continued to train what I could, but I kept my cals high and from the lack of intense training I got fat as hell. Also, I didn't have medical insurance because after college graduation you get booted off your parent's, so I couldn't see a doc. After the whole ordeal I was still 257, but a very different 257. But I'm back to normal, repping 365 on smith military, you'll come back stronger than ever after these injuries. Your drive seems to be great...just a bump in the road.
Taking more than 3-4 months off from a shouldre dislocation is too much in my eyes. When I frist did mine in 2000 it was the worst. I was still back in the gym 3 months later. I also redislocated it in 2002 in a fight. I was at a party and things just happened so fast next thing I knew my shoulder has down by my torso. I was hammered and it took me and my friends over 1 hour to get to the hospital (deciding who whould drive,which one to go to blah blah) by the time I got it back in place it was 2 hours later. They had to put me to sleep to do it becaues it was so bad. It was really just hanging there. Good thing I was drunk or I would have been crying like a baby. That was the last day of my senior year and I was back lifting by my senior trip. So about 3 weeks later. I have always thougth if you want something bad enough you shall get it.

Yep I am currently suffering from a 2nd degree seperation in my good shoulder. Fucking HURTS. Doc said I will be out a min. of 2 months... I said 3 weeks and that is it. Cannot afford to miss anymore games. I :eek:
Dude I know it sucks but I would get it taken care of and then you won't have to worry about shit! Good luck bro!!
Dude tell me about it. I haven't been in the gym in another 3 month span. Part of the reason I haven't been on the pc as much either. Joints are fucked. Won't be ready to go to my tryout on the 1st of june, may have to talk them into a later one or wait another year. And on top of that my semi pro season starts in 7 weeks. I can't even really run cause it even hurts my hips. Bursitis is a really bitch and is more painful than I ever thought it could be. Finally got setup to see the chiro on monday and tried to workout out alittle bit this week and rode the bike. I look like complete shit after this 3 month stint, by far the fattest I've ever been. Probably around 16% and I weighed 221 yesterday. Compared to a year ago at 216 at 5.4% this sucks. So I can relate, because I will always have bursitis now and if I don't stay on top of it, it will be a horrible pain. But the up side is that I know it only takes me 5 good weeks to get back into shape and I've got 7. So it's all about how I do it. So keep a positive attitude and work for it and you'll reach it. We all have to start over at times. ;)

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