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McGwire Tells Panel He Won't Name Names

Every last one should take the 5th, and Conseco should go to jail like poor Victor Conte probably will.
Canseco is an ass! Why fucking bring all this up.....for money I know but man, how shitty!
I wouldnt say a damn thing if I were those guys! It's so dumb...I cant believe its actually gotten this far!


Curt Schilling put it simple about canceco, the sad thing every news or media item is bashing big mac becus he didnt say whether or not he did. WHO GIVES A SHIT get over it!!!!!! None of your business people, stay out of other people's affairs. Why do people think just cause your a high profile athlete your not human. Like I stated in another post lets now sepeona Allen Iverson and other NBA stars that may have, or someone saw, or someone said they took some coc or marijuana. These are federal offenses too media, why not witch hunt these people too.
My opinion? McGwire didn't have to say anything to those fucker faggots. It's like asking someone who you don't know how his sex life is with his wife. They have no business to even ask him that question. The thing that bothers me is that congress wants to help MLB with drug testing and help young kids (as they say). But then when the players come in they ask him personal questions that they have no reason to ask. It's bullshit.
jrflex i dont like the situation either but remember that McGwire was paid millions of dollars.
they don't have to say shit,they never got caught.why tell on yourself,that's like you guys running to congress and saying you juice.fuck them!!!!!!!!!! i hope conseco becomes BUBBAS BITCH!!!!! whether they juiced or not they still have to hit the ball.juice doesn't help with eye to hand coordination.they didn't talk about pitchers pitching 103mph or the fact that they shortened all the fences so more home runs would be hit.the home run is what saved baseball from it's strike.anyway i'm done with this waste of energy talking about this nonsense.

Big Ed said:
jrflex i dont like the situation either but remember that McGwire was paid millions of dollars.

I understand what you're saying big Ed but don't you think that his personal life is his and he even said he was willing to help the kids of the so called 500,000 hs students that juice (I'd like to know where they get their information from.) I think they just think about stuff to say when they are going to sleep. Anyways, McGwire is all positive about helping kids and he does have a heart. The thing I don't like is that congress has no idea what is coming out of their mouths. lol It's like a bunch of bullshit. I think congress should be made up of all bodybuilders and power should be placed by the placing at the Mr. O. I'd make everything easier. lol
ZAK - lee dat

NOBODY should co-operate with those fuckers. They are liars and thieves. DO NOT TRUST THE GOVERNMENT, or any level there of. The best defense is saying, What? I don't....huh? ARE YOU wha? ARE YOU TALKIN TO ME? .......nevermind......babbledy, babbledy, fuck you......
Kahn said:
NOBODY should co-operate with those fuckers. They are liars and thieves. DO NOT TRUST THE GOVERNMENT, or any level there of. The best defense is saying, What? I don't....huh? ARE YOU wha? ARE YOU TALKIN TO ME? .......nevermind......babbledy, babbledy, fuck you......

lol thats exactly what I was thinking.....fuck'em

Kahn said:
NOBODY should co-operate with those fuckers. They are liars and thieves. DO NOT TRUST THE GOVERNMENT, or any level there of. The best defense is saying, What? I don't....huh? ARE YOU wha? ARE YOU TALKIN TO ME? .......nevermind......babbledy, babbledy, fuck you......

thanx needed that, the funny thing is find myself doing that to many people, coincidence
gooey :rolleyes:
Mac is a great guy and should be honored for his accomplishments in the sport. Canseco is a shit stick and will get his punishment in and out of the courts. Asshole rat
The poor guy is getting blasted by he media. Fuck 'em. How quickly they forget that in 1998, he along with Sosa, got the fans interested in baseball again. Nobody mentions all the kids charities he's involved with.
Mcgwire is being villified as a liar, cheat, and steroid freak by all the media here on the East Coast. You know, with all he has done for children, if he had to take steroids to blast all those homers, to get that level of salary, to contribute all that money and spotlight to children issues-to me the end justifies the means (using gear).
Since fucking when is using our civil rights, given for these particular reasons
in our constitution-a reason to brand someone a liar? So Mark's enforcement of a vital right in our constitution-which makes us the great country (gag.. :eek: ) we are supposed to be, makes him a liar and a cheat. Well, full blown, we have gone commie. Not even our constitutional right matter whatsoever when the media and govenrment start their communist which hunt! We continue to hit rock bottom in this cespool of a police state. :mad:

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