I am entering the MR PReakness contest this year. I watched my close friend get 2nd place last year and he wasnt very good. First place gets a 1000$ check and 2nd gets 500. I plan on winning and putting all of that money on the race. I plan on being 203 at 5% bodyfat. The preakness is mid may and Im already at 215 8%, so I dont got much work to do.
If you all want to come out and watch me win, then we can screw our diets up drinking insane amounts of liquor, let me know.
Hey bigsherm, I aint ignoring you bro, just been so busy, I will give you all call this weekend.
If you all want to come out and watch me win, then we can screw our diets up drinking insane amounts of liquor, let me know.
Hey bigsherm, I aint ignoring you bro, just been so busy, I will give you all call this weekend.