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Military Veteran OUTKAST

If it wasnt for my 2 young daughters I would have gone back in. I wasnt married when I was in nor did I have any kids. Btw, my section cheif was in Beirut at that same time you were there, Sgt. Drew? might have been a Cpl at that time? Does the name ring a bell? SEMPER FI BROTHER!!!!!!!

No Brother, I don't remember Sgt./ Cpl Drew. I was a Combat Engineer.
you keep saying -i want to go back-i cant handle civilian life...go back in or deal with dont know what else you want to hear...a marine for life,is an active marine- a discharged marine is an ex.marine!

i'm not about to get into a pissing contest with you. Your comment about "a discharged Marine being an ex Marine, not only are you wrong but if you dont believe me walk into a VFW Hall or better yet walk into a Veterans Hospital and find some OLD Salts, (that would be an OLD Veteran to you just in case you dont know what that means) and tell them that their EX-Marines, and see what they say. I Bet they'll chew your ass out! You talk to just about anybody who served in the military and they'll tell you they miss it too. It's not the best place to raise a familiy. THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS AN EX-MARINE!!! Remember we fight what you FEAR!!!
i'm not about to get into a pissing contest with you. Your comment about "a discharged Marine being an ex Marine, not only are you wrong but if you dont believe me walk into a VFW Hall or better yet walk into a Veterans Hospital and find some OLD Salts, (that would be an OLD Veteran to you just in case you dont know what that means) and tell them that their EX-Marines, and see what they say. I Bet they'll chew your ass out! You talk to just about anybody who served in the military and they'll tell you they miss it too. It's not the best place to raise a familiy. THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS AN EX-MARINE!!! Remember we fight what you FEAR!!!

Mike, I'm ex UK Armed Forces and while I agree that I miss the camaraderie and going through shit with my mates, you have to adapt to civilian life.

It seems like youre having a harder time than most to do this. Try and talk to someone bro cos Ive read your posts since you started this thread and you're not moving on. Splitting your world view into those who've served and those who haven't is pretty narrow minded and isn't helping you.

You're out now, you'll always be a Marine you know that, time to move on and leave the past where it belongs bro. You'll never forget it and no-one expects you to but its time to live in the present.

Good luck mate :)
i'm not about to get into a pissing contest with you. Your comment about "a discharged Marine being an ex Marine, not only are you wrong but if you dont believe me walk into a VFW Hall or better yet walk into a Veterans Hospital and find some OLD Salts, (that would be an OLD Veteran to you just in case you dont know what that means) and tell them that their EX-Marines, and see what they say. I Bet they'll chew your ass out! You talk to just about anybody who served in the military and they'll tell you they miss it too. It's not the best place to raise a familiy. THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS AN EX-MARINE!!! Remember we fight what you FEAR!!!

my brothers been in for 18 years -my father was a marine for his whole life. i lucked out and got into the ibew electrical union with a great job or i was gonna join aswell! were in for only 4 years-it shouldnt be that hard to get over....4 years really isnt long-your just gonna have to face that your an ex marine and move on! i hope it works out for u bro
my brothers been in for 18 years -my father was a marine for his whole life. i lucked out and got into the ibew electrical union with a great job or i was gonna join aswell! were in for only 4 years-it shouldnt be that hard to get over....4 years really isnt long-your just gonna have to face that your an ex marine and move on! i hope it works out for u bro

Once again, Theres no such thing as an ex-Marine, since you say your dad was a lifer ask him if theres such a thing as an ex-Marine.
Once again, Theres no such thing as an ex-Marine, since you say your dad was a lifer ask him if theres such a thing as an ex-Marine.

he past away in 1990.. but hell 4 years is basic training, school, and your just about out!
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Once again, Theres no such thing as an ex-Marine

Mike, I have to agree with you 100%...regardless of what branch of service or how long you was in, it will always be in your blood. Now that you are a civilian you can and will adapt to life just as you did when you joined the Marines. You was not a Marine when you joined but was turned into one and a mighty good one so life will move on as a civilian.

20 yrs (retired E-7)
"Engineers lead the way"
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Let me give u a different perspective: MOS 2105 was Battalion Surgeon (REAL YOUNG TO MAKE O5 AND THEN 06) for 1/25 4th. MARDIV the only reserve unit to see combat in Desert Storm. Spent one year in Iraq. Saw some positive shit-- some negative shit-- all the same-- everyone got through it.
Medical Doctor here in private practice in CAL. Despite my being a Naval Officer assigned to the Marines, the only 2 friends that I have are Marines who are still active duty. Know exactly what u are talking about in the civilian sector. For me to get through it I became absorbed in my work seeing very sick patients, and focused on my body in a gym. Not at pro status at this point, but sure as hell physically don't look like a M.D. That is how I dealt with it-- sounds shallow I know.

Drop me a line Marine if u get totally fucked up. Worse comes to worse, we will turn u into the next NPC CHAMPION.

Semper fi!!! usmcdevildoc------------- sir
Let me give u a different perspective: MOS 2105 was Battalion Surgeon (REAL YOUNG TO MAKE O5 AND THEN 06) for 1/25 4th. MARDIV the only reserve unit to see combat in Desert Storm. Spent one year in Iraq. Saw some positive shit-- some negative shit-- all the same-- everyone got through it.
Medical Doctor here in private practice in CAL. Despite my being a Naval Officer assigned to the Marines, the only 2 friends that I have are Marines who are still active duty. Know exactly what u are talking about in the civilian sector. For me to get through it I became absorbed in my work seeing very sick patients, and focused on my body in a gym. Not at pro status at this point, but sure as hell physically don't look like a M.D. That is how I dealt with it-- sounds shallow I know.

Drop me a line Marine if u get totally fucked up. Worse comes to worse, we will turn u into the next NPC CHAMPION.

Semper fi!!! usmcdevildoc------------- sir

I was with 10th Marines in desert storm
he past away in 1990.. but hell 4 years is basic training, school, and your just about out!

Oh??? you think so??? being that your speaking from no experience at all, i'll take your comment for what its worth. do you know in that amount of time that you can see combat, do a med float, go to oki, main land and thailand to train along with going to numerous other places in the states to train. With your vast military experience do you know what a med float is? or the difference between oki and the main land? And I'm sure you know the difference between being a shellback and a pollywog dont you? You know what it feels like to go to combat and them telling you to write your name on your sleeping bag because thats whats going to be used as your body bag? How many breaches in the desert have you crossed??? I'm not looking for a shoulder to cry on, just giving you a history lesson on what you can see in only 4years on active duty in the MARINES. And BTW, you said that you WERE going to join the MARINES if not for..... IF I HAD A DOLLAR FOR EVERY TIME I HEARD SOMEBODY SAY THAT I'D BE A MILLIONAIRE!!!
you seem like a nice enough guy, but you need to let it go. You are arguing semantics on a message board. You are an ex marine! You are no longer an active duty guy! I know ex marines have a problem uttering those words, and it has now become a badge of honor to claim that you are not an ex marine just no longer active, but its semantics.

I served and served proudly. I have over 4 years deployed time and have seen my share of the shit. If you really miss the Marines, you should re-up. If you do not want to re-up because of your family, then you really do not want to re-up. Military service is not just a job, its a lifestyle and a sacrifice. I completely understand you not wanting to put your two precious girls through something like that, so let it the fuck go...

I also suggest getting into a field that works with the military but CONUS. There are plenty of employment opportunities for you out there that will bring you up and personal with military life void of the 0500 PT and deployments.

Whatever you decide, thanks for serving and keep your head up and make Chesty Puller proud.
Dyncorp just put up a bunch of DOD contracts for PSD man here in the states. Might want to go check em out :)
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