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Milos arrested ??


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2005
Just got off the phone with one of my boys and he said milos has been arrested for robbery ??
i seriously doubt that.
i worked for milos the last time he prepped for a show which i believe was the night of champions. he has had his share of trouble but Milos is not a thief. he is a smart dude.
rumors and i would believe he is totally innocent until he is proven otherwise. he taught me alot. great guy. strern for SURE but great guy.
One of your boys told you or you read the post floating around on all the boards today with his name on it saying he got arrested?
Chino? Ew.

There may be more detail in the days to come. This link was on rx with the brief article:

**broken link removed**
One of your boys told you or you read the post floating around on all the boards today with his name on it saying he got arrested?

One of my friends told me, but he didn't say where he heard it ??
This what is being posted, but we have to wait and see.

"I've just received news from an informant who wishes to remain anonymous... Believe me, this tip is a doozy! Apparently, late last night Milos Sarcev was arrested for felony robbery. I have no other details at the moment but I'm awaiting a copy of the police report.

My source was able to provide a local news link to confirm the story (http://www.localcrimenews.com/lookup.php?jid=5098257)."

Let's wait and see.
WTF ??
From the MD:

"Apparantly from what I was told, Milos Gym was being foreclosured on by the bank and the police came out there to clear everyone out however Milos refused to leave so he was arrested.

Shawn Ray could not call him at the gym because the gym has ceased to operate.

Nothing to do with the wifey. He's been fighting this in court for about 2 years now"
yeah.. my buddy dave who supplied some of the equipment told me about it today.. apparently he has had financial issues for about two years.. he had been fighting them in court.. he refused, as stated above, to leave the premises.. no robbery.. just way too much gym.. that thing was huge for the amount of traffic that guy had..
yeah.. my buddy dave who supplied some of the equipment told me about it today.. apparently he has had financial issues for about two years.. he had been fighting them in court.. he refused, as stated above, to leave the premises.. no robbery.. just way too much gym.. that thing was huge for the amount of traffic that guy had..

Even back 3-4 years ago when I trained there it was always empty. The typically busy times for a gym were never busy there at all. I'd imagine how difficult it must be for him now. Shitty thing to be going through. Watching your livelihood being taken away from you. Hope he gets out of this mess ok.

losing your business is a hard thing. We went thru it, it's not easy. I'd imagine with him being who he is, it's harder on his image.
thats the milos i know!

like i said above, milos is a stern guy.
not to make light of how upset he must be but it doesnt surprise me AT ALL that he wouldn't leave. Milos is a unique guy. stands by his convictions til the end. VERY resolute. i looked up to him alot when i worked for him and still look up to him.
his gym was in trouble when i was there and i thnk that was... 02' i think...
sruprised it lasted this long. it was THE BEST gym i have ever been in. dumbells up to 200lbs and above. scary thing is, in that gym they didn't collect dust they were used:eek:
Shawn Ray posted this morning:

Shawn Ray could not call him at the gym because the gym has ceased to operate.
The gym is not closed, I spoke with Evan who opens the place daily.

Nothing to do with the wifey.
Wrong, affter communicating with Milos yesterday, it has Everything to with his wife whom he claims was "Allegedly" Stealing Deposits from the Gym.
This is a classic case of Domestic gone wrong.
Fisticuffs, Restraining Order the works!
The Robbery Charge is directly related to his Gym & his Wife.
Nasty stuff here and this came directly from Milos who said no one would believe the Movie if one was ever made!
Shawn Ray posted this morning:

Shawn Ray could not call him at the gym because the gym has ceased to operate.
The gym is not closed, I spoke with Evan who opens the place daily.

Nothing to do with the wifey.
Wrong, affter communicating with Milos yesterday, it has Everything to with his wife whom he claims was "Allegedly" Stealing Deposits from the Gym.
This is a classic case of Domestic gone wrong.
Fisticuffs, Restraining Order the works!
The Robbery Charge is directly related to his Gym & his Wife.
Nasty stuff here and this came directly from Milos who said no one would believe the Movie if one was ever made!

In California if police or even a shop owner (in the event of theft/shoplifting) attempt to seize stolen or unpaid for property, and you use any type of force to defend the property, it can become a robbery. So if they arrested him for robbery there is more to this story. And about his wife, the same wife that allegedly fucked Nasser and Dorian behind his back would ever steal from him? I'm shocked!!!
From the interviews and stuff Ive listened too and read Milos seems like a good guy so I hope everything works out for him.

I just wish he didnt charge so much for his services, then we might see more of his work with clients at the National and Pro level.
yeah.. my buddy dave who supplied some of the equipment told me about it today.. apparently he has had financial issues for about two years.. he had been fighting them in court.. he refused, as stated above, to leave the premises.. no robbery.. just way too much gym.. that thing was huge for the amount of traffic that guy had..

That makes much more sense then just hearing 'robbery'. The MILOS I know just wouldnt do that. I can see him satnding his ground for his belongings though.
Man that really sucks. I grew up reading the mags with Milos in them. I always liked his physique and work ethic.

Taking away a gym from a guy like that would be a battle for sure!

I hope he can get something worked out.
something about him being released without bail, couldnt be too bad if there was no bail needed.

i hope his gym doesnt close i always seen pros training at in in the battle for the O videos, a place id like to visit someday along with venice golds
Man, I hope that his wife wasn't stealing from the gym.

That's horrible if it's true. What a bummer.
i never cared much for his wife...

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