This may seem elementary, and probably a waste of time to many in here. Pardon me if that is so. I have been struggling within myself to discover what 'fail' actually means and how to apply that methodology to training. I think I understand now. I'll use last night's bench routine as an example. Every week I try to add 5# to my final set, and so far so good. I usually fail at about rep #6 on set #5. For fun I went another 10# and got 3 more reps.. not done yet... I did that once more for 3 reps and on the 3rd additional set I added 10 more and got 1 full rep plus a push off my chest about 5". Thats' another 35# over last week including the additional 5 going back to the fifth set. I look at this and wonder if I have been fooling myself into 'fail mode'. I'm curious if anyone might have some thoughts on this... Thanks.