... can you derive a differential to determine GH secreation based upon dosages?
GH ligands are like dodgeballs thrown at the geek in the gym. Throw 3 GH dodgeballs at the geek and watch him say "Ouch...stop it!" Everybody laughs and 10 minutes later they do it again. The geek will again say "Ouch...stop it!"
This can be done all day with pretty much the same response.
Now if you throw GH dodgeballs at the geek he says "Ouch...stop it!" ...but if you keep tossing them, the sting becomes numbing and soon he doesn't react anymore. Why doesn't he react? The constant influx of GH dodgeballs has become the new state. It is expected and GH dodgeballs have nothing more to communicate to him.
Now pulsatile GH dodgeballs let him reset... let him resensitize. His natural state is the off state. He can attempt to talk to the girls, talk to his buddies, adjust his shorts. Then the GH balls wake his ass up and make him move. Then the GH pulse stops and he can reset and be sensitive to the pain again when the pulse comes again later.
The point of all of this is that it is not the number of GH dodgeballs that are thrown that is important but rather the way they are thrown at the target. The GH dodgeballs are communication mediums and nothing more.
100mcgs of Mod GRF(1-29)/100mcg of a GHRP pre-bed only should always give good sleep as that night pulse is well-supported.
Adding another pulse PWO and one in the morning will communicate in pulsatile fashion. Pulsatile fashion will strengthen bone, increase growth, increase retainment of Leucine, support the enzymes that metabolize male hormonal breakdown products AND increase local MGF (when there is also resistance exercise) and local IGF-1.
Moving dosing frequency beyond 3 times a day begins to move communication from pulsatile to elevated. 6 dosings a day create a pattern that becomes indistinguishable in effect from constant GH dosing. You lose the positive effect on bone, increase the desensitization which will lower growth and change the liver metabolism from masculine to feminine. You will continue to have local IGF-1 enhancement but you will now add an unhealthy (IMO) elevation of systemic IGF-1.
Systemic IGF-1 is the only IGF capable of being measured realistically at the moment. Local IGF-1 is not capable of being measured in a medical setting, but it is far more important.
All of this pertains to dosing frequency. Those released GH ligands flow through the blood stream bind to a receptor and initiate intracellular signalling events the most prominent is the movement of Stat5B to the nucleus where it starts gene transcription and then cycles back to the "turned on" GH receptor and cycles back to the nucleus again. A constant level of GH desensitizes all of this and Stat5B does not complete many of these cycles. A refreshed non-desensitized state means Stat5B WILL complete many of these cycles.
Refreshing comes from "time off". Other refreshing events can be the presence of normal levels of insulin between GH receptor activations.
Beyond this you have fatloss events. Fatloss events are different then growth events. Fatloss events commonly referred to as lipolysis are intitiated by GH. However there is a delay between GH's presence and the beginning of fat cell fatty acid release. There is also a threshold above which more GH will have no more effect. This threshold may be around 2iu or 2.5iu per period. So larger doses of GH for fatloss would probably be wasted if given during that period.
GH as an agent to help release fatty acids into circulation is a different mode of action then GH used for growth. That is why it is important and not arbitrary to determine how you want to use GH at any point in time.
Of course fatty acid release means very little in a well fed state because you probably won't use those released stores for energy and they will be redeposited. In a fasted state however they are ready to be used for fuel. Initiating an event to "burn them off" will contribute to fatloss as will anything you do to increase the machinery that burns them. Think L-Carnitine retainment in mitochondria.
GHRP-2 can be if it is pure a strong peptide. Doses smaller then 100mcg can have recognizable benefits as Quad & Diz have pointed out.
How will you use them? Is not an arbitrary question. Fatloss, muscle growth and sleep restoration are several distinct goals. Other goals are relief from bone disease, increased ability to cope with environmental toxins (especially post-menopausal women), anti-aging, etc.
Anyway hopefully this post will be of some benefit in clarifying.