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Motivational quotes

mrs bapper

New member
Jul 21, 2009
I thought I would post this thread as sometimes in our everyday lives we all have off days, were maybe we are feeling down or feeling unmotivated..Wat keeps you motivated to succeed in life?....What helps you stay focused on the end goal?..Sometimes its nice to be given a reminder that life is exactly what we make it to be and that it is so worth living and that anything we set our minds to do is always attainable in the end..

Heres some of my favourite motivational quotes;

If you tell Life what it has to be, then life is limited; But if you let Life show you what it wants to be, It will open doors you never knew existed....

Without inspiration the best powers of the mind remain dormant. There is a fuel in us which needs to be ignited with sparks..

Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm...

Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude..

My reason for posting is because there are some people out there who think that life unfair or crap etc or that they are not happy with their lifes or that they have being dealt a bad card in life..Well my response is life is what we make it, and never dwell in self pity as it will get you nowhere..You yourself make your life the way you want it to be..So now is the time to make the change and live your lives to the full and perhaps prolong your life by letting yourself be happy...Because when you are genuinely happy you can achieve so much more ..Hopefully my words can give someone out there the kick up the ass they have being needing..:)
My reason for posting is because there are some people out there who think that life unfair or crap etc or that they are not happy with their lifes or that they have being dealt a bad card in life..Well my response is life is what we make it, and never dwell in self pity as it will get you nowhere..You yourself make your life the way you want it to be..So now is the time to make the change and live your lives to the full and perhaps prolong your life by letting yourself be happy...Because when you are genuinely happy you can achieve so much more ..Hopefully my words can give someone out there the kick up the ass they have being needing..:)

Amen...Mrs B you are exactly right, life is exactly what you make of it. Nobody controls your life and nobody can make your like perfect except you. :)
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Amen...Mrs B you are exactly right, life is exactly what you make of it. Nobody controls your life and nobody can make your like perfect except you. :)

We ourselves can only determine the path we choose in lfe...And I for one Im staying on the right one..the reason that I am happy and content is due to the fact that I am the person that I have always wanted to be and no one will ever be able to take that away from me :)
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Can u kindly remove this from my thread, as it has nothing to do with the subject :(
Mrs Bapper they are spambots, we just need to report it to the Mods and they will take care of it and they are gone and ban!

My most favorite quote is - Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice: It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.
I like to think of life as a card game. I have to play the cards I am dealt the best I can or fold, but I must remember that on alot of the hands I am dealt I was the one who cut the deck!

Mrs. Bapper, bless you and your beautiful child. I know that Big Bapper is still looking upon you two with that warm smile. He would be very proud to see your strength, and wisdom in playing these difficult and trying hands that are dealt.
Mrs Bapper they are spambots, we just need to report it to the Mods and they will take care of it and they are gone and ban!

My most favorite quote is - Destiny is no matter of chance. It is a matter of choice: It is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved.

Thanx for filling me in on that as obviously I was'nt aware, always good to know...

Excellent quotation Big Chef and so very true..Thats one sure quote to give anyone a kick up the ass to get motivated! :)
I like to think of life as a card game. I have to play the cards I am dealt the best I can or fold, but I must remember that on alot of the hands I am dealt I was the one who cut the deck!

Mrs. Bapper, bless you and your beautiful child. I know that Big Bapper is still looking upon you two with that warm smile. He would be very proud to see your strength, and wisdom in playing these difficult and trying hands that are dealt.

I really like that quote...Heh and sometimes you have to remember how to bluff too lol

Being weak is not an option for me...Looking too a bright and happy future is! :)
"What I do today is important because I am exchanging a day of my life for it."
Good quotes.
Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude..

How true!;)


The past is history .
The future is a fantasy .
All you have is this very moment right now .
So ! Be here Now!

The past is history .
The future is a fantasy .
All you have is this very moment right now .
So ! Be here Now!

Im only after reading this as I aint being on in quite a while and its so very true to where I am at in my life right bnow, so thank you for for your words of hope
" Man, f*ck that just go in there and just punish yourself, just pick up some f*cking weight and just move it. Press it, pull it, do whatever you gotta do, just work hard.Its not about how many reps I did with this weight, or how many sets I did of this exercise, or was my form just perfect. Dude sometimes you just gotta go, just go"...
Evan Centopani:headbang:
Good quote:

Live - as if you were to die tomorrow.
Learn - as if you were to live forever.
~Mahatma Gandhi
Excellent quotes shared by you guys..

Some Motivational quotes which are my most favorite are...

"Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die."
"Feel the fear and do it anyway."
"I think people don't place a high enough value on how much they are nurtured by doing whatever it is that totally absorbs them."

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