My doctor told me that due to my total cholesterol being only 130 It was not so important to look at my HDL/LDL levels. He stated that HDL/LDL becomes important if your total is over 200. So I am really not worried about my cholesterol right now.
I did a little reasearch and found the following excerpts:
“There are few guarantees in life, but having a blood cholesterol level of less than 150 is probably the closest you can get to a guarantee that you will not be troubled with heart disease. One of the more interesting findings from the Framingham Heart Study is that no one in the history of the study has ever had a heart attack whose blood cholesterol was less than 150. If you can get your cholesterol under 150 you don’t even have to concern yourself with the further breakdown of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ cholesterol analysis.” Kitty Gurkin Rosati, M.S., R.D., L.D.N. Author of Heal Your Heart
"Heart disease is virtually unknown in regions where cholesterol is under 150." Colin Campbell
DR. ORNISH writes that a person is probably already eating an adequate diet to protect from heart disease if the following conditions are met: if a person's cholesterol level is under 150 and s/he is not taking cholesterol-lowering medication, or if one's ratio of total cholesterol to HDL (good cholesterol) is less than 3.0. (He chose 150 as the cut-off point based on forty years of results from the renowned Framingham Heart Study, in which no participant has had a heart attack with a cholesterol level that remained consistently under 150. He also claims that these cholesterol levels are maintained in countries where heart disease is low.)
“We’ve never had a heart attack in Framingham in 35 years in anyone who had a cholesterol level under 150...Three-quarters of the people who live on the face of this Earth never have a heart attack. They live in Asia, Africa, and South America, and their cholesterols are all around 150.” Dr. William Castelli, Medical Director of the Framingham Cardiovascular Institute in Massachusetts; Harvard Medical School
"Regularly maintaining a cholesterol level of less than 150 mg/dl makes one practically heart attack proof and insures against further progression of the disease." Caldwell Esselstyn
Dr. Caldwell Esselstyn has replicated Dr. Ornish’s findings, taking patients who were suffering from clogged arteries and making them “heart attack proof” (to quote Dr. Esselstyn in the August 1999 issue of the American Journal of Cardiology) by getting their cholesterol levels down below 150.
Veganism In A Nutshell,
"A reading below 150 gives the best assurance of protection against heart-related problems. A very important thing to note is that for every decrease
of one percent in the cholesterol level, there is a 2% decrease in the risk of heart attack." Neal Bernard, PCRM
"Heart disease is almost non-existent in places where blood cholesterol is very low. If your cholesterol is around 160 mg/dl or less, your risk of heart disease is virtually zero." Dr. Terry Shintani, Hawaii Diet, Pocket Books, New York, New York, 1999, p. 68-9.
"Only a cholesterol level below 150 is satisfactory." Joel Fuhrman
Many, such as the staff of Prevention magazine, Dr. Dean Ornish, Dr. John McDougall, Robert Kowalski, and the authors of The Stanford Life Plan For a Healthy Heart agree with Dr. Shintani and all suggest a cholesterol level of 150-160 or lower.
So basically I will just try to get my liver in check. As soon as my Synthergine gets here I will immediately be doing 4 ml per day (2 ml when I wake up and 2 more before bed). I also ordered a 2nd bottle today so that I can continue through PCT.
If the Synthergine does not work then I have seen my last "oral" cycle.
I'll keep you guys posted.