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My Journey

Mini Truck

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Kilo Klub Member
Nov 6, 2011
Hey, Hey Everyone,

I was quite honestly surprised that people noticed I had my log removed.
I've been recently asked by several people, "Mack, where's your log?"
Honestly, I asked Jello to remove it for me. My THINK TANK thread took a lot of typing energy away from me, so I decided to focus full throttle on it.
One more thing on that end. Thank you, I really appreciate all the hits and conversations that have developed from that log. Made some great friends, it's really been a Blessing.

So just a quick update.
Last week and this coming week, I had a scheduled break from my 2 x day training and 2 x day HIIT cardio. After 6 weeks of going wide open, pedal to the metal, it was time to make a change.
Oh yah, still doing HEAVY-HIGH VOLUME-HIGH SET work. But just one bodypart a day, one 30 min moderate cardio session, and just 5 days a week.
A bit more of a CNS workout.
If anyone's interested in a sample workout, I've posted them on the THINK TANK thread to give some interested buddies an idea of how I've been doing things.

So my goal with my log thread is not to bore you with my workouts on a daily basis, but to link together the two threads.
I will be happy to explore concept, criticisim, both give and take suggestions, and just to let you know that by going against the grain, in almost every way, has proven to be the best advice I ever gave myself :lightbulb:

So that leads me to ask everyone their opinion. For those of you who don't know my health history, I discussed it in the THINK TANK on page 1.
But what's happening to my body does not make 100% sense to me and it shouldn't be happening. Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited about this.

I'll be 53 next month. Been in the trenches for over 30 years. Competed in my first show in 1979, speedo and all. If I disected those 30 years into 6 month chunks, I have made more progress in the last 6 months than any other 6 month window in my life.

So here's what's different and please tell me what do you think are the contributing factors.

In no particular order:
a. Been a whole food, fat free vegan for almost 2 years?
b. Changed over to the high volume deal (for the past year)?
c. Just one 6 week "baby cycle", just started a second "baby cycle"?
d. Muscle Memory/Maturity?
e. Inner Peace?
f. Have used just 2 Peptides for the last 6 months?

After I get a few responses, I'll tell you what I believe are the keys.


I have a feeling this will be just as popular as your other threads. Keep up the good work Mack.
Thanks Jello,

That would be awesome if it turns out that way.
I'm optimistic.


I have a feeling this will be just as popular as your other threads. Keep up the good work Mack.
Mack I will be following this log for sure.I have learned so much over the last couple weeks talking with you and cant wait to see what's next.

Man you made me laugh when you arrived here a few months back... the bodybuilding community was just starting to embrace saturated fats... and the majority of us were doing HIT type training... and this new guy in green writing comes along to tell us we were all full of shit... been good times ever since mate haha.
Hey, Hey Everyone,

I was quite honestly surprised that people noticed I had my log removed.
I've been recently asked by several people, "Mack, where's your log?"
Honestly, I asked Jello to remove it for me. My THINK TANK thread took a lot of typing energy away from me, so I decided to focus full throttle on it.
One more thing on that end. Thank you, I really appreciate all the hits and conversations that have developed from that log. Made some great friends, it's really been a Blessing.

So just a quick update.
Last week and this coming week, I had a scheduled break from my 2 x day training and 2 x day HIIT cardio. After 6 weeks of going wide open, pedal to the metal, it was time to make a change.
Oh yah, still doing HEAVY-HIGH VOLUME-HIGH SET work. But just one bodypart a day, one 30 min moderate cardio session, and just 5 days a week.
A bit more of a CNS workout.
If anyone's interested in a sample workout, I've posted them on the THINK TANK thread to give some interested buddies an idea of how I've been doing things.

So my goal with my log thread is not to bore you with my workouts on a daily basis, but to link together the two threads.
I will be happy to explore concept, criticisim, both give and take suggestions, and just to let you know that by going against the grain, in almost every way, has proven to be the best advice I ever gave myself :lightbulb:

So that leads me to ask everyone their opinion. For those of you who don't know my health history, I discussed it in the THINK TANK on page 1.
But what's happening to my body does not make 100% sense to me and it shouldn't be happening. Don't get me wrong, I'm very excited about this.

I'll be 53 next month. Been in the trenches for over 30 years. Competed in my first show in 1979, speedo and all. If I disected those 30 years into 6 month chunks, I have made more progress in the last 6 months than any other 6 month window in my life.

So here's what's different and please tell me what do you think are the contributing factors.

In no particular order:
a. Been a whole food, fat free vegan for almost 2 years?
b. Changed over to the high volume deal (for the past year)?
c. Just one 6 week "baby cycle", just started a second "baby cycle"?
d. Muscle Memory/Maturity?
e. Inner Peace?
f. Have used just 2 Peptides for the last 6 months?

After I get a few responses, I'll tell you what I believe are the keys.



I believe that it is a combination of all of the above, but i believe that the peptides played a huge role buddy. At your age, they have an even more pronounced effect than on someone more my age.

I am interested in seeing your thoughts.

Thanks NZ

Hey Bro,

First off, I have tons of respect for you. Over time I have read lots of your comments and liked them all. I always have been intrigued with people with a
"smart mind". You're there, my friend.

I kinda got the initial feeling that you may have looked at my THINK TANK thread with some "who is this guy" mentality. That was my intension.
Being the new kid on the block, I was encouraged by some well respected people to give it a run. After giving it some thought, I figured I'd run with it.
And I'm glad I did.

After my dark time, with the triple by-pass and toe amputation and some other complications, I recognized I needed a new mind set. Giving up or feeling like a victim has never been part of my philosophy.
After my triple by-pass, when my surgeon told me there was nothing I could do about my coronary heart disease because of my diabetes, plain and simple,
I would not accept that.

Thank goodness for my wife, who has been an ICU RN for 20+ years. She has formed a solid relationship with a lot of different MD specialists. A cardiologist she shared my story with said that I could absolutely reverse my CHD. He suggested I read the China Study as well as several other books.
So that's where the vegan part came into my life. And guess what, I have done it. I guess my point is, always question everything, regardless of who says it. That was a huge turning point for me.

I think we have a similar background. I got my MS in Exercise Science back in 1982, which opened some doors of opportunity for me. I opened, managed, and ran a 25,000 sf fitness facilty for 15 years which I sold when I turned 40 which allowed me to retire. Of course I didn't. When I relocated to FL, I opened a PT Facility which I ran for 8 years, sold it. Then I did some consulting work for a failing gym, turned it around, and then officially retired at 50. I have recently started a fitness ministry, free to everyone, free PT, free nutritional programs. I cater to underprivlaged, poor, unemployed, obese people. I'm just blessed I can help these people. It really keeps me grounded and is maybe the most rewarding project I have ever been involved with.

Figuring out how to make a comeback, is all part of a much bigger plan.
So far, so good. I realize that my approach is not cookie cutter, far from it actually. But since it has been so successful for me, and I'm nothing special,
why not share what I've learned over the last 30 years.

So that's my plan. Stirr up the pot of conventional thinking, conventional training, conventional eating, etc. Open up some minds, including my own.
I only wish is that I hadn't done it sooner. I'm well on my way to bringing in my best package ever. I'll end on that note.

But please, keep the friendship alive. And give me your thoughts on what you believe has led me to this miraculous comeback.

Peace NZ,



Man you made me laugh when you arrived here a few months back... the bodybuilding community was just starting to embrace saturated fats... and the majority of us were doing HIT type training... and this new guy in green writing comes along to tell us we were all full of shit... been good times ever since mate haha.
Hey Bro,

First off, I have tons of respect for you. Over time I have read lots of your comments and liked them all. I always have been intrigued with people with a
"smart mind". You're there, my friend.

I kinda got the initial feeling that you may have looked at my THINK TANK thread with some "who is this guy" mentality. That was my intension.
Being the new kid on the block, I was encouraged by some well respected people to give it a run. After giving it some thought, I figured I'd run with it.
And I'm glad I did.

After my dark time, with the triple by-pass and toe amputation and some other complications, I recognized I needed a new mind set. Giving up or feeling like a victim has never been part of my philosophy.
After my triple by-pass, when my surgeon told me there was nothing I could do about my coronary heart disease because of my diabetes, plain and simple,
I would not accept that.

Thank goodness for my wife, who has been an ICU RN for 20+ years. She has formed a solid relationship with a lot of different MD specialists. A cardiologist she shared my story with said that I could absolutely reverse my CHD. He suggested I read the China Study as well as several other books.
So that's where the vegan part came into my life. And guess what, I have done it. I guess my point is, always question everything, regardless of who says it. That was a huge turning point for me.

I think we have a similar background. I got my MS in Exercise Science back in 1982, which opened some doors of opportunity for me. I opened, managed, and ran a 25,000 sf fitness facilty for 15 years which I sold when I turned 40 which allowed me to retire. Of course I didn't. When I relocated to FL, I opened a PT Facility which I ran for 8 years, sold it. Then I did some consulting work for a failing gym, turned it around, and then officially retired at 50. I have recently started a fitness ministry, free to everyone, free PT, free nutritional programs. I cater to underprivlaged, poor, unemployed, obese people. I'm just blessed I can help these people. It really keeps me grounded and is maybe the most rewarding project I have ever been involved with.

Figuring out how to make a comeback, is all part of a much bigger plan.
So far, so good. I realize that my approach is not cookie cutter, far from it actually. But since it has been so successful for me, and I'm nothing special,
why not share what I've learned over the last 30 years.

So that's my plan. Stirr up the pot of conventional thinking, conventional training, conventional eating, etc. Open up some minds, including my own.
I only wish is that I hadn't done it sooner. I'm well on my way to bringing in my best package ever. I'll end on that note.

But please, keep the friendship alive. And give me your thoughts on what you believe has led me to this miraculous comeback.

Peace NZ,


Wow man I don't know what to say... I'm humbled... you're so successful mate because I bet if we met you in the real world you'd be inspirational to us and many others.

First passion... then some success... then some confidence... more success... keeps the passion burning... adds to the confidence...

You can get caught in vicious cycles and... you can find yourself caught in attainment cycles.

PS. You think they could change the venue for the masters nationals to australia lol? Would be awesome to have the home town support haha.

Australia would be great. One of my brothers lived in Sydney for 6 years, but I've never been there, always wanted to.

You're spot on with the cycle deal.
I never got too caught up in the misuse issue. I've seen tons of people do it.
I couldn't tell ya what their up to today. Doubt most are even training anymore.

But I'm still competing, even in the open division at some national qualifyers, and holding my own. Must be doing somethin' right :yeahthat:

How about you and Aussie plan a holiday, 3rd week in July, I think that's even winter time for you;)


Wow man I don't know what to say... I'm humbled... you're so successful mate because I bet if we met you in the real world you'd be inspirational to us and many others.

First passion... then some success... then some confidence... more success... keeps the passion burning... adds to the confidence...

You can get caught in vicious cycles and... you can find yourself caught in attainment cycles.

PS. You think they could change the venue for the masters nationals to australia lol? Would be awesome to have the home town support haha.
How about you and Aussie plan a holiday, 3rd week in July, I think that's even winter time for you;)


You never know bud... I'm actually somewhat hopeful of landing a new job in the near future where I have every third week off... if that can get underway sooner rather than later... you never know;)
Good stuff MT!!

Looking forward to reading more from you!

As to contributing factors, personally, I don't see the vegan diet being a "main" factor, but I know it is a factor for you, and I would assume a healthier diet for you.

I think new training programs helps to add to motivation, quicker responses based on muscle memory and a baby cycle will also assist in seeing results would also contribute. Inner peace is a key, I believe, as with no stress, and having faith will contribute to life in general, marriage, job, working out, etc, etc.

Peptides could contribute, but I don't know how long you've been using, or which ones. DES is always fun...and LR3 was great for my recovery. CJC w/o dac with G-6 helped me, but I don't know if it was a motivator for me or a contributor in pushing forward.
i agree with ironraider, i dont like igf-1 though. you said you didnt like ghrp because it threw ur blood sugar off, you know im also diabetic and after about 5 or 6 days it starts to mess my blood sugar up. i just add more lantus, and up the symlin and novalog dose and get it evened back out after a few days so maybe you could give it another try. i dont know if you are on symlin but its a big help when it comes to keeping BG down after meals.

looking forward to follow your log

Wow, that would be something really special. Even bigger than "WOW".

Quite honestly, and this has been by choice, my 3 brothers and Dad know nothing about this little comeback of mine. Truthfully after all these years of criticism and speculation and non support, I have become tired of all the uneducated and uninformed advice.

My wife will be there, of course, she supports me at all times.
And one other person will be there with me, like He has been throughout my journey and who carried me through some rough waters. As long as I have those 2 people in my camp, I have all the support I need.

Anyone else would be icing on the cake and trully a Blessing.

From my heart,


You never know bud... I'm actually somewhat hopeful of landing a new job in the near future where I have every third week off... if that can get underway sooner rather than later... you never know;)
Hey Anta,

Good to hear from you, Brother.

Thanks for the advice. Actually I am very familar with symlin, although I do not currently use it. It's not easy being diabetic, is it bro?

This is just my "overall attitude" on life in general but definetley with BBing.
Once bitten, twice shy. I have been bitten quite hard.
I read almost daily about guys using one drug to offset certain sides that another drug creates. I read about guys using slin as part of their plan. I read about guys doing IMO crazy doses. I refuse to opperate under those criteria. Unfortuently, their time will come, it's just a matter of time. It's gotten out of control.

Hear me everyone!!!!!!!

My last several A1C's have been consistently around 6.2. Not perfect, but pretty darn good. I'd love to get it under 6. I'm always trying to reach that goal. For the non diabetics, your hemoglobin A1C is a snapshot of how tight your blood sugars have been maintained over a 3 month period.
If a diabetic has an A1C above 8 and doesn't get it under control, bad things will happen. Period. Some Dr's are OK with low 7's. But I'm not.
After 48 years of being diabetic, crap still can happen, as evidenced by my health history.

But with some huge lifestyle changes, I am pushing forward. I know Anta, you are correct about symlin. I personally just cannot get caught up in the concept. I'd rather just not use things that throw my blood sugars off.

If I lose a BBing contest because of my "approach", I'm comfortable with that.

:headbang: But what if I don't lose......imagine that :headbang:



i agree with ironraider, i dont like igf-1 though. you said you didnt like ghrp because it threw ur blood sugar off, you know im also diabetic and after about 5 or 6 days it starts to mess my blood sugar up. i just add more lantus, and up the symlin and novalog dose and get it evened back out after a few days so maybe you could give it another try. i dont know if you are on symlin but its a big help when it comes to keeping BG down after meals.

looking forward to follow your log
Hi Mack,
Love your stuff. If you write it, I will read it. For me, less is more with both health and asthetics. But I'm not a BB and I'm 48.

My question is at 53 (or 23), do you feel confident you are not over training? IMHO without heavy pharmacologic intervention (and then it's still a big fat ?), I am questioning how long your body can endure your workout regimine. Just a little bromance of concern. :)
Hey Tri,

Thanks Bro, I appreciate the compliment.

To be perfectly honest with you, I'm not sure. I'm just riding the wave.

In every way possible, with a little less strength than I had previously,
I feel my absolute best since my health deal, than I did in my 20's, 30's and 40's. Part of that is due to my mental approach, for sure.

But putting 20 lbs of muscle on over the past year? It could easily sound like I'm making that up. But it's true. I think muscle memory is part of the equation, but I think my training style gets the most credit.

Every 6 weeks, I go to a 5 day routine, just one 30 minute moderate cardio session, just one bodypart a day, except bi's and tri's done the same day.
Still high volume, a little heavier, more of a CNS workout.

I do this not because I feel like I'm in overkill mode, but I know that I should do it, so I do. Right now, actually I am in week 2 of this. Next week I will
change over to a 5 on, 1 off program, 2 x's day, emphasizing quads, hams/glute, chest and bi. A little more recovery than the 4 on 1 off.

Another part of the equation is that I'm taxing my muscles more rather than my joints and ligaments. The reps are what makes the weight heavy, not nessasarily the actual weight. Plus the Rumble Roller has been a huge part of my recovery and consider it to be as equally important as my nutrition. It's that important. I always feel fresh and recovered. No injuries. I know, it doesn't seem possible.

Two years ago, I would have never even given it a moments thought, that I would ever compete again. I just wanted to live. And heal. That was a full time job in every aspect, not just in the physical realm.

I am a big component of short 6 week cycles, no crazy dosages, time on = time off. And my Monster pet Bo, who used to be just a tea cup yorkie and is now a whopping 12 lbs, has really seen progress with some peptides added in.

So no, I do not feel like I am overtraing. I have been guilty of that in my past so I know what to look for. How long can I keep up the pace? I can be stubborn, but not stubborn enough to continue if my results start to diminish.

I'll keep you posted.



Hi Mack,
Love your stuff. If you write it, I will read it. For me, less is more with both health and asthetics. But I'm not a BB and I'm 48.

My question is at 53 (or 23), do you feel confident you are not over training? IMHO without heavy pharmacologic intervention (and then it's still a big fat ?), I am questioning how long your body can endure your workout regimine. Just a little bromance of concern. :)
Good stuff Mack..even as a saturated fat lover with an HDL in the 60s I still love you! soon..

and by the way - the work you are doing now, wow, now that is good stuff... I have spent time building churches in 3rd world countries (Honduras), and it is awesome you are making a difference..


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