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my supervisor came to me today


FOUNDING Member / Kilo Klub Member
Kilo Klub Member
Jun 5, 2002
she told us two weeks ago that she received a promotion and will leave soon. She knows I applied for a supervisor position, so today she came to me and told me that she requested that I become the *acting* supervisor until one is appointed. I'm pretty pumped about this, I haven't had an interview yet and prolly won't until after my presentation next thursday. But I really see this as being a step to show my associate director and director what I can do.

My presentation isn't long next week, maybe 20 minutes tops, but I am excited and nervous. I think if I can pull off being the acting sup for the 3 weeks, plus the presentation next week, I'll easily knock out the interview and then I see no reason why I won't get the promotion.

Things are starting to really work out for me. I have a new house, my brother, his girlfriend and I are splitting the rent, the place is gorgeous, great area for Briana to play in without me having to worry about a stray bullet hitting her.
I'm single and feeling good about it. Not stressing on meeting any women right now as I'm focused on other things. I did miss 2 weeks from the gym tho, and today's workout and yesterday's weren't as good as I wanted, but the muscle I lost from not working out and cutting calories to much will come back in a few weeks, so not to worried about that.

For the first time in a long time, I see the positive light at the end of the tunnel. I'm feeling more confident than I've ever felt about myself before and I actually started to like me again lol.

With that being said, I'm heading to bed now, good night guys and girls!

I wish everyone the best. Life is to short to waste, live it up!

I wish you the best of luck! Go get um! Show no mercy!
Glad to hear things are going better and thats awesome about the new house for your daughter.. I know she is a HUGE part of your life...
Always great to hear good news! Sounds like your life is coming along nicely. Way to go JWBH.

I love a good thread like this one.

You have friends here, and friends always do the body good!
I'm with Ouch here. I love a good news thread. That is great. it shows that all is not doom and gloom! I'll be keeping you in my thoughts for a successful outcome. Go gettem and knock out bro!
More good news... hey! Good luck! :)
I like that news for you bro! Isn't it nice how when you have a positive outlook on life that it attracts positive things into your life?
Congrats Rob on all your recent accomplishments dude! That is really awesome. Sounds like things are really coming together for ya'. So much of it is attitude man. Go out there with a great attitude and things just start popping. Keep it up buddy.
I'm telling all you guys. What Mack just said about positivity is very true. I cannot explain scientifically why the universe behaves in the manner in which it does but if you maintain a truly positive attitude with faith the good thing WILL happen, I assure you, good thing WILL happen. It is a fact I have seen over and over and over again.

Conversely, if you maintain a negative attitude.... guess what?

Thanks for posting this thread. We need some positive threads. We hold each other up through the hard times, why shouldn't we share in the good times as well??
I'm telling all you guys. What Mack just said about positivity is very true. I cannot explain scientifically why the universe behaves in the manner in which it does but if you maintain a truly positive attitude with faith the good thing WILL happen, I assure you, good thing WILL happen. It is a fact I have seen over and over and over again.

Conversely, if you maintain a negative attitude.... guess what?

Thanks for posting this thread. We need some positive threads. We hold each other up through the hard times, why shouldn't we share in the good times as well??

Aww....Thanks OTH. I appreciate that. Maybe I'm back on the right track after all. :)

Yeah. I've always heard this explained as the "Law of Attraction." I've seen it first hand with realtors who are persevering despite the current real estate market.
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I'm telling all you guys. What Mack just said about positivity is very true. I cannot explain scientifically why the universe behaves in the manner in which it does but if you maintain a truly positive attitude with faith the good thing WILL happen, I assure you, good thing WILL happen. It is a fact I have seen over and over and over again.

Conversely, if you maintain a negative attitude.... guess what?

Thanks for posting this thread. We need some positive threads. We hold each other up through the hard times, why shouldn't we share in the good times as well??

I really believe in this too. I have alwyas felt that if you want something in life, then visualize as if it has happened. Dwell on the positive aspects of it...believe and achieve!!

Congrat's bro!!
I'm so happy for you!!!! I remember awhile back things werent going your way and now they are!!! Dont forget your antideperspirent (Spelling) when you give your presentation---was is you that said you are a sweater???

Happy Days ahead!!!!
I'm so happy for you!!!! I remember awhile back things werent going your way and now they are!!! Dont forget your antideperspirent (Spelling) when you give your presentation---was is you that said you are a sweater???

Happy Days ahead!!!!

thanks for the replies everyone.... yea I sweat like a pig lol. I have a small fan at my desk always blowing on me, and when it goes off, i can feel my body temp going higher lol.

I'm preparing now for next Thursday, did a few mock presentations with a friend to get ready, it should go wonderful! I find out prolly on the same day when I'll assume the acting supervisor position and should find out soon about the interview.

thanks again!
JustWannaBeHuge, I've seen your posts...I know most of your griefs. Your relationship with your baby girl is motivational to me. I'm glad to hear you're doing well.

Ouch, Mack, so you guys saying those audio books are helpful and I shouldn't dismiss it??

/still looking
JustWannaBeHuge, I've seen your posts...I know most of your griefs. Your relationship with your baby girl is motivational to me. I'm glad to hear you're doing well.

Ouch, Mack, so you guys saying those audio books are helpful and I shouldn't dismiss it??

/still looking
I never said a self-help book would be successful. If a book is good and you can stick to it, then it can be helpful. But you must be diligent about the exercises. A book can only be helpful if the person reading it is getting the right direction from it. Books are not adaptive.

Many people can learn physics in their home. I would say most people need some personal direction.
I never said a self-help book would be successful. If a book is good and you can stick to it, then it can be helpful. But you must be diligent about the exercises. A book can only be helpful if the person reading it is getting the right direction from it. Books are not adaptive.

Many people can learn physics in their home. I would say most people need some personal direction.

I have all four audio books and the movie, when i first listened it was pretty neat I thought this could possibly work - it made sense. But I tried to follow through for a few days, and my habits eventually regained their control. Mind you, I've been working hard on all the shit we talked about before.. So my train of thought lately is a little more aggressive, to say the least.. I'm not so passive since I'm not baked - plain and simple. So I get caught up in my negativity and simple things throw me out of my loop and I sort of need to step away and regroup. I guess I get stressed or moody? For me, I guess it's hard to keep thinking positive things and actually stay in a good mood more than it is to let shit happen? What is funny is i'm always thinking about it, like "ooops, im not saying the right things to the universe".. I think if you know what you're dealing with, a "self help" book could be helpful.

Btw, how would one know if they have a bi-polar disorder, depression, adhd, ocd, other? Like you can go get blood work and pretty much know is something is wrong, then more investigation needs to be done to see exactly what is wrong. Is there something similar for mental health?

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