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Myostatin Inhibitors for Purchase


New member
Apr 9, 2010
I saw a documentary on TV today saying that bodybuilders around the world are buying injectable myostatin inhibitor via the internet. After doing a search I found the following

These legit pharmaceutical website sell myostatin inhibitor peptides. Do you think these will work? They are extremely expensive, but the bounds of the myostatin gene are endless.

anti-Myostatin (MSTN/GDF8) (aa267-375) antibody (ABIN328807) - Product Details -

MSTN polyclonal antibody [Specification] - PAB3887 - Abnova

**broken link removed**
I also would like to hear from real life experience.
I'm also considering of purchasing them.

Read it can do wonders. Anyone has any experience?
not to sure if it would work or not.... as the pictures of rats and bulls you have seen were not done via inhibitor, but removing the gene from the dna altogether
One of the mouse studies was done via a viral inhibitor like those mentioned above. I'm not sure which one, but I do know that the cost to duplicate the dosage given to the mouse would be roughly $13,000. It isn't known as to how long it will inhibit the expression of the gene. Given the response of the mouse to the inhibitor of more than doubling its weight with all of the weight gain being solid muscle tissue, I would be very concerned on the potential heart risks. Yes I know the heart is not the type of muscle (the gene seems to target skeletal muscle with little effect on cardiac muscle) that would experiencenoticable growth, but it would be tasked with supplying blood to all of that tissue.
One of the mouse studies was done via a viral inhibitor like those mentioned above. I'm not sure which one, but I do know that the cost to duplicate the dosage given to the mouse would be roughly $13,000. It isn't known as to how long it will inhibit the expression of the gene. Given the response of the mouse to the inhibitor of more than doubling its weight with all of the weight gain being solid muscle tissue, I would be very concerned on the potential heart risks. Yes I know the heart is not the type of muscle (the gene seems to target skeletal muscle with little effect on cardiac muscle) that would experiencenoticable growth, but it would be tasked with supplying blood to all of that tissue.

ughhh, to say i would be concerned would be an understatement. They gave that to a little dog and i read it died about 6 months later of a heart condition. But, i wouldnt mind having some in my closet and waiting to hear several guinea pig results prior to research
Well, that's the thing: we don't realistically want to double our bodyweight right off the bat because it'd kill us. There's no way our hearts could cope with it. Sometimes I have to laugh at myself and other gym rats that get caught up in getting larger and larger because, realistically as an adult I know it's not really all that healthy. And yet, I keep trying...
Don't buy into the TV bullshit. They hear some guy's have bought it and turn it into a story. They make their money making stories and making them alot bigger then they are. Myostatin is old news and if their were guy's getting awsome results from any of this stuff, we would be the first to know.
Don't buy into the TV bullshit. They hear some guy's have bought it and turn it into a story. They make their money making stories and making them alot bigger then they are. Myostatin is old news and if their were guy's getting awsome results from any of this stuff, we would be the first to know.

Like the Hcg "sprays" or drops.
Stenlabs has a bunch of myostatin and follistatin products. Very interesting stuff. Take a look and let me know what you guys think
someone had a follistatin log going that he just started but cant find thread...i think his name is weight
Anyone else look into the usage of follistatin or the other myostatin inhibitors? I think sten has like 3 different types for sale.
not the same drug probably synthesis error or purposely synthesize different drug.
All the logs I read said it was garbage. Weird that they claim to have a real scientific study backing it. I'm not sure what the deal is.

thats crazy cuz every month dr. colker praises how well it works with actual testimony in MD i thought MD was no bs guess not
Its a dream. I can read and see the reults from AAS everywhere. Myostatin inhibitors -if this was available and really works why werent the arnold competitors all 50-100 lbs bigger than they were last year. Why no true logs with pics??
Scientists are still working on this - brilliant scientists. Do you really think its available, let alone safe. As always, its all about the money, and normally the most hyped stuff is backed by the same easily bought individuals.
Its a dream. I can read and see the reults from AAS everywhere. Myostatin inhibitors -if this was available and really works why werent the arnold competitors all 50-100 lbs bigger than they were last year. Why no true logs with pics??
Scientists are still working on this - brilliant scientists. Do you really think its available, let alone safe. As always, its all about the money, and normally the most hyped stuff is backed by the same easily bought individuals.

:yeahthat: I just cant see why test, deca, tren, hgh and slin aren't sufficient and you have to turn to stuff where effects and side-effects are unknown.

Then there is the issue of making sure you are actually taking X. No reason to sell bunk test . . . the raw materials cost next to nothing. But I wouldn't take an exotic peptide without being very confident in the source.
I was watching a documentary on this drug in Kiev, Ukraine. It's not inject and happy you go. Subject actually have to be hospitalized for 2 weeks, artificially shut off their immune system, MYO gets attached to a virus like flu or malaria to bypass immune system and is administered. Then under medical watch immune system is restored and if you survive the virus and immune system doesn't kill MYO you are good to go. Conclusion of the experiment was that subject were very near dangerous fever and immune system had to be restored to make sure they live. Only one made it through virus, over 4 months he gained 18kg(apprx 40lbs) but his immune system was no good and he was getting sick with all kinds of shit. Finally when he recovered his system was restored but it also immobilized the MYO since he stopped growing. Over the course he developed some cardiac issues as well as kidney malfunction and hypertension. The drug was labeled as dangerous and no use for humans and experiment was seized. It was funded by Swizz company, don't remember the name and they picked up things and left that idea behind.

I guess what is sold might be real MYO but unless a special administration it will not produce any effect.

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