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new cycle, need better pct


New member
Nov 29, 2009
ok gang heres whats going on

36 yrs old
5'7", 205lbs
approx 12% bf
lifting off and on for about 12 years, more consistently for the last 4 years

new cycle:

16 weeks
250 mg/week test e
80 mg/day var
600 mg/week primo

i did this cycle last year without the test and was extremely happy with the results. this time i am adding the test to compare.

the pct i did last time did not go well for me:

Day 1 - Clomid 100mg + Nolvadex 40mg
10 days - Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg
10 days - Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg

i busted out all over my chest back and shoulders with cystic acne after pct was done and i think i am just starting to get back to normal now 6 months or so later. acne is clearing up but it still has a ways to go.

so i am thinking this time around i am going to add to my cycle:

30 mg/day proviron
12.5 mg/day Aromasin (will adjust dose up or down if needed)

i will then continue the above for pct with;
20 mg/day dbol to help with cortisol

so my cycle will be:

250 mg/week test e
80 mg/day var
600 mg/week primo
30 mg/day proviron
12.5 mg/day Aromasin (will adjust dose up or down if needed)

and for pct:

30 mg/day proviron
12.5 mg/day Aromasin
20 mg/day dbol

any thoughts or recommended tweeks?

Last edited:
ok gang heres whats going on

36 yrs old
5'7", 205lbs
approx 12% bf
lifting off and on for about 12 years, more consistently for the last 4 years

new cycle:

16 weeks
250 mg/week test e
80 mg/day var
600 mg/week primo

i would up the test a bit more

i did this cycle last year without the test and was extremely happy with the results. this time i am adding the test to compare.

the pct i did last time did not go well for me:

Day 1 - Clomid 100mg + Nolvadex 40mg
10 days - Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg
10 days - Clomid 50mg + Nolvadex 20mg

i busted out all over my chest back and shoulders with cystic acne after pct was done and i think i am just starting to get back to normal now 6 months or so later. acne is clearing up but it still has a ways to go.

you may have a problem with clomid
its a fucked compound to some

so i am thinking this time around i am going to add to my cycle:

30 mg/day proviron
12.5 mg/day Aromasin (will adjust dose up or down if needed)

i will then continue the above for pct with;
20 mg/day dbol to help with cortisol

i would NOT do d-bol for pct so my cycle will be:

250 mg/week test e
80 mg/day var
600 mg/week primo
30 mg/day proviron
12.5 mg/day Aromasin (will adjust dose up or down if needed)

i would do a couple short hcg blasts during
because of the length of cycle

and for pct:

30 mg/day proviron
12.5 mg/day Aromasin
20 mg/day dbol

drop the d-bol and do a masteron tapper instead

any thoughts or recommended tweeks?


all in all........ i like your plan and what you came up with

but, what will be the main objective???
gettin lean??
lean mass??
contest prep??
roller hockey season???
going on a cruise??

thanks Tenny

i am looking to harden up a bit so getting lean.

i kept the test low because of acne issues. if i up the test will the aromasin help keep the acne at bay?

my biggest concern is the pct. i DO NOT want to experience the bullshit i went through with the pct i did last time. you say to not use d-bol and to taper with Masteron. i am using Primo so im a little confused, are you saying to add in the Masteron or just taper down the primo and then run the proviron and aromasin for pct?

what do you recommend for a couple short blasts of hcg?

thanks Tenny,
thanks Tenny

i am looking to harden up a bit so getting lean.

i kept the test low because of acne issues. if i up the test will the aromasin help keep the acne at bay?

my biggest concern is the pct. i DO NOT want to experience the bullshit i went through with the pct i did last time. you say to not use d-bol and to taper with Masteron. i am using Primo so im a little confused, are you saying to add in the Masteron or just taper down the primo and then run the proviron and aromasin for pct?

what do you recommend for a couple short blasts of hcg?

thanks Tenny,

well......i dont think the acne was test related, as it came after cycle, correct??.....
and the aromasin MAY do something for you and it may not
i would say no.....not really, unless it was estro. related
which with the compounds you ran....i dont think it was
i think that clomid is your enemy......its for many

run your 16 weeks as planned

then do your pct with the masteron
run a nice lower dose and tapper for at LEAST 4 weeks with the master
i would also finish up with tribulus and or hunamofort
and run these 2 for at least 2 to 3 months

for longer cycles i run a few blasts of hcg for 5 or 6 days at a time
at 250 a day

good luck

again.....sounds like a good plan......which is very odd for some reason:eek:

whats the plan for diet
run that by us
i have done a test 500mg/week and deca 400mg/week and had acne, thats why i was just thinking of trying a lower dose of test as im not looking to gain a lot of size.

yes i also had acne after my pct of the last cycle i did without test

just so im clear you are saying to add Masteron to my pct? i am doing primo in my cycle. if you are saying yes add the Masteron what dose do you suggest and what will it do for aiding pct?

i will take your advice on the hcg. thanks for the heads up. at what intervals are you doing the hcg blast? every 4 weeks?

good plans are odd?? lol :eek:

for longer cycles i run a few blasts of hcg for 5 or 6 days at a time
at 250 a day


how did you feel when you did the blast? what effect did it have?
for longer cycles i run a few blasts of hcg for 5 or 6 days at a time
at 250 a day


how did you feel when you did the blast? what effect did it have?

you def. feel something.......kinda recharges your batteries


How often do you blast the hcg during a long cycle? 1 time a month? and 250?

thanks for help!!!

How often do you blast the hcg during a long cycle? 1 time a month? and 250?

thanks for help!!!


20 week cycle

i would do every 6 weeks

ok so i will add in the hcg at 6 weeks and 12 weeks. should i do another blast at the end of the 16 weeks?

pct will be

4 weeks 30 mg/day proviron
4 weeks 12.5 mg/day Aromasin
4 weeks Masteron tapered 400mg/week 1, 300mg/week2, 200mg/week 3, 100mg/week 4
12 weeks humanofort and tribulus

ok so i will add in the hcg at 6 weeks and 12 weeks. should i do another blast at the end of the 16 weeks?

pct will be

4 weeks 30 mg/day proviron
4 weeks 12.5 mg/day Aromasin
4 weeks Masteron tapered 400mg/week 1, 300mg/week2, 200mg/week 3, 100mg/week 4
12 weeks humanofort and tribulus


start with half that master dose
tapper to 50mg that last week
start with half that master dose
tapper to 50mg that last week

awesome. so it will look like this:

4 weeks 30 mg/day proviron
4 weeks 12.5 mg/day Aromasin
4 weeks Masteron tapered 200mg/week 1, 150mg/week2, 100mg/week 3, 50mg/week 4
12 weeks humanofort and tribulus

what about the hcg. should i do one more blast at the end of the cycle?

awesome. so it will look like this:

4 weeks 30 mg/day proviron
4 weeks 12.5 mg/day Aromasin
4 weeks Masteron tapered 200mg/week 1, 150mg/week2, 100mg/week 3, 50mg/week 4
12 weeks humanofort and tribulus

what about the hcg. should i do one more blast at the end of the cycle?


how much longer you have???
i will be starting in March. just getting everything in line and in place before i start.

you'll stop doin that soon

should i start the proviron and aromasin on day 1 or would i be ok leaving it until week 3 or 4?

i am going to run the var from week 8-16 and was thinking of running the proviron and aromasin from week 4 through pct.

should i start the proviron and aromasin on day 1 or would i be ok leaving it until week 3 or 4?

i am going to run the var from week 8-16 and was thinking of running the proviron and aromasin from week 4 through pct.


i dont think it will matter much at all
i mean.....your just talkin a few weeks

it'll be fine anyway you want it


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