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First cycle


New member
Jul 13, 2022
Hey hope all is well. I’m starting my first cycle soon 300 test for 12 weeks but was wondering if you could tell me a good oral to take for the beginning half (4 weeks). I want this to be a casual cycle. i’m not competing so it doesn’t have to be high doses. Also what support would you take on cycle and what would you use as a pct? Thank you!
bro there is a beginner section that you should ask this question in. Also no one can make up cycles for you so have an oral in mind and if you don't know what to use pct hit the search function. The way you sit now I would not start using steroids you don't know the basics. Good luck!
I don’t know the basics because i’m asking for suggestions? stop responding if you can’t help the individual.
i’ve found the place to get this information. sorry for hurting your advanced eyes with my beginner questions. i’m sure that shit was painful lol
Dude you don't even know when you are being helped. Oh and you don't own the thread I can respond until a mod tells me to stop. Your third post and you think people owe you shit like we are all happy that you finally made it This thread as now become how long will you last with your current attitude before you are banned. I say under a week. Most people already think your a troll and no one helps new rude fucks that think folks owe them shit.
I don’t know the basics because i’m asking for suggestions? stop responding if you can’t help the individual.
Really? No, you don’t know the basics because you posted “what’s a good oral to take” in a section called PROFESSIONAL MUSCLE. Use the search function and stick to the beginners section for now. Do a ton of reading.
I don’t know the basics because i’m asking for suggestions? stop responding if you can’t help the individual.
Why are you referring to yourself in third person?

If you want help you’ll need to post up more info- age, state, years training etc.
It's always helpful to provide additional information, such as what are your present stats, age, etc. And perhaps most importantly what are your goals. For example, if you want to add 25 pounds of lean mass, then the compounds, doses and duration of your cycle will differ from another cycle where your goals are to lose 20 pounds of fat while holding on to as much lean mass as possible.

If this is a first cycle, I suspect you're trying to put on some mass. A typical first cycle is test only. 300mg/wk is fine for someone like me who responds well to low doses. Many others run a first cycle at 500mg/wk. Keep it simple for a first cycle and leave out an oral.

When first learning, you want to turn one knob at a time. If you run dbol, test and deca all at once, you don't know what is doing what. Run test alone several times, then add in an oral for shits and giggles, then later add in EQ or deca with your test.

Having said everything above, if you don't have significant training history, you really are better served in the long run putting it 3-5 years of hard work as a natural and learn how to train effectively.

One last thing, all the gear in the world isn't magic, especially if your diet isn't well structured. You should know what your daily maintenance calories presently is, and run a caloric surplus (clean preferably) when attempting to grow and a caloric deficit if you're wanting to cut. I trained for 25 years before touching AAS, and looking back I don't have a lot of regrets. I learned a lot about how my body responded to diet and training, and then when I starting incorporating AAS, I think I was able to get decent response without have to go nuts on high doses.
It's always helpful to provide additional information, such as what are your present stats, age, etc. And perhaps most importantly what are your goals. For example, if you want to add 25 pounds of lean mass, then the compounds, doses and duration of your cycle will differ from another cycle where your goals are to lose 20 pounds of fat while holding on to as much lean mass as possible.

If this is a first cycle, I suspect you're trying to put on some mass. A typical first cycle is test only. 300mg/wk is fine for someone like me who responds well to low doses. Many others run a first cycle at 500mg/wk. Keep it simple for a first cycle and leave out an oral.

When first learning, you want to turn one knob at a time. If you run dbol, test and deca all at once, you don't know what is doing what. Run test alone several times, then add in an oral for shits and giggles, then later add in EQ or deca with your test.

Having said everything above, if you don't have significant training history, you really are better served in the long run putting it 3-5 years of hard work as a natural and learn how to train effectively.

One last thing, all the gear in the world isn't magic, especially if your diet isn't well structured. You should know what your daily maintenance calories presently is, and run a caloric surplus (clean preferably) when attempting to grow and a caloric deficit if you're wanting to cut. I trained for 25 years before touching AAS, and looking back I don't have a lot of regrets. I learned a lot about how my body responded to diet and training, and then when I starting incorporating AAS, I think I was able to get decent response without have to go nuts on high doses.
Really? No, you don’t know the basics because you posted “what’s a good oral to take” in a section called PROFESSIONAL MUSCLE. Use the search function and stick to the beginners section for now. Do a ton of reading.

It's always helpful to provide additional information, such as what are your present stats, age, etc. And perhaps most importantly what are your goals. For example, if you want to add 25 pounds of lean mass, then the compounds, doses and duration of your cycle will differ from another cycle where your goals are to lose 20 pounds of fat while holding on to as much lean mass as possible.

If this is a first cycle, I suspect you're trying to put on some mass. A typical first cycle is test only. 300mg/wk is fine for someone like me who responds well to low doses. Many others run a first cycle at 500mg/wk. Keep it simple for a first cycle and leave out an oral.

When first learning, you want to turn one knob at a time. If you run dbol, test and deca all at once, you don't know what is doing what. Run test alone several times, then add in an oral for shits and giggles, then later add in EQ or deca with your test.

Having said everything above, if you don't have significant training history, you really are better served in the long run putting it 3-5 years of hard work as a natural and learn how to train effectively.

One last thing, all the gear in the world isn't magic, especially if your diet isn't well structured. You should know what your daily maintenance calories presently is, and run a caloric surplus (clean preferably) when attempting to grow and a caloric deficit if you're wanting to cut. I trained for 25 years before touching AAS, and looking back I don't have a lot of regrets. I learned a lot about how my body responded to diet and training, and then when I starting incorporating AAS, I think I was able to get decent response without have to go nuts on high doses.
thank you this was helpful
Why are you referring to yourself in third person?

If you want help you’ll need to post up more info- age, state, years training etc.
that’s not third person but thank you i’ll head over to the other section.
that’s not third person but thank you i’ll head over to the other section.
I’m sure you and “the individual” will do much better there. LOL
I don’t know the basics because i’m asking for suggestions? stop responding if you can’t help the individual.
You don’t talk to other members like that.

And I am the one who moved your post to the beginners section.

If you have a problem with that let me know.
Hey hope all is well. I’m starting my first cycle soon 300 test for 12 weeks but was wondering if you could tell me a good oral to take for the beginning half (4 weeks). I want this to be a casual cycle. i’m not competing so it doesn’t have to be high doses. Also what support would you take on cycle and what would you use as a pct? Thank you!
Definitely Oxandrolone in moderate dose for up to 6 weeks. Dont overdo it, 20mgs is way enough if you get real stuff like Oxatrex from Concetrex Laboratories or other reliable brand. Look for lab test to ensure its oxan and not stanozolol inside instead.

You can find some lab test of Concetrex products here :
For the first four weeks, a common oral option should be something like Anavar or Turinabol, both of which can provide a nice boost without necessarily requiring high doses. As for on-cycle support, consider incorporating a good liver support supplement like NAC or milk thistle, along with a quality AI like aromasin if needed. For PCT, a standard protocol often includes a SERM like tamoxifen (Nolvadex) or clomiphene (Clomid), along with natural testosterone boosters like tribulus terrestris to help restore your natural hormone levels. Good luck with your cycle!
Generally a test only cycle for your first is preferred. Start low like you’re doing, check your bloods at 4 weeks and learn how you aromatize, then how to manage your E2. This is specific to you and your body. Then if all is well, up your test dose and follow the same process. This is your experimentation phase. Adding in other compounds will muddy up the data and experience you’re trying to achieve. If you want to run orals, I’d recommend at the end of your cycle for that extra push AFTER you know what we need to know about how you respond to test and know YOUR ideal dosing. At that point, again start low, 20mg anavar is a nice easy starting point. If all is well, bump it up to 40mg. This is for 6 to 8 weeks then you’re either transitioning to PCT or your cruise.
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