Hey guys!
Found my way over here looking at some source reviews and decided I would make an account and post up. I'll try to be active and help when I can and soak in lots of info.
In the last 35 weeks I am up about 38 pounds. I just finished a 12 week "Blast" (put in quotes as bloods showed my stuff was very underdosed so it wasn't much of a true Blast). Edited that trt for a few weeks and before that natural (with shit ass test levels aka why I started trt).
I just hit the 190 mark yesterday up front 152 where I started. I'm 6'0" and 27!
These before and after are from 2-3 weeks ago.
Here is yesterday.
Found my way over here looking at some source reviews and decided I would make an account and post up. I'll try to be active and help when I can and soak in lots of info.
In the last 35 weeks I am up about 38 pounds. I just finished a 12 week "Blast" (put in quotes as bloods showed my stuff was very underdosed so it wasn't much of a true Blast). Edited that trt for a few weeks and before that natural (with shit ass test levels aka why I started trt).
I just hit the 190 mark yesterday up front 152 where I started. I'm 6'0" and 27!
These before and after are from 2-3 weeks ago.
Here is yesterday.