I was in a bad motorcycle accident at the start 2020 I spent a month stuck not being able to get out of bed at all (bed pan was all bad) and more than a year in rehab. shattered my left ankle compound fracture of my leg both bones sticking out of the skin, crushed the plateau of my knee, cracked the knee cap in half, broke 2 ribs, dislocated the entire right side of my sternum, broke my wrist, another compound fracture this one of my arm had a bone there break the skin, dislocated my hip as well as my shoulder not to mention the muscle damage all over my body. I had to learn to walk again and still cannot run yet. This brought my weight up to 265 lbs this is the worst shape I have ever been in. The sitting around and depression that followed during rehab took a major toll. In the last month I have been able to drop 20lbs and get mentally back in gear. At one time I was a lean 225lb beast at 6ft and now trying to get close to that again before I turn 50. I know what I need to do as far as working out and well versed in AAS
I am posting a before pick even though I feel like a dad bod pile of crap right now but it will sever a motivation to keep moving forward
I have run plenty of cycles in my younger years but this more of 6 month anti-aging type of old dude maintenance to get back in the game.
The first 3 months will concentrate on fat loss and cardio.
The final 3 will be on size
I am on TRT and will run that the entire time as well as Ipam and CJC
NPP and TPP will be added for 12 weeks from April-June (I picked this just in case my Dr decides to check my test levels I can sit on the referral for a week or so to let my levels get back down quicker that say a Cyp or E cycle)
Ipam/CJC 300mcg 5 days a week Jan-June
200mg Test Cyp a week Jan-June
200mg TPP a week April May and June
200mg NPP a week April May and June
I am posting a before pick even though I feel like a dad bod pile of crap right now but it will sever a motivation to keep moving forward
I have run plenty of cycles in my younger years but this more of 6 month anti-aging type of old dude maintenance to get back in the game.
The first 3 months will concentrate on fat loss and cardio.
The final 3 will be on size
I am on TRT and will run that the entire time as well as Ipam and CJC
NPP and TPP will be added for 12 weeks from April-June (I picked this just in case my Dr decides to check my test levels I can sit on the referral for a week or so to let my levels get back down quicker that say a Cyp or E cycle)
Ipam/CJC 300mcg 5 days a week Jan-June
200mg Test Cyp a week Jan-June
200mg TPP a week April May and June
200mg NPP a week April May and June