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New WR Squat


Jan 13, 2003
I just read Mikesell did 517.5 Kilos:

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Cjay said:
I just read Mikesell did 517.5 Kilos:

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I once read that Paul Anderson's best squat was over 1200 lb's. Why isn't his lift considered the world record since 517.5 Kilograms equals 1140.89 Pounds?
Probably because it was not a judged lift. Cjay
Most of Anderson's lifts were done unsanctioned. I believe the bigger stuff was done in unconventional ways (not free weights but other objects). I'm quite sure that he would not have been capable of a 1200lb squat with free weights. The heaviest actual free weight squat I've ever seen a picture of was around 950. Which is still awesome, but nowhere near 1200. If Anderson was from this day and age he would be right up there with Mikesell.
bullshit, Anderson was one of the strongest men of all time. I have photo's of him squatting over 800lbs, with no squatsuit, no knee wraps, no belt, no shoes. The man didn't even wear shoes and squated over 800lbs. all he had on was socks and a wristwatch. He has squatted over 1000 on numerous occasions without gear. name one man who can come close to that..........
That's what I thought!!!!!!!!!

Mikesell, couldn't squat with Anderson's jock strap...
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bullshit, Anderson was one of the strongest men of all time. I have photo's of him squatting over 800lbs, with no squatsuit, no knee wraps, no belt, no shoes. The man didn't even wear shoes and squated over 800lbs. all he had on was socks and a wristwatch. He has squatted over 1000 on numerous occasions without gear. name one man who can come close to that..........

i dont know that i would want to see him squat in socks and wrist watch only!!

how much did he weigh? 300+? i know somebody close that. i was 216 and squated 675 for 5 reps with no belt or wraps.

for my next comp. im gonna hit 800 in nothing but a thong!!
come on man, paul anderson is one of the strongest ever. do you really want to compare yourself with him????? And when I say 800 lbs I was speaking of a rep set. Not, trying to be cocky but, give the man his due respect...
im not trying to take anything away from the man, im just saying that that i am about hundred pounds lighter and movin 100 pounds less, and there are guys out there stonger than me too. hell chuck, kellum, zweng, coan, mikesell, frank and on! saying noone is stonger paul is like saying noone compares to arnold! they were both great but to say noone comes close with all the strong men and great physiques that have come after them is quite a statement.

oh, and im only 22.
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I by no means take any respect from Anderson, but to say some of the guys today couldn't do what he could do is crazy. And trust me I'm a big Anderson fan, as I am all the old timers in the strength sports.
yeah, I understand what you guy's are saying, but Anderson has squatted 1200LBS RAW....Do, you guys know of anyone close to that mark??? He lifted without equipment, so how do you think that bolton or mikesell rank beside of him? I was in georgia when mikesell broke his own record, and then bolton broke mikesell new record he just set that day 1114 and guess what they was HEAVILY EQUIPPED... do your homework guys... and then tell me what you think!!!
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the link doesnt work. but found the article and read it. it said he did 2 or 3 half reps with 1200. On brent mikesells site, in his training journal for the west coast open he did rack pulls from below the knee with 1035 pounds. and he only has 9 fingers!
Sorry, the link didn't work.. just type in and then scroll down to #38 paul anderson king of the squat.
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mikesell kifted in the west coast open a while back raw and did a 903 squat, 578 bench, and an 801 DL. he waswnt even able to train for the meet cause of a hip injury!
o.k., Let's just agree to disagree. And by all means, I wasn't trying to sound cocky or be a smartass, I was only giving my opinion. both men are outstanding squatter's and icon's the Iron Game.
i dont take any offense. its ur oppinion just as i have mine.

do u have any video links to any of his lifts? in the article it said he did exhibitions on tv. so there should be something floating around. if u find them, post em up. ild love to see them. later.
hey, i just found out gary frank regularly does 900 lb squats as a warmup before meets with just a belt on!
o.k. , I just want to say that paul did his lifting in the late 50's and early 60's and his awesome RAW strength is still an great feat even by todays standards, 4 decades later.

Gary Frank was robbed at GNC Show of Strength last year, I witnessed his would be world record squat, And they called him for depth, but he went just as low if not lower than mikesell and bolton.
i agree with u on that. again, if u find any clips of him lifting i would like to see them.
big_byrd52 said:
bullshit, Anderson was one of the strongest men of all time. I have photo's of him squatting over 800lbs, with no squatsuit, no knee wraps, no belt, no shoes. The man didn't even wear shoes and squated over 800lbs. all he had on was socks and a wristwatch. He has squatted over 1000 on numerous occasions without gear. name one man who can come close to that..........

i dont know that i would want to see him squat in socks and wrist watch only!!

how much did he weigh? 300+? i know somebody close that. i was 216 and squated 675 for 5 reps with no belt or wraps.

for my next comp. im gonna hit 800 in nothing but a thong!!
Nothing but a thong? Make sure that I miss that competition! Shoooooooo Weeeeeeeeeee!
Paul Anderson would dominate today just as he did in the 50's and 60's.
He squatted 800 for 10 reps, no gear. Most of his squats were done barefoot. And he didn't just do squats, benches, and deads. He pressed over 400 for reps, snatched around 350 and jerkjed over 450. He one arm pressed 300 pounds for reps. He pushpressed 545. There's no powerlifter that can equal his aggregate total without gear.

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