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Newbee intro Hi All


New member
Aug 13, 2010
A Big Hi to Every1
I lookforward to learning new things & sharing my experiences with you,
as you can tell im new here, im from the Uk, & been training now for 10yrs natural, although i am looking to take my physique to a higher level very soon
& push the boundries within myself & im sure being part of your forum will give me that extra boom within my progress,.So again i very much look forward to learning from you guys All the best:)
Welcome to the forums! What are your stats like (height, weight, best lifts)? A lot of knowledgeable people here to help you out, good luck!
Hi akmass, 5ft10 10yr training never used gear or supplys but ooking to change all that, neck19 chest-back 55 bis-tris 20 quads 29 calves 19 (all pumped) waist around 38
squats (below parralell) 225kg 9-14R
legpress (low) 560kg 20R
bench (not good) 130kg 12R inc d-bell bench 55kg-8-13R
bent row 170kg 11-15R
d-bell curl 35kg 12R (bar 80KG-6-7R)
stand calve raise (on smith machine) 200kg 30R
I try n train very hard & brutal
20whole eggs 700g chicken 200g lean mince rice oats potatoe, 3-400g veg olive oil
i do eat junk but will cut out
its time to release my potential if there is any:confused: so i really want to take it further, hope aint bored ya just need a little expert guidance:)
Well you obviously have a dedication to training, that's good. Lifts are very solid I'd say, especially for a natural trainee. But wait, you eat 20 WHOLE eggs a day???? :eek: I know there are debates about hdl/ldl cholesterol and good and bad, but TWENTY seems a little risky for your heart. Egg whites I could see, but damn, you're not sick of eggs? What's your training like?
Hi akmass, 5ft10 10yr training never used gear or supplys but ooking to change all that, neck19 chest-back 55 bis-tris 20 quads 29 calves 19 (all pumped) waist around 38
squats (below parralell) 225kg 9-14R
legpress (low) 560kg 20R
bench (not good) 130kg 12R inc d-bell bench 55kg-8-13R
bent row 170kg 11-15R
d-bell curl 35kg 12R (bar 80KG-6-7R)
stand calve raise (on smith machine) 200kg 30R
I try n train very hard & brutal
20whole eggs 700g chicken 200g lean mince rice oats potatoe, 3-400g veg olive oil
i do eat junk but will cut out
its time to release my potential if there is any:confused: so i really want to take it further, hope aint bored ya just need a little expert guidance:)

I almost wanted to puke reading this. You are consuming 7,760 or so calories daily, not to mention the junk you add in. How in the world is your body processing all that without supp help? I can only imagine what you could do if you go "on". *LOL*

Hi akmass It may seem a lot but it really isnt, i have no upset stomach or any other probs yes they are all whole scrambled-boiled etc. i have been getting good results eith blending 10eggs in soya/water after workout & for breaky first thing in morning aint that bad look forward to it, caus when i wanna keepthings clean believe me it really cuts crave for crap, taking time out from training for a mth or2 as im having a shed put up in garden only 30x12 ft but ive alreay got a pretty good collection of equipment cant wait :)
Hiya powerox I dont count kcals i know pretty much what can-cant get away with, would it really be 7000cala it really seems nothing scary truth is i could easily double what i consume but scared of getting way-fat, i first dieted 5yrs ago i had theory if i can gain well do i have the natural genetics to get ripped (sorry if taking to long) caus that is a totally new ball game mental n physical
this was my conclusion
Need to presurve as much mucsle as possible
reduce B/F then reduce it to extreame
being aware of hypo glyceamic
caus im natural would i loose a lot of muscle weakness etc.
1 started @ 20st from1st day i cut everything (not wise but had my instinct so followed it) i calculated on lean B/M would be 16st 8%B/F
I would feed rebuild & support 16st of lean tissue
PROTIEN CARBS oats 60g carb total (for day)
5-700g chicken FATS 1/4cup ex v olive oil
500g lean beef mince(drained) water through out
3 tins tuna / 4pce coley fish
20 whole eggs
CARDIO 30 min power walking straight after workout progressed walk 2x per day around 10 mth later i was 15st 7lb so thats a pretty good calculation
i was (told) about 6ish % B/F
I wish had of competed & had photos i do have couple around 12%@ 16.4st
My training style is intense, although i do get a little frutrated as the fury & mental intensity wants to take hold but mentally i can control this as i do n keep pretty strict, i am looking forward to a new way of training once i get my shed up, when i get to complete faier, im gonna count my reps from there, i do read up on enhancements but its kind of complicated as i dont know of any bodybuilders that i can really discuss things with, i already get accused of taking even with guys on it in the local gyms, so im hoping before the new yr once i get pics up i can recieve honest comments & help with future cycles:)
Hiya powerox I dont count kcals i know pretty much what can-cant get away with, would it really be 7000cala it really seems nothing scary truth is i could easily double what i consume but scared of getting way-fat,

Yeah, it's in the 7000 range if my math is right. That's is a boat load of calories daily, bro. Your metabolic rate as well as your daily activity will dictate how your body uses those calories.

My point on it was basically this is above average for caloric consumption for any human. I'm not saying you and others cant do it. It's just not the norm. Most would definitely need "supp" help to increase protein syn, nitrogen retention, and not to mention, a little something to help burn fat.

It's really good you can eat like that, daily, and not be obese, especially without any "supp" help.

i first dieted 5yrs ago i had theory if i can gain well do i have the natural genetics to get ripped (sorry if taking to long) caus that is a totally new ball game mental n physical
this was my conclusion
Need to presurve as much mucsle as possible
reduce B/F then reduce it to extreame
being aware of hypo glyceamic
caus im natural would i loose a lot of muscle weakness etc.
1 started @ 20st from1st day i cut everything (not wise but had my instinct so followed it) i calculated on lean B/M would be 16st 8%B/F
I would feed rebuild & support 16st of lean tissue
PROTIEN CARBS oats 60g carb total (for day)
5-700g chicken FATS 1/4cup ex v olive oil
500g lean beef mince(drained) water through out
3 tins tuna / 4pce coley fish
20 whole eggs
CARDIO 30 min power walking straight after workout progressed walk 2x per day around 10 mth later i was 15st 7lb so thats a pretty good calculation
i was (told) about 6ish % B/F
I wish had of competed & had photos i do have couple around 12%@ 16.4st

It sounds like you do have the genetics. I could only imagine what would happen if you enhance your bodies ability to process food, whether you wanted to cut or bulk.

How does your blood work look, bro?

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My training style is intense, although i do get a little frutrated as the fury & mental intensity wants to take hold but mentally i can control this as i do n keep pretty strict, i am looking forward to a new way of training once i get my shed up, when i get to complete faier, im gonna count my reps from there, i do read up on enhancements but its kind of complicated as i dont know of any bodybuilders that i can really discuss things with, i already get accused of taking even with guys on it in the local gyms, so im hoping before the new yr once i get pics up i can recieve honest comments & help with future cycles:)

Well, i think you are at the right place. Tons of pro's on here. My only concern would be with the current atmosphere regarding bbíng, to make sure who I "befriend" is who they say they are and not working a double. If ya know what I mean.

Thank you both powerox & swoleup for your kind words, i had a bloodtest few mths back as i am prone to like a really bad sore throat so they done tests im sure if something was wrong would have been notified i have perfect bill of health. im trying to put pic up of calve from rear but havin to take pic of the pic to load up let me know your thought:)
Well, i think you are at the right place. Tons of pro's on here. My only concern would be with the current atmosphere regarding bbíng, to make sure who I "befriend" is who they say they are and not working a double. If ya know what I mean.


Good point but he's from the UK, so I don't think he has anything to worry about. Personal "supp" use is legal there.
Good point but he's from the UK, so I don't think he has anything to worry about. Personal "supp" use is legal there.

Good point back at ya! I didn't even notice the bro's location. If that's the case, he should be able to get all the info and help he needs where he is at. Use this site as a compliment and just to bs with the bro's.

I have a feeling tho, that this bro knows a little more than he's leading on. ;). I can't wait to see the pics!

I think I''m gonna move to the UK and set a lab, make some bucks, know that the onus is on the buyer, and get rich and big! HaHa.

Anyone want to join me?

Hi Guys What am i like, im trying to upload my pic dont expect anything special you see i have made good progress but there still underdeveloped trying again, i am from uk i have also heard uk gov allows the use of them supplys but not legal to supply, but really im not leading any1 on, i mean i must know quite a bit but not enouph to warrant my first cycles looking forward to some help from more experienced bodybuilders:)


  • 030.jpg
    301.3 KB · Views: 118
Always wanted huge calves but thats ridiculas. :D will do it again tomorrow now its 1ocock in morning here, catch you tomoz thanks again look forward to your honest opinions :) hang on this pic from 98 not 2005 wll put the latter up if can find em (same kinda pic same location)
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