OH jeez
To the op-
not to stir the proverbial "shit pot" ala the "so sick of this here's the truth" thread, but for a guy who is clearly as informed yourself...epistane is a designer steroid (epi plex, havoc, bla bla bla). Last time I checked...steroid use doesn't really qualify one as being "all-natural.". But, hey....I'm just some idiot on the boards, so what do i know.
That not withstanding (and with me not wanting to hit the back button on my browser to reread your inane posts), did you say you wanted help from the board on how to add mass while cutting weight on igf? IGF?
The best help you're gonna get was already given. Stop taking drugs you don't understand, don't post for 6 months, read alllllll you can, and then come back and ask questions for another 6 months. By then you'll be 21, and an adult capable of making his own stupid decisions. Take it from the board, research, read, and THEN DO IT SOME MORE BEFORE YOU START ATTACKING PEOPLE WHO HAVE TAKEN THE TIME TO ALREADY DO SO.
Im sure this will fall on deaf ears, and feel free to flame away friend....but all the igf in the world ain't gonna help. I mean all of this in good spirit....but again, I'm sure it will fall on deaf ears.
/end rant