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Nicotine is one hell of a fat burner

I guess if you are "prone" to that sort of thing. I was taking it on a cut, ended up using it twice daily for a little over 2 months and quit the day my cut was over and never looked back.

It's a vasoconstrictor though so not extremely helpful in the gym from a weight lifting standpoint.

It does it's job from an appetite suppressant standpoint, it is helpful with things like tren or DNP when you crave carbs. But the longer you take it, like anything else, the higher of a dose you will have to go to illicit the same response.

I would recommend anyone start as low as possible with the 1mg gum and work your way up from there. Never start with anything higher dosage or you'll be puking your guts out if you aren't a smoker already. As far as the PATCH goes though, I've never used it and it's a little MUCH for me - my girlfriend didn't notice the gum chewing but if all of a sudden I was wearing a nicotine patch I'm pretty sure it would raise some alarms about my sanity.

I'm not prone to it either. I still dip tobacco 1-2 times a week for the headbuzz, but never actually crave it or anything.
Yes it does through nAChRs (nicotinic acetylcholine receptors). Which is all intertwined with ghrelin, cortisol, dopamine, etc. Nicotine also acts very similar to DNP through uncoupling of the mitochondria. Which in turn plays on upregulation of thermogensis of brown adipose tissue.

Too bad it's addictive. It sounds like a perfect bodybuilding drug.
Perfect timing on this. I quit dipping on Wednesday and my appetite has been uncontrollable the last 3 days and Im eating everything in my path. Guess its a good thing summers over :D
Nicotine doesn't actually seem very addictive when used as a gum for example. Tobacco contains more than nicotine plus the ritual of smoking for example is habituating in itself so you can't compare pure nicotine with tobacco use.

More than a decade ago I read about nicotine being patented by some drug company due to the angiogenesis it causes.
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I remember many years ago, my ex brother in law telling me about local guys who were getting ready for comps, they would smoke out in the parking lot of the gym before doing their training.
I read somewhere the European bb'rs would smoke cigarrettes during a prep for the hunger suppression.

Ciggs would make me puke but some of the vapor flavors actually taste really good and they dont have all the carcinogens like a real cigarrette (supposedly).
I remember many years ago, my ex brother in law telling me about local guys who were getting ready for comps, they would smoke out in the parking lot of the gym before doing their training.

Now that's just stupid, lol. Considering the smoke part is what's bad for you and fucks you up from a cardiovascular standpoint.

The gum is where it's at. If you get addicted to the GUM...then you are probably the kind of person who has to stay away from ALL potential substance abuse. In which case you probably already know it's a bad idea.
I remember many years ago, my ex brother in law telling me about local guys who were getting ready for comps, they would smoke out in the parking lot of the gym before doing their training.

i know this is not the topic.....BUT....

in the winter a few seasons i was training at this gym in Long Island.
there was a group of guys....(headed up by none other than Derek Anthony,
RIP)....they would do a set....then everybody would run outside and stand
in the cold for a few minutes and smoke cigs.....:confused:

i asked him one time.....WTF are you doing..???....he laughed and said
"burning fat bro"....LMAOOO....

i said....."pneumonia will def. burn fat"....he just starred at me.

I use it almost every prep....was going through a mouthful of 4mg nicorette like skittles though so finally switched to vaping when I can which is easier and way cheaper. Wish they had some 15-20mg gum but it's a nice appetite suppressant at least
Nicotine doesn't actually seem very addictive when used as a gum for example.

Gum of any type can be addicting but I've never had an issue coming off of nicorette. I used it in college during exams and I now use it during prep; never an issue stopping but I'm not prone to addiction.

The only issue I get is gum irritation; you don't chew it like normal gum, but rather chew for a little then "Park" it. It heals quickly upon cessation but the dentist will notice.

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