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Npp vs anadrol


Well-known member
Kilo Klub Member
Apr 20, 2009
How would you compare these 2 for adding to a test stack for recomp purposes? 2 drugs that aren't usually compared to each other because one is an oral.
they are apples n oranges.
yet again another killer thread!

Such great insight, be sure to check estrogen levels with your next blood, may be a little elevated :p
How would you compare these 2 for adding to a test stack for recomp purposes? 2 drugs that aren't usually compared to each other because one is an oral.

^^^hey brother ..i'v read many of your threads, questions & replies

i applaud your desire to learn, BUT reading in between the lines there seems to be a theme i'd say this;

stop everything & get lean first ..these drug act differently (less sides & better response/results) when you start lean

diet & cardio till you'r 10-12%BF
^^^the discipline gained & future results will be worth this pain & sacrifice, promise

genuinely wish you success

why even compare the two? Some of your threads QB...sweet jesus.

No one is recomping with an oral....maybe Var.
And NPP has a great rep. End of thread.
That would've taken you 4 mins with the search function.
^^^hey brother ..i'v read many of your threads, questions & replies

i applaud your desire to learn, BUT reading in between the lines there seems to be a theme i'd say this;

stop everything & get lean first ..these drug act differently (less sides & better response/results) when you start lean

diet & cardio till you'r 10-12%BF
^^^the discipline gained & future results will be worth this pain & sacrifice, promise

genuinely wish you success

Hey bro thanks for the reply, I actually did what you said I'm plenty lean I just cut 20lbs, then took a week deload and maintained my weight.

Goal is not to go on a massing phase, but maintain my leanness and fill out some. I've ran npp and drol when bulking but never ran either from my leanest state to fill out and recomp some. Want to go off tren and stay away from var due to kidney concerns..
Mostly wondering between the two which will give a nice full look without adding bloat, put water in the right places. Npp is a little easier on the blood work I assume. Never been a fan of dbol and that's a little wet for what I'm looking for. Primo is long acting I want something quick to go with test. Npp or drol seem like good choices for me I feel like I may get a little more from drol but wondering if anyone prefers npp
why even compare the two? Some of your threads QB...sweet jesus.

No one is recomping with an oral....maybe Var.
And NPP has a great rep. End of thread.
That would've taken you 4 mins with the search function.

Which thread bro? I see 2 that have good discussion, do you see all the other threads inbeteeen that are they all groundbreaking? What is with the hostility?

I read your response on the drugs I honestly dont get it. You feel an oral and quick acting injectable should never be compared because the delivery method? I cant agree I design my stack based on goals not delivery method, the one exception is I dont want to be injecting tons of oil so no npp,tren,mast, prop.
I agree var is ideal but I need a break from var and winny that was used on my cut. Thank you for the reply no hard feelings just dont see these "threads" that should upset people
I've tried NPP once and didn't really see what the hype was about only doing 300mg a week with 200mg test. I held more water than I expected , not as bad as deca but I tried the NPP for that reason. I personally prefer EQ.

As for the Anadrol , I've ever only tried it for a couple weeks at 50mg a day before training , I got noticably better pumps and a little stronger but it cranked my blood pressure way up.

I only use orals now the last couple weeks before a show , I don't think their benefits out weigh their negetive over the long run.

What is it you are wanting to accomplish by using either of these two or were you just comparing difference
Get blood work, seems like your ALWAYS on oral.

I won't even respond to the topic of the thread as its just silly.
I apologize if that sounded hostile or like i was annoyed dude. Not the case.
Back to the original question...NPP all day and all night.

I feel other than Var, most guys look as orals as small tools in their toolbox. I personally don't know any dudes who look to orals as real and NEEDED muscle building options. They look at them as a kickstart or a plateau breaker...that kinda thing. Injectables are the real deal Holyfield of making noticeable changes to your physique.
Get blood work, seems like your ALWAYS on oral.

I won't even respond to the topic of the thread as its just silly.

Hey bro just got some it came back great. I was concerned it may not and was going to cruise for a bit, but my bloods being good has me ready to maybe add in a compound. I feel like after cutting I'm primed to grow , then plan to cruise after 10 or so weeks. Just never ran either of these 2 compounds from a lean state always used them to bulk.
Goal is not to go on a massing phase, but maintain my leanness and fill out some. I've ran npp and drol when bulking but never ran either from my leanest state to fill out and recomp some. Want to go off tren and stay away from var due to kidney concerns..
Mostly wondering between the two which will give a nice full look without adding bloat, put water in the right places. Npp is a little easier on the blood work I assume. Never been a fan of dbol and that's a little wet for what I'm looking for. Primo is long acting I want something quick to go with test. Npp or drol seem like good choices for me I feel like I may get a little more from drol but wondering if anyone prefers npp
Just do it. Stop posting shit everyday. Just fucking do what you want to do with your physique. Literally nobody cares what you do.
Orals never really impressed me until I started pulsing them. When your in an extreme calorie deficit, 75mg anadrol pre workout really can make a shit workout be a good one.
Oral bits are good for breaking when we hit the wall or in preparation for a competition (then I even think that they are necessary to get the best shape) but avoid them in the offseason. Rely on EQ / nandrolone / tren if it does not block your appetite and of course testosterone which is and should always be the basis
Hey bro thanks for the reply, I actually did what you said I'm plenty lean I just cut 20lbs, then took a week deload and maintained my weight.

Goal is not to go on a massing phase, but maintain my leanness and fill out some. I've ran npp and drol when bulking but never ran either from my leanest state to fill out and recomp some. Want to go off tren and stay away from var due to kidney concerns..
Mostly wondering between the two which will give a nice full look without adding bloat, put water in the right places. Npp is a little easier on the blood work I assume. Never been a fan of dbol and that's a little wet for what I'm looking for. Primo is long acting I want something quick to go with test. Npp or drol seem like good choices for me I feel like I may get a little more from drol but wondering if anyone prefers npp

^^^first my apologies for misunderstanding ..just seemed like many of your concerns could be solved with diet
..but if you have a good handle on your diet & BF ..then that would negate my assumption, so again, sorry bout that

to give some feedback on your question ..if i had to choose for another ..i'd select NPP over DROL

for me, DROL just fills me out
..but that's not the case for all, some can hold massive water on it
& some just don't respond very well to it at all

NPP if you have your ducks in a row ..will fill you nicely
^^^basically IMO NPP is a safer choice given your goal

also since you mentioned DBOL, i'll say this about it
the "wetness" of DBOL is relative to; (..carbs particularly)
..your existing BF%
..what you stack it with

i'v experimented with alot of combos over the years
DBOL/TREN (..given a low BF & appropriate macros) is a very nice look ..lean & full
..same applies to PRIMIO/DBOL
add MAST or WIN to this & you can really create an exceptional end result

^^^mind you, these combos will not take you to the stage
..but will give a "gym rat" with some appreciable muscle a very good look

anadrol is amazing

my overall focus and aggression in the gym when on anadrol makes it for me.
i hate to lose that edge when the time to use it runs out.

that being said, you can gain 20lbs in three weeks on anadrol easy.
i dont think you can get 20lbs in 3 weeks with npp

npp is a steady gainer. anadrol you will gain weight fast.

if you are using test and npp, and do 3-4 weeks of anadrol,
you can keep all the weight you gained from the anadrol, the test and npp will support it.
anadrol is amazing

my overall focus and aggression in the gym when on anadrol makes it for me.
i hate to lose that edge when the time to use it runs out.

that being said, you can gain 20lbs in three weeks on anadrol easy.
i dont think you can get 20lbs in 3 weeks with npp

npp is a steady gainer. anadrol you will gain weight fast.

if you are using test and npp, and do 3-4 weeks of anadrol,
you can keep all the weight you gained from the anadrol, the test and npp will support it.

You can gain 19.9 pounds of water of in 3 weeks!

You will not keep all the water you gained from Anadrol...absolutely absurd!
why even compare the two? Some of your threads QB...sweet jesus.

No one is recomping with an oral....maybe Var.
And NPP has a great rep. End of thread.
That would've taken you 4 mins with the search function.
Don't forget winny bro , I think that oral is though to beat in a recomp of course added with injectable s

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