You don't need a family lawyer, you need a bankruptcy attorney. They are a dime a doze, type it in google with your city and find pleanty. You pay part of the fee for the actual filing and dismissal, the courts pay the rest of the attorneys fees.
You need to get a good current copy of your credit reports, to see what kinds of outstanding accounts you have.
This is your guide to obtaining your free copy of the 3 credit reports. You are entitled by law to receive this free copy once per year. Do NOT do that bullshit you see on tv the free credit report places where you have to pay an annual fee.
Find any dr's you have visited regularly over the last couple years, any emergency room visits, etc... and call them for any existing balances.
Make a list of every single bill you have, include your utilities etc... find any previous companies you may have had and contact them to see if you have any existing balances.
Get account numbers, mailing address, phone etc.. for every account you have existing balances for that you can include in the bk and get them to your attorney. You can't add people later on when it's dismissed so be very thorough. They will draw up the paperwork and let you know when the trial will be for the dismissal.
Lastly, get your shit together, use something like the envelope system for your finances.
Make a list of every single thing that you pay money for and get an average per month what you spend, car, house, insurance, utils, phones, gas, food, clubs, beer, groceries, daycare, clothes, gym memberships, supps, etc..... every single little thing. Take the bare necessities and put them on their own list. Make an envelope for each of the bare necessities and write the name and what the monthly $ amount is on the envelope. Figure out how much per paycheck you need to put in that envelope every time you get paid.
The rest of the list are things you can do without. With the money you have leftover, figure out which of the novalties you would like to have/keep. Write how much per paycheck you need to put in there each time you get paid.
Purchase a safe, fire/water/security (you need all 3, if there is a fire, they will use water to put it out) place your envelopes in there and keep them there.
You can only use money from the envelopes they are intended for. Any extra needed, take it from the novalty envelopes. It's quite easy.