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Ok I am ready for opinons....I got thick skin so fire away


New member
Jan 21, 2009
Been a lurker on here for a long time, This website is the best one out here as far as I am concerned, lots of knowledge on here. Anyway these are pics from my 2nd show ever, been lifting for 4 years now, just turned 38 in april weighed in at 186 at 5'7" and took first in my weight class. I know I have chicken legs and I am going to do my best to make them grow this next year. Looking for critiques, I am planning on taking a full year off to put more size on and go from there.



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well i would say....get better looking

but i dont think you can do that

then i thought....maybe some hair??

but i dont think you can do that either

as far as physique......perfect color
almost perfect conditioning
well proportioned
you really dont need nothing
just improve all over
and your good to go

welcome aboard chubz

Ha! Thanks, I got what my mooma gave me for looks, and well I am trying to grow hair back, but I am looking more like a Chia Pet, so thanks and I am planning on lots of eating and old school deads,squats, and benching for the next year
Looking like your in contest shape. Nice lines.
well i would say....get better looking

but i dont think you can do that

then i thought....maybe some hair??

but i dont think you can do that either

as far as physique......perfect color
almost perfect conditioning
well proportioned
you really dont need nothing
just improve all over
and your good to go

welcome aboard chubz

HAHAHAHAHAHA wellll..........what he said! LMAO. Ok OK you look excellent. maybe put some more beef on those legs but damn man, you look really good. Be careful not to ruin your proportion. Just keep an eye on the mirror and try to add some all over, just a touch more on the legs and that is all. Good job and congrats on your class win also.
You look greatand you should be very proud!
4 years training????

I been at it MUCH longer and could not even pretend I could ever dream of looking like that WTF you look like a pro (almost) IMO
glad you stopped lurking and joined in and contributed...

Dont be so down on yourself... you won your class and have a physique that shows discipline and hard work...

Most of us are here to learn and improve..
Thanks for all the great comments! I have gained alot of great knowledge from this site. I am happy with my results so far, though I would like to bring my legs up bigger. I was always active in wrestling and Martial arts, but never even touched a weight until 4 years ago and within a couple months decided I wanted to get big. I am hoping that at 38 I can still grow. I did my first show in April of 09 and weighed in at 176 and won the middleweight and overall, these pics are from my second show this past May, weighing in at 186 it was a national qualifier, I would like to get to the top of the light heavy class 198.2, also I will be 40 in 2 years so I can compete in masters. Like I said been a lurker here for a long time, have been really kicking around the idea of getting ahold of Shelby Starnes, he lives in my Home state, and from what I read and see he is impressive with his knowledge.
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother to
post here anymore as Tenny (and others)
take the words right outta my mouth.

My only comment, which comes in the
form of a question is . . . what makes you
think you are going to get your legs to grow,
to catch up, if they have not already?

What are you going to do that you have not,
I assume, already been doing. (I have the
same imbalance by the way so I'm all ears.)

Oh . . . and by the way, I think you look great,
super conditioning, shape, etc . . . You have
very "mature" muscle which belies the relatively
few years, the late start, in training.

Truly, I wish you continued success.

Well my plan to bring in bigger wheels is to go back to squatting, I havent done rear squats in over 7 months, been doing heavy front squats, but I plan on going to heavy rear squats and even doing sevens on rears, we will see what happens, may also do a heavy leg day and a light leg day so I hit them twice a week. As far as the mature muscle, thanks for the compliment, really wish I would have started earlier, but who knows, maybe I would have just been burnt out by now, where as I love training heavy 5 days a week, it is my anti-depressant
very nice work!!

A buddy with thinner legs(ectomorph) looked at me and said wtf you got such huge legs and calfs,(im an endo) i patted my belly at the time(10ish years ago) and said beer aint all bad :D So anyways he didnt start drinking beer but he made himself a sand bag vest and wore it almost all the time for a year while cycling... long story short no more pencil legs... and he had tried everything he figured the constant strain of the extra weight would force his legs to adapt and they did. (50 pound vest) with ankle weights. Dunno why more people arnt doing it.
Like I said been a lurker here for a long time, have been really kicking around the idea of getting ahold of Shelby Starnes, he lives in my Home state, and from what I read and see he is impressive with his knowledge.

You didn't like working with Hany?
Damn bro,

We are the same age but you are jacked!!!

Awesome conditioning and I wish I had chicken legs now!:D

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