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On the scale


Feb 6, 2006
:banghead: well last night before bed I hopped on the scale to get an idea of my bodyweight and to my suprise it was a wopping 179.9lbs WTF I have been busting my ass in the weight room, eating 6-7 meals a day and I'm losing weight . Nothing has changed as far as supps,diet,training so what gives??? last mth my weight was 190lbs... My wife and the guys I work with say I look bigger but how can it be????:banghead: As far as my BF I have no idea but I have visiable abs and have had then for the past year so I know thats not it (losing BF) HELP!!!!!!!!!!!:banghead:
well.......an easy solution would be to stay off the scale

the scale is NOT your friend in this game

Hey look on the bright side, pretty soon you will be able to buy size M clothes.:D Like I was saying in an earlier thread this weightlifting thing can be a total mind fuck sometimes. As long as you are still feeling strong and happy with what you see in the mirror then the weight is just a number. Keep your head up...and quit losing weight or you will blow away in a strong wind:D
i agree with tenny. toss the scale. i havent stepped on one since i was at the doc's, and even then it was in kg's not lbs, so i still don't know.
My guess is that you are losing fat. Just because you can see your abs doesnt mean you dont have bf somewhere else.
Yeah the BF is between the ears LOL.. I guess its time to listen to the wife, dont tell her I said that LOL, but its killing me to know I'm losing weight since high school I was just the little kid and now at 35yrs I still feel the same way and after talking to Bigevil 42 over the years we cleaned up the diet and gained a few lbs in lean muscle but right now I'm at a loss, did my body just adapt to the clean diet???? as far as the mirror I seem to look bigger and I'm staying full all day long ????Just started DC style this week ... so I guess I'll ride out the weight loss and see if I can get back down to my HS wrestling weight of 119lbs :banghead: and I wont go out side due to the wind factor! and if Shelby or Phil read this PLEASE CHIME IN !!!! HELP THE LITTLE KID
Yeah the BF is between the ears LOL.. I guess its time to listen to the wife, dont tell her I said that LOL, but its killing me to know I'm losing weight since high school I was just the little kid and now at 35yrs I still feel the same way and after talking to Bigevil 42 over the years we cleaned up the diet and gained a few lbs in lean muscle but right now I'm at a loss, did my body just adapt to the clean diet???? as far as the mirror I seem to look bigger and I'm staying full all day long ????Just started DC style this week ... so I guess I'll ride out the weight loss and see if I can get back down to my HS wrestling weight of 119lbs :banghead: and I wont go out side due to the wind factor! and if Shelby or Phil read this PLEASE CHIME IN !!!! HELP THE LITTLE KID

maybe its time to up the cals
and re-do the diet plan

its possible your metab. HAS adjusted to the current diet
Maybe your overtraining? And try upping the cals too, like someone else said. This has always worked for me

Years ago i spent an entire 9 months at school. Busted my ass in the gym, ate properly, yet the scale didnt move. When i came home all my freinds couldnt believe how much bigger i looked.
A 10 pound difference in a month, you should see something when you look in the mirror. Forget the scale. What do you see? If your friends are saying you look bigger. Maybe you are leaner therefore looking bigger with leaner muscle.
A 10 pound difference in a month, you should see something when you look in the mirror. Forget the scale. What do you see? If your friends are saying you look bigger. Maybe you are leaner therefore looking bigger with leaner muscle.

Agreed. Do you look more vascular?

The mirror test is much less stressful than the scale!
I determine my results with a scale very seldom.

In most cases, I use the mirror and the weight/reps I can do.
Thanks for the replys guys I guess the scale thing is a bad idea, anyone wanna buy a nice glass scale????? but as far as overtraining I really dont think thats it due to the fact my arms,and chest have gotten much bigger in the past few mths , I'll try upping the cals to see what happens! Thanks again guys :headbang:
Increasing calories will put weight on. Maybe you need a little more fats/carbs in there if you are trying to gain.

Try adding in an extra protein shake with a couple of meals, or, try eating during the night, or add a sweet potato in there somewhere. Big A lined it out good in the beginners section. He said to try and get 500 grams of protein in per day, which is 2000 calories in itself!!! He said the easiest way to accomplish this is to add a protein shake to all your meals! Be warned, your toilet and colon will pay the price for this!!:eek:

Start out with simple tweaks and add more/back off as needed.

I am not saying you will stay ripped this way but the only way I get bigger is by eating bigger. It's just simple physics. In my case, I can't stay that light without eating that light but that is me. I've never had any difficulty putting on mass except for my time in the USMC. Too much running/cardio made it hard to keep a lot of muscle. I had to work my ass off to get to 192 back then!

Im no expert but I did use to be at that weight, now I am at 240 and stronger than ever. Diet is THE biggest factor in putting on weight or losing weight. That is a NO brainer!

Good luck!
If im reading this right... your saying that people are telling you that you look bigger.... but your losing weight? Doest sound too bad to me ...

I think its better to look like you weight more than you actually do........ then to be heavier than you actually look.

but also on any given time a day you can easily weigh plus or minus five pounds ...
Im 42 and went through a similar problem in the past. Take a week off. Add more healthy fats and rededicate to getting stronger! Weight will come. Good Luck.
If im reading this right... your saying that people are telling you that you look bigger.... but your losing weight? Doest sound too bad to me ...

I think its better to look like you weight more than you actually do........ then to be heavier than you actually look.

but also on any given time a day you can easily weigh plus or minus five pounds ...


It's only 10lbs....Being leaner will make you look bigger....That's a good thing!!!
:banghead: well last night before bed I hopped on the scale to get an idea of my bodyweight and to my suprise it was a wopping 179.9lbs WTF I have been busting my ass in the weight room, eating 6-7 meals a day and I'm losing weight . Nothing has changed as far as supps,diet,training so what gives??? last mth my weight was 190lbs... My wife and the guys I work with say I look bigger but how can it be????:banghead: As far as my BF I have no idea but I have visiable abs and have had then for the past year so I know thats not it (losing BF) HELP!!!!!!!!!!!:banghead:

You need to adjust your food ratios...sounds like you need more complex carbs for sure,,,bump up your protein and good fats as well.
well.......an easy solution would be to stay off the scale

the scale is NOT your friend in this game



yeah bro it helps me not to go on a scale for long peroids of time helps.

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