I was a partner in a supplement sales company years ago. One key to internet sales is to remember that, unfortunately its the adverstising copy/endorsements, and purported (often exaggerated) benefits that sell the product.
To gain traction you are going to need your website designed for Search Engine Optimization. This is going to be difficult because you are competing with a lot of companies nationally rather than just your local area and they all are using SEO some using "Blackhat" SEO techniques that may get you banned from google search.
Even with SEO optimization expect it to take a year or so to get a "good" placing in organic search engine results. Learning "adwords" and paid advertising on Google can be a way to get customers. Some of the most successful operators actually lose money on the the first sale to a customer. The cost of advertising and product is more than the net profit of the sale. The key is the "value" of the customer. How much is the average customer worth to you over a year? You have your followup emails and offers ready. Of course this takes cash to support. But I will tell you this. As soon as you get an ad that returns $1 dollar of profit, you can build your business greatly but expanding the number of ads.
Consider hiring professional copyrighters for your products.
Also I had my products made in a lab that produced for many other companies. I paid more because I had small runs (1000 bottles at a time) but almost everything I had cost between $3 and $5 including product and packaging with our own label.
My old partners still have one or two products we designed at most GNC stores.
http://www.dcaruso.qhealthzone.com, but i also sell over 1 million other products like household cleaners, detergents, paper towels, clothes, and i am partners with nike, barnes and noble, circuit city, etc....i am looking to expand my e-commerce business and could help ya out if you are interested, check out the products and try some and let me know if you'd like more info.
[email protected]