I agree that it is ridiculous. You get nothing for being "right".. I have found in my life that it is better to just let people be "right". I suppose they get validation in their own mind of being "right".
You are 199% right.
It seems like many posts just to look smart.
Like the "any medical people? help?" thread.
That one is full of what you are referring to.
PS: there is a difference in being "right" or "correct"
I'm "owned" everyday by my wife (take that however you will fellas, you can't be wrong). I'm just not into getting "owned" besides that. Hmmmm.....just had a second thought, can't write it down, wife might use her secret woman powers to find out and then "own" me some more (let's just say it did involve a couple of other ladies...) Mentality is that of someone who is feeling inferior or immature or has a freakish amount of stress they let out on others in an imbecilic way because that's the only way they know how to manage their anxious feelings and/or they think they're cool. Further thought, they've got no friends and hate everybody or.....they're just douches. YTMVFM (your thoughts may vary from mine).