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PapaPump's CJC-1294/GHRP-6 Study


New member
May 18, 2008
EDIT: LOL, I incorrectly spelled the title of my thread!!! Classic. *sigh*

Hey fellas, I'm a transplant from AM. I had a log going there, but since Dat has permanently settled himself in around here, I thought I'd follow because his thread/topic of study is what interests me the most! Oh, and I'm sure he misses giving me $hit! :p

In a nutshell, my study involved CJC-1295 at 100mcg 3x ED and GHRP-6 300mcg 3x ED. After a while (several weeks I'd say), terrible headaches were experienced, along with water bloat. To try to minimize sides, a 2x ED dosing scheme was implemented, and eventually GHRP-6 was down-dosed to 100-200mcg 2x ED. Hawthorn Berry (~2g) ED was admined to combat headaches which were evident even at 2x ED dosing. Yes, BP would get significantly elevated and I believe that to be the cause of splitting headaches. After BP was under control, headaches were infrequent and subdued. Achy hands and feet as well as a numbing right thumb and "pointer" finger were part of the fun as well. Workouts suffered due to fatigue and achiness. Libido became suppressed.

T3, 25mcg ED, was admined to try to combat fatigue, achiness, and water retention. It seemed to work somewhat. Later, Epistane (10mg ED) was added to the mix, but it was removed within 2 weeks of use.

After ~three months of sides and a beat down libido, the test subject decided to cessate all use of peptides and hormones to rethink things.

Test subject:
Age: 31
Yrs lifting seriously: 16
Height: 5'7"
Weight: ~218lbs
BF: ~16-18%
Personality: Charming, witty, lovable, a real lady thriller (/end joke)

Blood work was performed and the results are below.

01/16/2009 (Mon.)

Test subject was in a fasting state. At this point the tester was dosing 100mcg CJC-1295 2xED + 100mcg GHRP-6 2xED + 10mg Epistane ED (M-F, Sat & Sun. off). This was the 2nd week of Epistane use.
***After blood work, tester quit all hormone use.

Glucose: 94 74-100 mg/dL
Urea Nitrogen: 15 8-20 mg/dL
Creatinine: 1.02 0.66-1.25 mg/dL
GFR NON AFRICAN: Can't tell (awating Dr's interpretation)
Calcium: 9.9 8.4-10.0 mg/dL
Sodium: 144 133-144 mmol/L
Potassium: 4.3 3.5-5.0 mmol/L
Chloride: 102 98-106 mmol/L
Total CO2: 30 21-30 mmol/L
Testosterone (total): 250 240-950
Urine Appearance: Clear
Urine Color: Yellow
Urine Specific Gravity: 1.010 1.005-1.035
Urine PH: 7.0 5.0-9.0
Urine Total Protein: NEG Low: <30 mg/dLUrine Glucose: NEG
Urine Ketones: NEG
Urine Bilirubin: NEG
Urine Blood: NEG
Nitrites: NEG
Urobilinogen: 0.2 0.1-1.0 EU/dL
Leukocyte Esterase: NEG
Urine Protein: 6 1-14 mg/dL
Creatinine, Urine: 92.3 No reference range given (pending Dr's interpretation)
UP/UCRE Ratio: 0.065 Low: <0.166

The PCP requested an additional battery of tests based on the low test. Please find them below:

Blood draw date: 01/29/2009 (Fri.)
Note: Free testosterone data is pending release.

TESTOSTERONE,TOTAL: 395 (240 to 950)
FSH: 2.3 (NORMALS - MALE 1.6-9.7 MIU/ML)
PM CORTISOL 1.7-14.1 UG/DL) <---was drawn at ~4:30pm

Component Your Value Standard Range
WBC COUNT 6.9 4.0-11.0 K/UL
RBC COUNT 6.15 4.30-5.80 M/UL
HEMOGLOBIN 18.4 13.5-17.5 G/DL
HEMATOCRIT 52.1 40.0-52.0 %
MCV 84.7 80-100 FL
MCH 29.9 26.0-34.0 PG
MCHC 35.3 31-36 G/DL
RDW 12.2 11.5-14.5 %
MPV 10.2 9.3-12.5 FL
GRANULOCYTES 52.7 42-75 %
LYMPHOCYTES 39.9 13-44 %
MONOCYTES 5.4 4.0-12.5 %
BASOPHILS 0.4 0-2 %
ABS MONOCYTES 0.4 0.3-1.2 K/UL


Test subject's libido has not bounced back fully yet. Pending physician's test interpretations and recommendations.
Last edited:
hey at least total T went up, thats good right? its a progress.

i guess they didnt care to look at free T?

some studies showed using T3 increased SHBG like hand in hand. I know you are trying to clear out your system but once things start to look normal, 'maybe' divanex from nutra?

why did you choose p5p over cabergoline?

curious to hear what your doc wants to do next, do you think he is competent?

also ive seen you post and dat's post saying 100mcg is the saturating dose, so 300mcg 3x day was before you found that out? 100mcg saturation dose was a recent news for me too,,,i gotta keep up with dat's posts

i got questions baby!
hey at least total T went up, thats good right? its a progress.

i guess they didnt care to look at free T?
I'm waiting on the lab result....I will post it when my doc releases it.

some studies showed using T3 increased SHBG like hand in hand. I know you are trying to clear out your system but once things start to look normal, 'maybe' divanex from nutra?
Sorry, I don't follow. What does divanex do? How does it relate to T3? I'm asuming it decreases SHBG?

why did you choose p5p over cabergoline? Caber is hardcore...I don't need anything that intense. p5p is cheap and has had good feedback. I tried getting bulk 1-carboyx, but the e-store was sold out. L-dopa is another good option if you think you're experiencing prolactin sides (thanks Dat for that recommendation).

curious to hear what your doc wants to do next, do you think he is competent? He's a new doc fresh out of residency I believe. He's younger (obviouisly), and I just started seeing him. We'll see how he is!
also ive seen you post and dat's post saying 100mcg is the saturating dose, so 300mcg 3x day was before you found that out? 100mcg saturation dose was a recent news for me too,,,i gotta keep up with dat's posts

Hmm.....I started at 300mcg 3x ED right when I started studying Dat's info. I am not sure if I knew that 100mcg was the sat. dose ( I don't believe I did.). Will I run 300mcg again? No. I will prob. start at 50mcg 3x ED then maybe work my way up to 100mcg 3x ED.

i got questions baby!

I got answers! ;)
Do you have any prior testosterone/lab work

WG, unfortunately previous testosterone data does not. Libido is typically through the roof though. Often times the libido was a hindrance to personal & work life because it was so distracting. So the current weak libido is very unusual, frustrating, and just a bummer.

Lab tests from late 2007 (blood/urine labs) are available, but no testosterone.
thanks for the answers man

yeah i was just assuming if they had free T and it was low where total T was high then it may mean high SHBG and i figured that you didnt want hardcore supps to add, thats why i suggested divanyl if SHBG was high instead of lets say proviron.

will be watching for updates
Papa...have you stopped the T-3? What has happened w/ your body weight? Libido back? Geez, I gotta follow you guys around, huh?
Papa...have you stopped the T-3? What has happened w/ your body weight? Libido back? Geez, I gotta follow you guys around, huh?

:) T3 has been suspended. Body weight was 219lbs yesterday. WTH!? The g/f said she's noticed weight loss too. Libidio is still subpar.
Ever tried the PT 141?

BigTex, PT 141 has not been researched yet. The goal is to learn to use CJC-1295 & GHRP-6 1st, before adding in additional research chems.

Thank you for the heads-up though. ;)
BigTex, PT 141 has not been researched yet. The goal is to learn to use CJC-1295 & GHRP-6 1st, before adding in additional research chems.

Thank you for the heads-up though. ;)

I have been reading that 500 - 750mcg was better tnan viagra or cialas. I'm going to give it a try in a few days so i will let you know.
I have been reading that 500 - 750mcg was better tnan viagra or cialas. I'm going to give it a try in a few days so i will let you know.

Well, I'm not sure ED is the underlying issue here. In fact, I know it's not. The urge to act on what you see is missing. I have morning wood but that doesn't mean that will translate into anything actionable with the misses.

Thanks for chiming in BT! Please keep us up-to-date.

You mention that this new ED drug/research chem is better than viagra or cialis. Why do you think you need something better? How is it "better"?


Well, I'm not sure ED is the underlying issue here. In fact, I know it's not. The urge to act on what you see is missing. I have morning wood but that doesn't mean that will translate into anything actionable with the misses.

Thanks for chiming in BT! Please keep us up-to-date.

You mention that this new ED drug/research chem is better than viagra or cialis. Why do you think you need something better? How is it "better"?



Even though it (bremelanotide) has worked for ED, they claim it also acts on the central nervous system rather than directly on the vascular system to increase libido. Even in women there was report of a significant increase in sexual desire and in genital arousal after receiving PT-141, compared to placebo. I was reading a lot of postings to a group I found through a google search and the people doing logs made claims that it was better that viagra and cialas.
**broken link removed**

**broken link removed**
**broken link removed**

was curious too and 30mg was only $35 so I have a bottle on the way with my CJC 1295 and GHRP-6


so do you believe this is a rare case ? have you heard of others with similar problems following similar protocol?


so do you believe this is a rare case ? have you heard of others with similar problems following similar protocol?

Ya, I think I'm the anomoly here. I have not read of anyone else doing the CJC 100mcg 3x E and GHRP-6 300mcg 3x ED. Could there be others? Of course. Pumberton from AM may have been doing that too actually, but I have not heard from him in a while.
Papa- If you recall I was on the same protocol for almost the same amount of time...I have also since stopped, due to water weight and BP issues, but will def. resume in the near future. Like you I put on massive weight and although have been on CTK and ECA, I am still maintaining my body weight ?
Papa- If you recall I was on the same protocol for almost the same amount of time...I have also since stopped, due to water weight and BP issues, but will def. resume in the near future. Like you I put on massive weight and although have been on CTK and ECA, I am still maintaining my body weight ?

Ah yes, thank you for correcting me! I have not seen any new CJC/GHRP logs on AM so I forgot.

dis, I think you may have better luck w/the peps if you dose GHRP-6 at 100mcg 3x ED MAX (preferably 30-50mcg starting out).

You may also want to play around w/your CJC dosing as well.

Have you experienced any libido issues?
WG, unfortunately previous testosterone data does not. Libido is typically through the roof though. Often times the libido was a hindrance to personal & work life because it was so distracting. So the current weak libido is very unusual, frustrating, and just a bummer.

Lab tests from late 2007 (blood/urine labs) are available, but no testosterone.

The reason I ask is that your first set of labs, just after the trial run, had you at practically boderline hypogonadal.

I wouldn't think the protocol would illicit shutdown, even if overdosed/over saturated(as you probably were).

Looks as though you are bouncing back, so its not something permanent.

If you say your libido was very high, almost at a hinderance, I would expect a T level to rise to above 700 given those ranges though.

But hey, I'm still learning too. I'm letting you all be the lab rats(or, preferably, mice, LOL) before I jump in.
Ah yes, thank you for correcting me! I have not seen any new CJC/GHRP logs on AM so I forgot.

dis, I think you may have better luck w/the peps if you dose GHRP-6 at 100mcg 3x ED MAX (preferably 30-50mcg starting out).

You may also want to play around w/your CJC dosing as well.

Have you experienced any libido issues?

I remember seeing your log on another board about the BP issues. You said you took a herb called hawthorn berry. How much did you take? I am presently on BP medication and would love to get off of it if this stuff will work. I have read a few studies that lead me to believe that it will so I have ordered a bottle of 100 (550mgs). They are certainly cheaper than the TARKA I have to take on a daily basis.
The reason I ask is that your first set of labs, just after the trial run, had you at practically boderline hypogonadal.

I wouldn't think the protocol would illicit shutdown, even if overdosed/over saturated(as you probably were).

Looks as though you are bouncing back, so its not something permanent.

If you say your libido was very high, almost at a hinderance, I would expect a T level to rise to above 700 given those ranges though.

But hey, I'm still learning too. I'm letting you all be the lab rats(or, preferably, mice, LOL) before I jump in.

WG, I am bouncing back it seems, but slowly. In fact, more slowly that over my Xmas break. I still have not received my free testosterone lab test from my doctor yet, but when I get it I"ll post it.

Yes, I was definitely dosing GHRP-6 at a level that would be considered "high" (too high?). I have been reviewing endocrine content to see if I can shed some light on why CJC + GHRP may lead to shut down. Maybe it doesn't. Maybe the research chems are bunk. Who knows. What I do know is that I need to better understand the relationship(s) among GH, LH, FSH, Test, TSH/Thyroid, IGF-1, SHBP, etc.

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