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Phil vs Kai


New member
Jul 17, 2005
I showed 4 friends (that do not follow bodybuilding at all) a picture of Kai and Phil standing next to each other onstage last night, and all 4 picked Kai as the winner. I don’t have a problem with Phil winning. I just that my impromptu poll results were interesting.
mmm im going that is because kai should have one, but like usual, phil is the current poster boy for the IFBB so naturally he won. Not gonna build that much hype behind him just to shut him down. kinda like buying a race horse and shooting it in the leg.
One things for sure

after what I've seen Phil is not untouchable. Kai was right there with him. I'm not so sure we'll have a champ like Ronnie C was where you could tell no one stood a chance at most of his Mr. O's Yeah Jay was close in a couple but if I'm correct there was quite a few where no one stood a chance. He was untouchable. Phil I don't think can get that way.
I showed 4 friends (that do not follow bodybuilding at all) a picture of Kai and Phil standing next to each other onstage last night, and all 4 picked Kai as the winner. I don’t have a problem with Phil winning. I just that my impromptu poll results were interesting.

Well then I guess its a good thing that the opinions of people who know nothing about bodybuilding are meaningless. In your defense Aceto said he had Kai but honestly no idea what you guys are looking at. Phil won by 14 points. This was not even a close contest. Yet you have people who know nothing about bodybuilding, and at least one who does know bodybuilding, claiming it was a close contest? That's fantasy, the reality is Phil was never even remotely close to being beaten by Kai. Kai won one pose, maybe two if you want to be generous. That's not enough to win a bodybuilding contest on any level, much less to unseat a reigning Olympia champ.

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Well then I guess its a good thing that the opinions of people who know nothing about bodybuilding are meaningless. In your defense Aceto said he had Kai but honestly no idea what you guys are looking at. Phil won by 14 points. This was not even a close contest. Yet you have people who know nothing about bodybuilding, and at least one who does know bodybuilding, claiming it was a close contest? That's fantasy, the reality is Phil was never even remotely close to being beaten by Kai. Kai won one pose, maybe two if you want to be generous. That's not enough to win a bodybuilding contest on any level, much less to unseat a reigning Olympia champ.


Bodybuilding is all about opinions. Some people think Dorian and Ronnie were trash, others loved their physique. There is no right or wrong when it comes to bodybuilding, only difference of opinions
If Phil came in the same condition as last year this wouldn't even be a question, he would have blown away all comp.... It will be very interesting next year though with this top three... I'm liking my man Rhoden tho!
I thought Kai was harder and more shapely but Phil was the bigger man in some of the mandatory poses and Phils back in my opinion stood up to Kai's.
Bodybuilding is all about opinions. Some people think Dorian and Ronnie were trash, others loved their physique. There is no right or wrong when it comes to bodybuilding, only difference of opinions

Yeah, whatever bro. If fantasy is something you're in to then go for it. None of those opinions mean shit. Completely useless. This was a 14 point victory by a reigning Mr O, it was never even close. That's the reality. And I've been doing this shit for 25 years so I think I am quite aware of the variance in people's opinions so you might as well tell me water is wet than post what you did. There is right or wrong when it comes to bodybuilding. Opinions and preferneces can come into play in a close contest granted, but not in a 14 point victory at the O. That is completely fucking delusional.

If Phil came in the same condition as last year this wouldn't even be a question, he would have blown away all comp

that hits the nail on the head. phil did not come in his freaky conditioning. he tried to turn it into a big man's game like coleman turned and he's just not gnarly huge like him. phil has awesome genetics but is not a mass monster like Dennis James, Ronnie, or Markus and it seems thats the game he tried to play.
Personally, Phil sold me on his back. Although a little smaller, he was more defined imo
Kai looked like he could be on the same level watching him solo but once they put him next to Phil pose down it wasn't that close. Phil was still better. Next years Mr. O will be crazy if Kai, Phil, and Jay come in point on...
I didn't think it was close. Phil just has a better package. Plus, he's a great spokesman for the sport.

And its the fact you mentioned the second trait [spokesman] which is significant. Where it is factual or not there is a perception out there that this matters and could effect on stage results. Sad or not its true and not just at the O
And its the fact you mentioned the second trait [spokesman] which is significant. Where it is factual or not there is a perception out there that this matters and could effect on stage results. Sad or not its true and not just at the O


Like it or not, truth is Phil is the good looking, light skinned brother who will represent bodybuilding in a good light (much like Jay was the blonde blue eyed boy!)

Where as Kai is more your raw, Buster Rhymes type brother that probly doesnt fit with what the Weider corp want to represent!!!

Like it or not, truth is Phil is the good looking, light skinned brother who will represent bodybuilding in a good light (much like Jay was the blonde blue eyed boy!)

Where as Kai is more your raw, Buster Rhymes type brother that probly doesnt fit with what the Weider corp want to represent!!!

LOL. I was thinking the same exact thing. Kai does sort of look like Busta.
like anything in life all you can do is go out and give a 100% and when you get the results be happy knowing you worked your ass off and did the best you could.

haters are gunna hate, politics are in every sport. It is a part of the game especially in bb it seems. I mean i get it, but the thing is that i honestly never ever ever see bbing being something main stream. No matter if they had a brad pit looking mother fucker up there with the IQ of albert Einstein its just not going to happen. thats why i dont understand why there is any politics in bbing just my .02

Think about the lifestyle of this sport. People think we are all bat shit crazy. but fuck em. Hell i have never been to the olympia but i plan on going. but not if it gets so mainstream that tickets get as expensive as the super bowl! lol. I think the sport is in a good place. I like watching these new comers compete against people they idolized in their young bber career. it has to be fun for them.

Like it or not, truth is Phil is the good looking, light skinned brother who will represent bodybuilding in a good light (much like Jay was the blonde blue eyed boy!)

Where as Kai is more your raw, Buster Rhymes type brother that probly doesnt fit with what the Weider corp want to represent!!!

then what about Ronnie? He doesn't fit into that category of Good looking, light skinned brother? Plus, he's not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Yeah, whatever bro. If fantasy is something you're in to then go for it. None of those opinions mean shit. Completely useless. This was a 14 point victory by a reigning Mr O, it was never even close. That's the reality. And I've been doing this shit for 25 years so I think I am quite aware of the variance in people's opinions so you might as well tell me water is wet than post what you did. There is right or wrong when it comes to bodybuilding. Opinions and preferneces can come into play in a close contest granted, but not in a 14 point victory at the O. That is completely fucking delusional.

Wow Rex I'll be sure to be pming you anytime I need to post somethign of my opinion on here. I want to make sure it's to your approval you God you. :D
Bodybuilding is all about opinions. Some people think Dorian and Ronnie were trash, others loved their physique. There is no right or wrong when it comes to bodybuilding, only difference of opinions


I am a man of facts RIGHT OR WRONG TYPE OF DEAL..

As Bodybuilding is a sport there should be guidlines to award placings...

Just like all other sports you cant contest a 5-4 win ? its in stone

They should devise something more official

Like it or not, truth is Phil is the good looking, light skinned brother who will represent bodybuilding in a good light (much like Jay was the blonde blue eyed boy!)

Where as Kai is more your raw, Buster Rhymes type brother that probly doesnt fit with what the Weider corp want to represent!!!

What complete bullshit :banghead:

Haney and Coleman both won the O for pretty much a decade each! Neither of them are blue eyed :rolleyes:

Kai should have won this show the only pose Phil had him on was MM.

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