Mr Pickels
a lot of you have seen these by now.... taken for the UG's contest
befores were Dec. 3rd, i was 238 there
i got up to 243 then i started to diet on Jan 1st..
the afters were yesterday at 227ish...
i'm 5'11'' 6ft ish.... around there
got some thickening up to do... i'd like to be as lean as i am in the afters but 250 neighborhood.... 225 is nowhere big enough for me
comments/critiques welcome
i know i need more shoulders, tris and a thicker chest.... those have always been stubborn for me.... back and bis i'm pretty happy with... just a little symetry issues....
befores were Dec. 3rd, i was 238 there
i got up to 243 then i started to diet on Jan 1st..
the afters were yesterday at 227ish...
i'm 5'11'' 6ft ish.... around there
got some thickening up to do... i'd like to be as lean as i am in the afters but 250 neighborhood.... 225 is nowhere big enough for me
comments/critiques welcome
i know i need more shoulders, tris and a thicker chest.... those have always been stubborn for me.... back and bis i'm pretty happy with... just a little symetry issues....
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