Cheque drops are also more liver toxic than halo. (I read somewhere)
As far as working on a female, yes it would. The way it works on sexdrive is increased dopamine receptor activation. The reward neurotransmitter, it also can cause dopamine related sides like drug seeking aggression ect, that's why you need to taper it.
I would not slip it into your girls orange juice b/c even at 1mg it would increase her sexdrive but at the same time make her feel kind of sick ect. Anytime you screw with neurotransmitters it makes you feel just plain weird until you get used to them.
The effect of this drug and a combination of alcohol would be a curious thing to behold. Alcohol starts by screwing with GABA in your brain calming the CNS, then as time goes by and dosage increases it starts to hit the dopamine receptor, thats why people start out fine even really drunk but as the night wears on tend to become violent/agressive. With the addition of mriapex I would be interested to see how alcohol would mix with it. Could be a disaster right off the bat.
ResearchStop, does this Antagonist work as an agonist in any way to natural dopamine?